(全国)2018年高考英语一轮复习 unit 5 music课件 新人教版必修2

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1、,.核心单词识记思考运用 一、单词拼写 1.All pupils should learn to use drawing _ (工具). 2.(2015浙江,阅读D)Its not just your daily routine and your assumptions about the future that are no longer _ (熟悉的). 3.(2015浙江,阅读B)Many graphs have two axes(轴)that _ (形成)a corner. 4.*We need a _ (自信的)leader to overcome these difficultie

2、s. 5.Dont be so _ (敏感的)I wasnt criticizing you.,instruments,familiar,form,confident,sensitive,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.(2015四川,阅读E)Why dont they just try _ (roll)the things? 2.There arent that many _ (humor)pictures right now,but I plan to add more soon. 3.(2015新课标全国,阅读C)Young people are being forced into _

3、 (earn)money before finishing their education. 4.He works in an institute _ (attach)to Beijing University. 5.*Mary has always shown intense _ (devote)to her children.,rolling,humorous,earning,attached,devotion,6.*Let me tell you _ (brief)what happened. 7.*Mozart was a very famous _ (music)and his mu

4、sic is still loved by us now. 8.*She was so _ (attract)that everyone was _ (attract) by her beauty. 9.The process is _ (pain),but the result is desirable. Remember: no _ (pain),no gains. 10.*The _ (perform)that was _ (perform)by some famous _ (perform)at the theatre last night was well received.,bri

5、efly,musician,attractive,attracted,painful,pains,performance,performed,performers,三、开心词场 We are familiar with the musicians devotion to music and attachment to musical instruments.In addition,we all like his humorous,attractive and sensitive performances.He often invites people,whether millionaires

6、or passers-by to his studio.,【联想积累】 “自信”家族 confident adj. confidence/self-confidence n. self-trust n. trust oneself believe in oneself be sure of oneself,含“-ician”必备名词全扫描 electrician电工,电气专家 magician 魔术师,巫师 mathematician 数学家 technician 技术员,技师 politician 政治家 statistician 统计学家 musician 音乐家,高频词链条 brief

7、adj.简短的;简要的 n.摘要;大纲;briefly adv.简要地;短暂地 attractive:attract vt.吸引;attraction n.吸引;吸引力 devotion: devote vt.付出(时间、精力等);奉献;献身于;devoted adj.献身的;忠诚的 perform vt.& vi.表演;履行;执行;performance n.表演;演奏;performer n.演出者,演奏者,表演者,.重点短语识记思考运用 一、补全短语 1.*dream _ 梦见;梦想;设想 2.*break _ 打碎;分裂;解体 3.attach._ 认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接

8、4.play jokes _ 戏弄 5.be/get familiar _ 熟悉;与熟悉起来 6._ all 最重要;首先,of,up,to,on,with,above,1._,it doesnt make any sense to rent such an expensive house. 2._ these arrangements,extra ambulances will be on duty during the competition. 3.When people are honest,they can _ not to lie,cheat or steal. 4.If they

9、would not like to accept the check,we must pay _.,二、短语填空,To be honest,In addition to,be relied on,in cash,5.Her friends are always _ her,which sometimes makes her angry. 6.If you want to make progress in your study,_,you must be strict with yourself. 7._ information education is an essential topic i

10、n college Chinese teaching. 8.*We dont know the reason why they have _ with each other.,playing jokes on,above all,Attaching importance to,broken up,【联想积累】 “动词up”必备短语小结 grow up 成长,长大 give up 放弃,献出 set up 架起,建立 do up 整理,包装,打扮 go up 增长,上涨 blow up 使充气;爆炸 bring up 抚养,呕吐,提出,“动词of” 必备短语一览 think of 想到 cons

11、ist of 由组成 approve of 赞成 die of 死于 talk/speak of 谈到 hear of 听说 complain of 抱怨 become of 发生情况,怎么啦,.经典句式识记思考运用 1.Their personal life was regularly discussed by people who did not know them but talked _. 一些不认识他们的人也在不断地讨论他们的私生活,而且就像是他们的密友一样在谈论他们。 Why is she looking at me _(像是认识我似的)? He talks about Rome

12、_(好像他亲自到过那里似的).,as if they were close friends,as if she knew me,as if he had been there himself,2.Now _,we play our songs and buy drinks for the regulars. 现在无论我们何时去酒吧,我们都会为常客们演奏我们自己的歌曲并为他们买喝的。 You may leave _(你愿意什么时候). You seem to have a ready-made answer,_ _(每逢我问你问题).,whenever we go to the pub,when

13、ever you please/like,whenever I ask you a,question,【联想积累】 as if用法全掌握 (1)引导方式状语从句, 意为“就好象”或“似乎似的”。从句中可以用虚拟语气表示不真实或极少有可能发生或存在的情况, 但句中情况实现的可能性大或者就是事实, 则用陈述语气。 (2)引导表语从句,用于下列句型中:it looks/seems as if.表示“看起来似乎”。其中it为无人称代词,本身并无词义。,.单元语法识记思考运用 “介词关系代词”引导的定语从句 根据句意填入适当的“介词关系代词”,完成定语从句 1.The wrong youve done

14、to her is terrible,_ you should make an apology to her. 你对她的伤害太严重了,为此,你应该向她道歉。 2.American women usually identify their best friend as someone _ they can talk frequently. 美国妇女常常把她们能够频繁地一起交谈的人作为她们最好的朋友。,for which,with whom,3.I still remember the day _ I first came to school. 我仍然记得初来学校的那一天。 4.This is the reason _ he was put in prison. 这就是他为什么被关起来的原因。 5.The man,_ I learned the news,is an engineer. 这人是一位工程师,我是从他那里得到这个消息的。,on which (when),for which (why),from whom,【学法点拨】 “介词关系代词”引导定语从句需注意的问题: “介词关系代词”引导定语从句的关系代词只有whom (指人


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