优质课堂2017-2018学年八年级英语下册 unit 5 what were you doing when the yainstorm came section b课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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《优质课堂2017-2018学年八年级英语下册 unit 5 what were you doing when the yainstorm came section b课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《优质课堂2017-2018学年八年级英语下册 unit 5 what were you doing when the yainstorm came section b课件 (新版)人教新目标版(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section B & Self Check,自 主 预 习,Section B & Self Check,at first,in silence,take down,前往;费力地前进,在那时,记得做过某事,Section B & Self Check,what,they,were,doing,was,killed,who,killed,him,what,they,were,doing,互 动 探 究,词汇点睛,Section B & Self Check,1 realize n. 理解;领会;意识到 观察 Kate realized her bag was still at home. 凯特

2、意识到她的包还在家里。 拓展 realize还有“实现;完成”之意。如: He finally realized his dream of becoming an actor. 最终,他当演员的梦想实现了。,Section B & Self Check,活学活用 I soon _ (意识到) that it was my fault.,realized,Section B & Self Check,2 silence n. 沉默;无声 观察 My parents did not talk after that, and we finished the rest of our dinner in

3、 silence. 我的父母在那之后没有讲话,我们在沉默中吃完了我们剩余的饭。 探究 silence作名词,意为“沉默;无声”,常构成in silence短语,该短语意为“沉默地;无声地”。 拓展,Section B & Self Check,活学活用 Our teacher went out of the classroom _ (silence),in silence,Section B & Self Check,3 truth n. 实情;事实 观察 Kate didnt think her friend was telling the truth about the event. 凯特

4、觉得她的朋友没有说出那件事情的真相。 探究 truth作名词,意为“实情;事实”。tell the truth意为“说出真相”。 拓展 truth的同根词有:true adj. 真实的;真正的 truly adv. 真实地;真正地,Section B & Self Check,活学活用 2013兰州 To tell the _ (true), I dont like the drinks in that caf.,truth,Section B & Self Check,短语归纳,1 make ones way 前往;费力地前进 观察 Kate was still making her way

5、 to school. 凯特仍然正在去学校的路上。 探究 “make ones way to地点”相当于“be on ones way to地点”,其中的ones用形容词性物主代词。当“地点”是home, here, there等副词时,前面的介词to要省略。,Section B & Self Check,活学活用 玛丽正在回家的路上。 Mary is _ _ _ home.,on/making,her,way,Section B & Self Check,2 take down 拆除;摧毁 观察 More recently, most Americans remember what they

6、 were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists. 最近,绝大多数美国人都记得当纽约世界贸易中心被恐怖分子摧毁时他们在做什么。 拓展 take down还有如下含义:,Section B & Self Check,Section B & Self Check,活学活用 那座破旧的建筑物被拆除了。 The old building was _ _.,taken,down,Section B & Self Check,3 at first 首先;最初 观察 I didnt believe

7、 him at first, but then I looked out the window and realized that it was true. 我最初不相信他,但之后我朝窗外望去,意识到这是真的。 探究 at first是固定搭配,意为“首先;最初”,反义短语:at last 最后;终于。,Section B & Self Check,活学活用 _we didnt realize the severity of her wounds. A. As usual B. At first C. After all D. So far 解析 B 四个选项的含义分别是:as usual像往

8、常一样; at first首先; after all毕竟; so far到目前为止。句意:起初,我们并没有意识到她的伤口的严重性。故at first符合题意。,Section B & Self Check,句型透视,1 People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history. 人们通常记得当他们听到历史上的重大事件时正在干什么。 探究本句结构较为复杂,首先,它是含有让步状语从句的复合句,其中although 引导让步状语从句;从句中的“who kille

9、d him”和主句中的“what they were doing”都是宾语从句;“when they heard the news”是when引导的时间状语从句。如:,Section B & Self Check,Although we look different, we are both attractive. 尽管我俩相貌不同,但都讨人喜欢。 I really cant remember what you said last night. 我确实不记得你昨天晚上说了什么。,Section B & Self Check,活学活用 (1)虽然这种药很苦,但我还是不得不吃。 _ the med

10、icine is bitter, I still have to take it. (2)我不知道他昨天晚上去哪里了。 I dont know _ _ _ last night.,Although/Though,where,he,went,Section B & Self Check,Not everyone will remember who killed him 并非每个人都会记得谁杀害了他 探究 否定词not与all, both, every, everyone, everything, each, always等词连用时,表示“部分否定”,又叫“不完全否定”,即否定其中的一部分,而非全部。表达“全部否定”用none, neither, no one, nobody, nothing等。如: Not all the students like swimming. 并非每个学生都喜欢游泳。 Neither of them went to the library yesterday. 昨天他们两个都没去图书馆。,Section B & Self Check,活学活用 我们并非都在家里吃早餐。 _ _ of us eat breakfast at home.,Not,all,



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