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1、我带孩子看世界!,LOGO,世界那么大,我想带孩子去看看,LOGO,在教学设计中,不妨通过文本创编、视频引用、图文结合的方式,基于教材内容,扩大语言信息量。,【案例一】在外研版小学英语六年级教材中,有一课是介绍mountain的学习内容,教材文本是Where did you go? How did you go there? What did you do there? 利用阅读文本,创编出来一篇小文章: Huangshan City is a big city. Huangshan is a lovely mountain. Its an interesting mountain,too.

2、My uncle lives at the foot of Huangshan. I went there with my family by train in 1998. I saw many interesting trees and rocks everywhere. We took many beautiful pictures . We ate some stone-frogs. At the middle of the mountain, I saw a sea of clouds. I wanted to swim in that sea. Dear friends, can I

3、 swim in the “sea”?,LOGO,LOGO,增加庐山、阿尔卑斯山、富士山等著名山脉的相关知识学习,让学生通过关键词的提示,对此类山脉有个大概的认识,能懂即可,不要求学生能说能读。,LOGO,但考虑到学生的输出能力,通过表格提炼出核心信息,学生看得懂即可判断选择,这种用以学生的输出表达。此类信息的拓宽,结合了本课话题,统一了语境,增加了学生的信息获取面。 Please read and write down the brief introduction.,LOGO,【案例二】上海一位年轻的教师Angela,五一期间,去周庄旅行,随手拍摄下自己欣赏到的美景、品尝的美食。回程后,将此

4、次旅行日记使用Simple English记录下来,带领孩子共同学习,通过英文阅读,学生随着教师的旅行脚步,也似乎收获了此次的旅行快乐,同时开阔了眼界,增加了语言信息量。 My Happy Day in Zhouzhuang Have you ever visited Zhouzhuang? It is one of the most beautiful Chinese water towns. I had a happy day there on May 7th. The town has many canals. Many people like to call it “Venice of

5、 the East.” I began my Zhouzhuang trip with a boat ride. It was fun to see the old houses and the willow trees on both sides of the canal. Next, I visited Shens House. It is a huge Zhouzhuang home.The Shens were very wealthy in the old days. I left the house and found a place for lunch then. I ate a

6、t a small restaurant by the water. I tried some local fish, vegetables and the famous wansan pigs leg. How delicious! After lunch I enjoyed walking around Zhouzhuangs narrow lanes. I also stopped in some little shops. They sold souvenirs of the water town. I bought a picture of Zhouzhuangs famous Do

7、uble Bridge. What a nice water town! I enjoyed my day there!,LOGO,【案例三】上海牛津教材5B Module 2 Unit 6 Holidays 单元中,某位教师在第二课时的话题设置定为Welcome to Sanya,通过使用三亚美丽风光、三亚风情、三亚蝴蝶谷三段视频作为欣赏,带领孩子通过核心语句的渗透,展开文本学习。 首先通过free talk,来了解学生喜欢的地方,用中国地图来学 词句 in the south of China. 插图2.,LOGO,设计问题给学生利用旧知进行表达性叙说: I usually _on hol

8、idays. Now I want to go to _. I will go there by plane. 这里设计的意图是通过任务型学习对一些旧知的复现,为整个话题打开进行了铺垫。继而引出三亚,先播放视频,后设计问题 What do you know about Sanya? 1.Where is Sanya? 2.Hows the weather in Sanya? 3.What can we see in Sanya? 4.What can we do in Sanya? 5.What can we eat in Sanya?,LOGO,进行一些粗略信息的学习。再对文本进行跟读,使得

9、学生从听过渡到读,语言功能进一步递进。文本设计如下: Sanya is on Hainan Island. It is in the south of China. The sky is blue and the clouds are white there. The weather is nice all year round. There are many wonderful beaches on the island. You can see many beautiful flowers and green trees. You can also see many big stones

10、in Tianyahaijiao.,通过选择题来对核心信息进行训练和check. 1.Sanya is in the_ of China. A.south B.north 2.The weather in Sanya is _ all year round. A.hot B. nice 再由第三个问题 You can see_ in Sanya. A. blue sky B. white clouds C. many beautiful beaches D. many beautiful flowers and green trees E. many big stones 来对三亚的天气、特色

11、、风景等进行交流,进入文本的第二部分学习。,LOGO,Sanya is a great place for families.You can swim under the blue sky and the warm sun.You can enjoy the sunshine and collect shells on the beach. You can eat nice seafood and fruit. You can visit the Sea World.You will love the fish and sea plants there. There is a big butt

12、erfly park in Sanya too.You will see many beautiful butterflies there. 通过填空、划出关键信息等学习后,跟读文本。再用如图的思维导图来连串整个文本信息。,LOGO,通过文本中推进核心词句的学习方式,让学生在话题交流中,领略三亚的美丽风光,同时开拓眼界。课堂中涉及的文本是基于教材内容以及核心词句而增加了语言信息量,一方面使得学生语言学习的递进过程是以文本的面为推动,另一方面是学生所接受输入的语言是大于教材本身信息的。,以上三个案例,是针对风景为话题的教材主题,在教材中,关于环境与风景的话题有 At the beach, At

13、the weekend, Holidays, My summer holiday, Our neighbors, Visiting museums,Great cities in the world,Around my home, At school, At the shop, An outing,My garden,这一类的话题在设计的过程中,都可以进行信息拓展,加入与本话题相关的一些内容信息,就使得课堂容量远远大于教材本身。当然,课堂信息并不能无限扩大,而是在围绕本话题核心词句和句型,并基于教材内容主要信息的部分进行扩展,才可以是有效拓展。在课堂反馈过程中,综合考虑教学目标对核心语言的要求

14、,适当考虑语言的输入与输出比例,使得大量输入、适量输出这一衡量标准能控制学生适度的语量,课堂才会变得有效。对于小学生的学习而言,在英语课堂上游览全世界就不是梦想,也会增加学生学习英语学习的兴趣。,LOGO,我们的教材,有很多情感的内容,比如学校、家庭、朋友等话题。备课中,教师在解读教材时,不能只看到核心词句的字面意思,要挖掘教材内容背后的情感因素,利用一些视频和文本资源,让学生在学习中体验情感,感受情感,同时培养其具有思维品质,提升学生的核心素养。,LOGO,【案例四】在上海牛津教材四年级上册Family主题教学中,核心词句为father, mother, brother, sister等家庭

15、成员和living room, bedroom, kitchen等房间的名称,核心句型为My mother is in the bathroom. She is washing clothes.教材内容即为这些名次及正在行时的教学,本身情感因素不是特别突出。上海某位教师在设计时,挖掘出相互关爱这一情感因素,将第一课时的话题定为Sweet Home Life,教学中重点突破了核心词汇,并使用文本渗透了大家相互关爱这一情感线索。 在第二课时的教学中,将话题定为What makes sweet home life? 将主体文本增加更多细节的描述,如下文: Home life: What makes

16、sweet home life? Its seven oclock in the evening. Grandma is in the living room. She is watching the weather report. She cares for(关爱) everyone in the family. She usually asks the family to take umbrellas on rainy days. Mum is in the bathroom. She is washing the clothes for Peter and me. She cares for her children. She is always busy. Dad and Peter are in the kitchen. Dad is w


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