广东2017-2018学年九年级英语全册 unit 1 how can we ecome good learners section b课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、Unit 1 How can we become good learners?,课前预习,Section B,一、重点单词 1. _ 发音 2. _ 增加;增长 3. _ 速度 4. _ 搭档;同伴 5. _ 出生;天生的 6. _ 能力;才能 7. _ 创造;创建,pronounce,increase,speed,partner,born,ability,create,8. _ 大脑 9. _ 活跃的;积极的 10. _ 注意;关注 11. _ (使)连接;与有联系 12. _ 回顾;复习 13. _ 知识;学问 14. _ 明智地;聪明地,brain,active,attention,co

2、nnect,review,knowledge,wisely,二、重点短语 1. _ English 口语 2. _ _ 犯错误 3. _ a _ 加入俱乐部 4. be orn_ 天生具有 5. _ _ 取决于;依靠 6. have. _ _ 在方面有共同点 7. be _ _ 对感兴趣 8. _ attention _ 注意;关注,spoken,make,mistakes,join,club,with,depend,on,in,common,interested,in,pay,to,9. connect. _ 把和联系起来 10. _ if即使 11. learn_ 向学习 12. _ no

3、tes做笔记 13. write _ 写下 14. find_ 找出;发现;查明,with,even,from,take,down,out,名师点津,【1】I dont know how to increase my reading speed. 我不知道如何提高我的阅读速度。 【知识点】 “疑问词+动词不定式”作宾语及将其改为复合句的方法。 【讲解】 “疑问词+不定式(短语)”是一个很有用的结构,它的作用相当于一个名词性从句,通常在某些动词(如tell, know, imagine, learn, decide, forget, remember, consider, understand等

4、)后面作宾语,有时也用作主语、表语、同位语等。 “特殊疑问词动词不定式”这种结构相当于一个名词性从句,所以可用同等成分的从句代替,从而把简单句转换为复合句。改写时只需在疑问词后加上适当的主语,并把不定式改为适当形式的谓语即可。,【举例】 He didnt know how to do it.=He didnt know how he could do it. 他不知道该怎样做。 I dont know who to ask advice from.=I dont know who I should ask advice from. 我不知道应向谁征求意见。 【熟记】 Tell me what

5、to do. 告诉我该做什么。 Tell me how to do it. 告诉我该怎么做。(how为疑问副词,故动词后必须跟宾语),【学以致用】 ( )1. Excuse me. Could you please tell me _ my car? Sure. Ill help you. Look, you can start it like this. A. where to park B. how to start C. where to parking D. how to starting 2. I cant decide what to do next. (改为同义句) I cant

6、 decide _ _ _ _ next.,B,what,I,can/should,do,【2】But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits. 但是你能否做好取决于你的学习习惯。 【知识点】 whether or not引导主语从句。 【讲解】 此句中whether or not you can do this well是个从句,用作整个句子的主语。这种从句叫作“主语从句”。 whether or not 是英语从句的一个连词结构,意思和功能相当于whether,表示“是否”,常出现在宾语从句、主

7、语从句中。使用时,也可把whether和or not分开,or not放到句尾。whether通常可与if互换,但与or not连用时,不可用if代替。,【举例】 Whether you did it right or wrong isnt so important. Whats important is the experience you gained. 你做对做错都不重要,重要的是你从中获得了经验。 I cant tell whether or not the teacher likes me.=I cant tell whether the teacher likes me or no

8、t. 我不好说老师是否喜欢我。,【学以致用】 1. 我是否会继续上学取决于我的父母。(根据汉语意思完成句子) _ _ _ Ill go on studying depends on my parents. 2. 问题是我们能否按时到达那里。 The question is _ we can get there on time or not. ( )3. Youd better look up the new word in a dictionary _ you dont know it. (2014兰州) A. if B. that C. though D. whether,Whether,o

9、r,not,whether,A,【3】Studies show that if you are interested in something, your brain is more active and it is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time. 研究显示,如果你对某件事感兴趣,你的大脑便会更加活跃,同时你也更容易长时间集中精力。 【知识点】 句型it is adj. for sb. to do sth.的用法;短语pay attention to的用法。,【讲解1】 it is adj. for sb.

10、 to do sth.意为“做某事对某人而言是怎么样的”。若形容词表示事物特征的,如:easy, difficult, hard, important等,须用介词for;若形容词表示人的性格、品质与特点,如:good, kind, nice, wrong等,用介词of。即句型it is adj. of sb. to do sth.:“某人做某事是怎么样的”。 【举例】 It is difficult for the child to deal with the problem. 解决这个问题对这个孩子而言是困难的。 Its very kind of you to help you. 你能帮我真

11、是太好了。,【讲解2】 pay attention to意为“注意;关注”, 后接名词、代词等作宾语。要注意的是, 这里的to是介词, 后面要接动词的-ing形式。 【举例】 He asked the students to pay more attention to their study. 他要学生们更加关注学习。 Brad paid no attention to what the teacher said, that was why he failed the test. 布拉德压根没听老师讲课,那就是他为什么考试没通过的原因。,【熟记】 it is adj. for sb. to d

12、o sth.做某事对某人而言是怎么样的 it is adj. of sb. to do sth.某人做某事是怎么样的 pay attention to doing注意做某事 look forward to doing 期待做某事 get/be used to doing 习惯于做某事 (以上短语中的to均为介词),【学以致用】 ( )1. Its very convenient _ us to buy train tickets now because we can buy them either from the station or on the Internet. A. to B. of

13、 C. by D. for ( )2. What else should we pay attention to _ building the bridge? The change of the weather, I think. (2014淮安) A. finish B. finished C. to finish D. finishing ( )3. He used to _ in a small village, but now he has been used to _ in a big city. A. live; living B. live; live C. living; li

14、ving D. living; live,D,D,A,【4】Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something interesting. 好的学习者通常会将他们要学的与一些有趣的东西联系起来。 【知识点】 connect. with. 的用法。 【讲解】 connect. with.意为“把和连接或联系起来”。 【举例】 A good student must connect what he reads in the book with what he sees around him. 好学生必须 会把他在书本里

15、所读到的与他在周围所看到的联系起来。 A new bridge connects our village with the town. 一 座新桥将我们村庄与城镇连接在一起。,【熟记】 agree with 同意某人的意见 argue with 与某人争吵 be angry with 生某人的气 be born with 与生俱来 be busy with 忙于 be pleased with 对感到满意 be patient with 对有耐心 be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格 be filled with 充满;装满 come up with 想出,catch up with 追上;赶上 deal with 处理;应付(how) do with 处置;忍受;相关(what) share with 与



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