长江作业2017-2018学年高中英语 第五单元 periodⅲ learning about language课件 新人教版必修2

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1、探究核心知识,Period Learning about Language 第1步识记核心单词 .根据所给词性和汉语提示写出下列单词 1_n加;增加;加法 2_n兴奋;刺激 3_n歌谣;情歌;民谣 【答案】 1.addition 2.excitement 3.ballad,预学语言知识,突破语法专项,第2步掌握高频短语 .根据汉语提示写出下列短语 1_ 过去常常做某事 2_ 实现 3_ 把和连接起来 4_ 除此之外 5_ 依靠某人做某事,6_ 精通,掌握 7_ 分类 【答案】 1.used to do e true 3.connect.with. 4.in addition 5.depend

2、on sb.to do sth. 6.have a good knowledge of 7.sort out,.用以上短语的适当形式填空 1His dream to be a actor _ at last. 2There _ a park here. 3The company provides free service_ 4He _ the papers to be thrown away. 5She _ French. 【答案】 1.came true 2.used to be 3.in addition 4sorted out 5.has a good knowledge of,第3步背

3、诵重点句型 .背诵下列教材中出现的句型,体会黑体部分的用法 Now whenever we go to the pub,we play our songs and buy drinks for the regulars. 现在,无论我们何时去酒吧,我们都为常客演奏歌曲、购买饮料。,1in addition另外;也 They ate a great deal of fruit in addition. 另外,他们还吃了大量的水果。 In addition,Internet technology continues to advance. 另外,因特网技术也在继续发展。,in addition t

4、o 除之外(还有) besides prep. 除之外(还有) adv. 况且,除此之外 except prep. 除之外(不包括除去的部分) apart from 除之外(还有);除之外(不包括除去的部分),She can speak French and Japanese in addition to English. 除英语外,她还会说法语和日语。 There will be five of us for dinner,besides John. 除了约翰,我们还有五个人要一起吃饭。 The restaurant is open every day except Monday. 这家饭店

5、除星期一外,每天都营业。,【名师点津】 in addition的用法 in addition相当于副词besides,作状语,起补充说明的作用。而in addition to为介词短语,相当于介词besides,其后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。,句型转换(每空一词) Every day he had to do a lot of extra exercises besides his homework. Every day he had to do a lot of extra exercises _ _ _ his homework. It was too late.Besides,it b

6、egan to rain. It was too late._ _,it began to rain.,I know nothing about him but his name. I know nothing about him _ his name. 【答案】 in addition to In addition except,2sort out分类;整理;挑出 (教材P37)Sort out the following messages that are mixed up to make complete sentences containing attributive clauses.

7、把下列打乱的信息分类并组成带有定语从句的句子。 It is necessary that he(should) sort out the information for my reference.他有必要整理些资料供我参考。 We must sort out the good apples from the bad ones. 我们必须把好苹果拣出来,同坏的分开。,sort out.from. 从中把区别出来,辨别出来 sort.into 把分类 sort ofkind of 有点儿,稍微(作副词用,修饰其后的形容词和动词) all sorts of. 各种各样的,It took quite

8、a while to sort out our luggage from others.把我们的行李从中挑选出来花了不少时间。 Rubbish can be easily separated and sorted into plastics,glass and paper. 垃圾很容易分开并归入塑料、玻璃和纸三类。,完成句子 我一定要把明天穿的衣服整理好。 I must _ my clothes for tomorrow. 我在工作中和各种各样的人打交道。 In my job,I met with _ people. 依我看来他有几分固执。 In my opinion,he is _ stub

9、born. 【答案】 sort out all sorts of sort of,“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句 一、基本构成 “介词关系代词”引导的定语从句中,常用的介词有in,for,to,with等,关系代词则使用which或whom而不能用that。 The university in which my brother once studied is very famous.,我哥哥曾经就读的大学很有名气。 Do you know the girl to whom our teacher is talking? 你认识正和我们老师说话的那个女孩吗? Eric received trai

10、ning in computer for one year,after which he found a job in a big company. 埃里克接受了为期一年的电脑培训,此后他在一家大公司找到了一份工作。,用“介词关系代词”填空 Our school is very beautiful,_ we are greatly proud. Thank you for your help,_ we couldnt have finished it on time. This is the man _ I learned a lot in my life. 【答案】 of which wit

11、hout which from whom,二、其他构成 1“代词/名词/数词of关系代词”引导的定语从句 当“介词关系代词”前有名词、代词(some,any,none,neither,both,all,most,each,few等)、数词时,可构成由“名词/代词/数词ofwhich/whom”来引导的定语从句。,He planted two trees last year,both of which are growing well. 去年他栽了两棵树,这两棵树都长得很好。 There are sixty students in our class in all,most of whom ar

12、e from villages. 我们班总共有60名学生,他们中的多数都来自农村。,完成句子 Two girls came to see the car,_(她们中没有一个) likes it. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year,_(它们中80%) are sold abroad. 【答案】 neither of whom 80% of which,2“the名词ofwhich/whom”引导的定语从句 该结构可以用来代替“whose名词”,在非正式文体中也可用“ofwhich/whomthe名词。” I

13、 live in a bedroom,the window of which/whose/window/of which the window faces south. 我住在一个窗户朝南的卧室里。,I will talk to those students the homework of whom/whose homework/of whom the homework hasnt been done. 我要和没完成作业的学生谈话。,句型转换 The house,whose windows were damaged,has now been repaired. The house,_ were

14、 damaged,has now been repaired.,The building,the roof of which we can see from here,is a hotel. The building,_ we can see from here,is a hotel. 【答案】 the windows of which/of which the windows whose roof/of which the roof,3“复杂介词关系代词”引导的定语从句 该结构中的复杂介词常用的有because of,in front of,at the back of,as a resul

15、t of等。 He had a bad cold yesterday,because of which he didnt come to school today. 由于他昨天得了重感冒,所以今天他没来学校。 They arrived at a farmhouse,in front of which sat a boy. 他们来到一座农舍,农舍前面坐着一个男孩。,完成句子 There is a great pain in my right foot,_ (因为它) I can only limp along. Sound is a tool _ (通过这种方式) people communicate with each other. 【答案】 because of which by m



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