2018届高考英语总复习 module2 developing and developed countries课件 外研版必修3

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1、Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries,Section 1,高考话题诵读 常考话题旅游与交通() 基础短句 1. I managed to collect some information from the Internet. 我设法从网上收集了一些信息。 2. The information includes the train schedule, hotels and the weather there. 这些信息包括列车时刻表以及那里的宾馆和天气状况。 3. I booked two tickets online. 我从网上订了两张票。,4

2、. I helped them pack into the suitcase what they might need in the following days. 我帮他们把他们随后几天可能用到的东西塞进手提箱。 5. I went to the station to see them off. 我去车站给他们送行。 6. I wished them a happy journey. 我希望他们旅途愉快。,提分长句 1. 用including连接1、2句。 _ 2. 连接3、4句,使其成为含after引导的状语从句的复合句。 _ 3. 使用分词短语连接5、6句。 _,【答案】 1. I ma

3、naged to collect some information from the Internet, including the train schedule, hotels and the weather there. 2. After I had booked two tickets online, I helped them pack into the suitcase what they might need in the following days. 3. I went to the station to see them off, wishing them a happy j

4、ourney.,巧妙衔接(按要求将文章补写完整并背诵) 选用“finally, firstly, at the same time, afterwards”过渡词语衔接成文。 Last weekend, I helped my grandparents prepare their trip to Beidaihe. _, I managed to collect some useful information about this journey from the Internet, including the train schedule from Beijing to Beidaihe,

5、the hotel they will stay in as well as the weather in Beidaihe. _, after I had booked two tickets online, I helped them pack into the suitcase what they might need in the following days.,_, the day coming, I went to the station to see them off, wishing them a happy journey. _, I was glad that I did

6、what I could for my grandparents.,【答案】 Firstly; Afterwards; Finally; At the same time,Section 2,基础知识自测 词汇拓展 1. _ vt. 测定;测量;评估 2. _ n.位置 3. _ n. & vt. 数字;认为;计算 4. _ n. 交换 5. _ n. 发展_ v. 发展_ adj. 发展中的_ adj. 发达的,6. _ vt. 教育;培养;训练_ n. 教育_ adj. 受过教育的,有教养的 7. _ adj. 不幸的;遗憾的_ adv. 不幸地_ adj. 幸运的_ adv. 幸运地_

7、n.运气;财富 8. _ adj. 受到污染的_ vt. 污染_ n. 污染,9. _ n. 收入 10. _ n. 饥饿_ adj. 饥饿的 11. _ n. 贫穷_ adj. 贫穷的 12. _ n. 类似:相似_ adj. 相似的_ adv. 相似地 13. _ adj. 工业的_ n. 工业 14. _ n.娱乐_ vt.使娱乐,款待,自我校对 1. measure 2. position 3. figure 4. exchange 5. development; develop; developing; developed 6. educate; education; educate

8、d 7. unfortunate; unfortunately; fortunate; fortunately; fortune 8. polluted; pollute; pollution 9. income 10. hunger; hungry 11. poverty; poor 12. similarity; similar; similarly 13. industrial; industry 14. entertainment; entertain,语境填词 1. Thousands of people go _ every day. If they dont have enoug

9、h to eat, theyll die of cold and _. (hungry) 2. The regular buses going to the city square are always _. Whenever one such bus stops, a _ of people will _ onto it, thus making it even more _.(crowd) 3. A bit of our generosity might brighten the whole world of the _(不幸的).,4. A jazz band provided the

10、_(娱乐), while people ate and drank under the stars. 5. Our _(目标) for the moment is to try and score points at each race. 6. In the past five years, there has been a _(巨大的) improvement in graduation rates. 7. Im not sure what I would do if I were in your _. 8. Can you tell me what you would give me in

11、 _ for my recorder?,自我校对 1. hungry; hunger 2. crowded; crowd; crowd; crowded 3. unfortunate 4. entertainment 5. goal 6. vast 7. position 8. exchange,短语互译 1. 达到,直到_ 2. 在顶端_ 3. 在底部_ 4. 努力_ 5. 采取措施_ 6. in particular_,7. in the last ten years_ 8. be connected with_ 9. be close to_,自我校对 1. up to 2. at th

12、e top of 3. at the bottom of 4. make an effort 5. take measures 6. 尤其;特别 7. 在最近十年 8. 与有联系;与有关 9. 接近;靠近,句型透视 1. 表示地点的介词短语放在句首引起完全倒装。 From this agreement _ _ _ _ _(诞生了人类发展报告). 仿写:教室前面有些孩子在玩游戏。 In front of the classroom _ _ _ _ _.,2. 表示对比的while连接并列句。 Norway is at the top of the list, _(然而)the US is at

13、number 7. 仿写:我喜欢英语,而他喜欢数学。 I like English, _ _ _ _.,3. 主语+be+adj. +不定式。 However, in the other regions of the world, e.g. Eastern Europe, _ _ _ _ _ _ _(现在大部分水饮用起来是安全的). 仿写:这个问题不容易回答。 _,4. of+抽象名词。 Its an agreement between towns or cities _ _ _ _ _(相似规模和年代的). 仿写:它们大小、颜色相似。 _,5. because引导表语从句。 _ _ _ (这是因为) living with a foreign family for on


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