2018-2019学年高中英语《unit 1 cultural relics》period 1课件 新人教版必修2

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1、Cultural relics,Period 1,Cultural relics,Period 1,Reading,Can you give some examples of the cultural relics both at home and abroad?,Do you know what a cultural relic is?,The famous cultural relics in China,Forbidden City,Seventeen arches bridge,The Great Wall in China,Mogao Caves,The Terracotta War

2、riors,The famous cultural relics in the world,Triumphal Arch(凯旋门),TAJ MAHAL(泰姬陵),The Pyramids in Egypt,The Eiffel Tower,Discussion:,Can you tell the value of the cultural relics?,From the cultural relics we can know what people did in the past, and we can know the cultures at that time, and maybe we

3、 can know the technology of making them,In October, 1860, the Yuanmingyuan Park was destroyed by the Anglo-French Joint Forces or the armies of France and Britain.,Destroyed building,Restored building,Rebuilt St Petersburg,In the Amber room there once lived.,Have you ever seen anything made of amber

4、?,Have you ever heard of amber?,Can you imagine what a room made of amber looks like?,Raw,amber,amber,It has a beautiful yellow-brown colour. It feels as hard as stone. It easily melt when heated. Once it is heated, it can be made into any shape.,the Amber Room,It is now missing,Why it is called the

5、 Amber Room?,What happened to the Amber Room?,Do you want to know more about the Amber Room?,Reading,In search of the Amber Room,Read the text once, then put the following statements in right order:,Fredrick William gave the Amber Room to Peter the Great as a gift. The Czar gave Fredrick William 55

6、soldiers. The Amber Room was made for Fredrick . The Russians removed art objects from the Amber Room.,1,6,3,2,More details were added to the rooms design. The Amber Room was taken apart and moved away. A New Amber Room was built. Catherine moved the Amber Room to the palace outside St Petersburg.,5

7、,7,8,4,Paragraph 1,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 3,Paragraph 4,Paragraph 5,Please catch the main idea of each paragraph.,The passage tells the story of the Amber Room in the order of time so that we can clearly know what happened to it.,1st paragraph: the introduction of the Amber Room (The Amber Room had a

8、 strange history and something about its design, color, shape and material.) 2nd paragraph: the gift to the Czar (the history of the Amber Room and its use in Russiathe Czars winter palace and a small reception hall for important visitors.),3rd paragraph: the relocation of the Amber Room in Catherin

9、e time (Catherine had the Amber Roommoved to the palace outside St Petersburg told the artists to add more details to it.),5th paragraph: the rebuilding of the Amber Room (Russia and Germany have built a new Amber Room for the 300th birthday f St Petersburg.),4th paragraph: the missing of the Amber

10、Room (the German Nazi stole the Amber Room secretly during the World War,and what really happen to the Amber Room remain a mystery),tons of amber,the fancy style,gold and jewels,ten years,work of amber art,Read Para.1 and find out the information about the Amber Room,Read Para.2 and answer questions

11、,1. When and why did Frederick William I give the Amber Room to Peter the Great?,2. What did Peter the Great give in return?,3. What did the Amber Room serve as?,In 1716, Frederick William I gave the Amber Room to Peter the Great as a gift of friendship from the Prussian to the Russian people.,Peter

12、 the Great gave 55 best soldiers in return.,It served as a small reception hall for important visitors.,Read Para.3 and answer the question,What did Catherine II do to the Amber Room?,Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to the palace outside St. Petersburg and added more details to its design.,1.

13、In 1941, the two countries Germany and France were at war. 2. The Russians didnt remove the Amber Room but only the furniture and small art objects. 3. The Nazis secretly stole the Amber Room.,T,T,F,Russia,Read Para.4 and tell “T” or “F”,4. 10,000 pieces of the room were put inside 7 wooden boxes an

14、d then put on a train for Konisgberg. After that, what really happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.,T,F,100,000,Read Para.4 and tell “T” or “F”,27,the Russians and Germans,old photos,the old one,the 300th birthday,Read Para.5 and find out the information about new Amber Room,Revision The fac

15、ts of the story:,Amber Room,About the Amber Room,Seven tons, fancy style,How many years to build,Ten years,Why was it made,Palace for Frederick I,William I, friendship,Why given to Russia,Amber Room,What else was used to build the room,Gold and jewels,What given in return,55 best soldiers,What was i

16、t served as?,Reception hall,Amber Room,What Catherine II did,Add more details,What happened in 1941,Nazi took it away,now,rebuilt,Frederick William I,Peter the Great,Frederick I,William I,Czar,Catherine II,Nazi,The clue of the story,The king of Prussia who gave the Amber Room as a gift to Russia was_. A. Frederick I B. Frederick William I C. Peter the Great


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