新版pep小学英语四年级下册unit4-at the farm

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1、Unit 4 At the farm,Lesson 1 Part A Lets learn& Lets chant(P39),What is this?=Whats this? 这是什么? Its a _. 它是一个_。,Lets review:,pear,banana,What is this?=Whats this? 这是什么? Its an _. 它是一个_。,apple,orange,What is this? Its a/an _.,tomato,potato,What is this? Its a/an _.,carrot,green bean,What are these? 这些

2、是什么? They are_. 它们是_。,tomatoes,potatoes,What are these? 这些是什么? They are_. 它们是_。,green beans,carrots,onions,tomatoes 西红柿(复数) green beans 豆角(复数) potatoes 土豆(复数) carrots 胡萝卜(复数) onions 洋葱(复数) these 这些 they 它们(他们,它们),word list:,What are these? 这些是什么? They are_. 它们是_。,Homework:,1. 名校课堂36页,一、二题。 名校课堂37页二、

3、三题。 2. 家庭作业: 预习38页课文Lets talk, 将中文意思写在书上。,Lesson 2 Part A Lets talk& Lets play(P38),1. -What is this ?,-Its an apple.,2.-What are these?,-They are apples. They are red.,1. -What is this ?,-Its a carrot.,2.-What are these?,-They are carrots. They are orange.,They are green.,these(这些) this 这个,根据所给提示创编

4、对话,A: Look at these. Are these _? B: Yes, they are. A: Wow! They are so _. A: What are these? B: Theyre_. A: But they are so_. B: They are tea cup dogs. (茶杯犬),Guess: What are these? They are _.,Guess: What are these? They are_.,选择:,1.Are these carrots? ( ) A:它们很好吃。 2.Look at these ! ( ) B:它们如此大。 3.T

5、hey are so big. ( ) C: 但是它们是黄色的 4.What are these ? ( ) D: 这些是胡萝卜吗? 5.Theyre tomatoes. ( ) E:请看这些。 6.Try some. ( ) F:这些是什么? 7.They are good. ( ) G: 它们是西红柿。 8.But they are yellow. ( ) H: 试吃一些。,D,E,B,F,G,H,A,C,选择:,( )1.What are these? A:Yes they are. ( )2.Is this a tomatoes? B:They are potatoes. ( )3.A

6、re these carrots? C:Yes ,it is. ( )4.How many tomatoes do you have? D:Three.,B,C,A,D,Homework: 背诵本课课文。,Lesson 3 Part A Lets spell(P40),Unit 4 At the farm,Homework: 抄写horse, fork, homework, world map.,Lesson 4 Part B Lets learn& Draw and say(P42),Unit 4 At the farm,Lets review:,What are these? 这些是什么?

7、 They are_. 它们是,dogs,cats,ducks,pigs,Lets chant:,Pigs, pigs. These are pigs. Dogs, dogs. These are dogs. Cats, cats. These are cats. Ducks, ducks. These are ducks.,sheep,new words:,cow,cows,hen,hens,sheep,horse,horses,Lets chant:,Cows, cows. These are cows. Theyre so cute!它们如此可爱! Hens, hens. These a

8、re hens. Theyre so cute! Sheep, sheep. These are sheep. Theyre so cute! Horses, horses. These are horses. Theyre so cute!,Compete to read. Which group can be the best one?比一比,哪个小组读得最好。,Summary: words and sentences,1. cows 奶牛(复数) 2. hens 母鸡(复数) 3. horses 马(复数) 4. sheep 绵羊(单复数同形) 5. cute 可爱的 6. farm 农

9、场 7.These are. 这些是 8. Theyre so cute. 它们如此可爱。 9. Are these .? 这些是吗? Yes,they are. 是的,它们是。 No, they arent. 不,它们不是。,Homework:抄写本课单词和句子。,Lesson 5 Part B Lets talk& Lets play(P41),Unit 4 At the farm,Lets chant:,Cows, cows. These are cows. Theyre so cute!它们如此可爱! Hens, hens. These are hens. Theyre so cute

10、! Sheep, sheep. These are sheep. Theyre so cute! Horses, horses. These are horses. Theyre so cute!,These are_.,This is a sheep.这是一只羊。,That is a horse.那是一匹马。,These are sheep. 这些是绵羊。,_?_ are horses. ? 是马。,this 这,这个,that 那,那个,Think and disguss.想一想,议一议:,What s the differences? 有什么不同?,This is a sheep.,Th

11、at is a sheep.,these 这些,those 那些,These are horses. Those are hens. 这些是马。 那些是母鸡。,Lets chant:,Cows, cows. Those are cows. 那些是奶牛。 Hens, hens. Those are hens. Sheep, sheep. Those are sheep. Horses, horses. Those are horses.,Are those horses?,Yes, they are.,?,Task 1: Fast reading and find out the answers

12、. 快速阅读,回答以下问题。,1. Where is Mike? 2. How many horses are there? 3. How many kinds(种类) of animals(动物) are there?,He is on the farm.,17.,Four. (horse, cow, sheep and duck),Task 2: Read and find out the difficulties. 再读,勾画出不认识的单词和句子,小组交流。,1. have 有 2. a lot of 大量,许多 3. animal 动物 4. Mmm. 嗯(表示思考) 5. What

13、about. 呢?情况如何?(相当于How about),1. What are those? 那些是什么? They are horses. 它们是马。 2. Are they hens? 它们是母鸡吗? Yes, they are. No, they arent. 3. How many horses do you have? 你有多少匹马?,Task 3: Listen and watch. Listen and read. Listen and follow to read. 听,观看 边听边读(小声) 听,并跟读,Task 4: Group work.小组读对话,选择自己喜欢的方式展

14、示。,Exercice:,1. Fill in the blanks. Mike: Wow! You have a lot of _! What are _? Farmer: _horses. Mike: Cool! _horses do you have? Farmer: Mmm. _. Sarah: What _ those? Are _ hens? Farmer: No, _. Theyre ducks.,animals,those,Theyre,How many,Seventeen,are,they,they arent,2. Read and translate. 读一读,译一译。,1. 那些是什么? 2. 它们是马。 3. 它们是母鸡吗? 4. 不,它们不是。,What are those?,They are horses.,Are they hens?,No, they arent.,Summary,1. have 有 2. a lot of 大量,许多 3. animal 动物 4. Mmm. 嗯(表示思考) 5. What about. 呢?情况如何?(相当于How about) 6. What are those?


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