2018高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 unit4 earthquakes 课件 新人教版必修1

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2018高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 unit4 earthquakes 课件 新人教版必修1_第1页
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1、1_(vi.) 爆裂; 爆发 (n.) 突然破裂; 爆发 2_(n.) 事件; 大事; 比赛项目 3_(n.) 废墟; 毁灭 (vt.) 毁灭; 使破产 4_(vt.) 破坏; 毁坏; 消灭 5_(vt.)&(vi.) (使)震惊; 震动 (n.) 休克; 打击; 震惊 6_(n.)&(vt.) 援救; 营救,burst,event,ruin,destroy,shock,rescue,7_(vt.) 使陷入困境 (n.) 陷阱; 困境 8_(n.) 灾难; 灾祸 9_(vt.) 表示; 表达 (n.) 快车; 速递 10_(n.) 掩蔽; 掩蔽处; 避身处 11_(vt.) 埋葬; 掩埋; 隐

2、藏 12_(n.)&(vt.) 损失; 损害 13_(adj.)极度的_(adv.)极度地 14_(n.)裁判员; 法官(vt.)断定; 判断; 判决_(n.)意见; 判断力; 审判,trap,disaster,express,shelter,bury,damage,extreme,extremely,judge,judgment,15_(vt.)损害; 伤害_(n.)伤害; 损害_(adj.)受伤的 16_(n.)电; 电流; 电学_(adj.)用电的; 带电的_(adj.)与电有关的; 电学的 17_(vt.)使惊吓; 吓唬_(adj.)受惊的; 受恐吓的_(adj.)令人恐惧的 18_(

3、n.)祝贺; (pl.)贺词_(vt.)祝贺,injure,injury,injured,electricity,electric,electrical,frighten,frightened,frightening,congratulation,congratulate,frightened,frightening,Judging,judgement,judge,judge,injured,injuries,injured,congratulate,congratulations,1_ 立刻; 马上 2_ 好像; 仿佛 3_ 结束; 终结 4_ 严重受损; 破败不堪 5_ 掘出; 发现 6_

4、 许多; 大量的 7_ 切断 8_ 陷入 9_ 埋头于 10_ 从判断,right away,as if,at an end,in ruins,dig out,a (great) number of,cut off,be trapped in,be buried in,judge from,cut off,as if,at an end,buried in ruins,Judging from,a number of,right away,are too busy to,It seemed as if,Everywhere the young singer appears,Not all bo

5、dy language,rose,smelly,as,an,across,ruins,shook,which,would last,survivors,who,2Nowadays almost everyone prefers to use a smart mobile phone _ functions are more practical. 3The Great Wall is the place _ almost all tourists would like to visit when they come to Beijing. 4I want to thank my friend J

6、ohn, without _ help, I wouldnt have been saved. 5Hes not the kind of man _ would go back on his words.,whose,that/which,whose,who,burst into laughter,burst out laughing,injury,injured,injured,my left foot was injured in the football game,destroyed,damaged,ruins,was buried in his book,buried himself

7、in his book,Burying himself in his book,Buried in his book,be judged,Judging,By the end of,came to an end,ended up,at an end,was ruined,are spent,have been piped,keeps,With the number of English learners on the rise,cant be too careful,is too young to join,2. (教材P26)It seemed as if the world was at an end! 仿佛到了世界末日!,were,is going to rain,to say,looking,hurt badly,3. (教材P26)All hope was not lost. 不是所有的希望都破灭了。,all of them arent,Not both of,


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