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1、.三年级下册英语期中复习题一写出下列单词的小写形式并写出汉语意思。 1.SCHOOL 2.DAUGHTER 3.EIGHT 4.MOTHER 5.FIVE6.STORYBOOK 7.TWELVE 8.BROTHER 9.CHAIR10.TEXTBOOK二找出下列单词中不同类的一项( )1. A.one B.seven C.first D. ten ( )2A.brother father uncle aunt( )3.notebook B.exercise book C. English book ( )4.A.mango B.grapes C.apple D.bread ( )5.A.mon

2、key B.mouse C.desk D. rabbit 三选择题( )1.新学期开始了,你回到学校又见到你的同学你说A. Whats your name? B. Glad to see you again. c. Lets go to school.( )2.你想你的同学炫耀你的东西,你说A. oh, good!B. Can I see it? C.I have a new notebook. ( )3.当别人想看看你的新故事书时,你说A. Sure. Here you are. B. Thank you. C. Hello! ( )4._ in my bag ?A. What B. Wha

3、ts C. Whos ( )5.This is _ exercise book. A. a B. an C. the ( )6.Whats_ the chair? A. in B. on C.for ( )7.Im _ Class One.A. to B. on C. in ( )8.Pleased to meet you. -_.A.Hello, too. B. Pleased to meet you ,too.C. Good! ( )9.Whats _ name?A. you B. your C. I ( )10._are you?A. Whats B. How C.How old ( )

4、11.-_? -Its nine oclock.A.What time is it? B. How are you ? C. Good night! ( )12.Whos this?-_.A. Thats my mother. B. This is a book. C.This is xiaoming. ( )13.-_that man?A. who B.Whats C. Whos ( )14._ my aunt.A. That B. This C. That is ( )15.Whos that man? _ my father. A. That B. Hes C.Shes 四改错. 圈出错

5、误并改正。 1.What time are it? 2.Let is go to school.3.I have an new English book. 4.Im in class One . 5.What in your hand? 五 连词成句。1Lets school to go ._ 2.you are here ._ 3.am I in Class Two Grade Three_ 4.is my that aunt._ 5.old are how you ?_ 六情景交际。把序号填在对话中A:Hello, Kate! Nice to see you _.B: Hi, GaoWei

6、! _to see you again. A: What class are you in ?B: Im _ Class One. What about you? A: Im in Class Two. B: _ are you? A: Im nine. And you? B: Me too.A: _in your hand? B: Guess.A: A candy? A crayon?B: No. Look! Its _ family photo(全家福). A: Can I see _? B:_ _.Here you are. A: Whos this man? B: Hes my _. A: _that woman? B: Shes my mother.1.Whos 2.How old 3.Whats 4.again 5.my 6.father 7.in 8.Glad 9.it 10.Sure七默写出26个英文字母_.



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