2018-2019学年高中英语 unit 2 king lear section ⅲ learning about language and using language课件 新人教版选修10

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2018-2019学年高中英语 unit 2 king lear section ⅲ learning about language and using language课件 新人教版选修10_第1页
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1、Section Learning about Language & Using Language,课前自主预习,.重点单词 1_(n.)贮藏,存储_(v.)存储 2_(n.)作家 3_(v.& n)牺牲,献身;祭品_(adj.)牺牲的;献祭的 4_(adj.)过敏的_(n.)过敏症 5_(n.& vi.)喷嚏,打喷嚏 6_(n.)扶手椅,(单座)沙发 7_(vt.)确定,证实_(n.)确实,确证 _(adj.)被确定的,已被证实的,storage,store,author,sacrifice,sacrificial,allergic,allergy,sneeze,armchair,confir

2、m,confirmation,confirmed,8_(n.& v)现金,兑现 9_(n.)签名;署名;信号 _(v.)签名 10_(adj.)空的,空缺的 11_(adj.)满是灰尘的;积满灰尘的_(n.)灰尘 12_(vi.)回答;响应;作出反应_(n.)反应;回答 13_(n.)职员;员工 14_(vt.)怀疑_(n.)怀疑_ (adj.)多疑的,可疑的_(adv.)疑神疑鬼地,cash,signature,sign,vacant,dusty,dust,respond,response,staff,suspect,suspicion,suspicious,suspiciously,sus

3、piciously,15_(n.)侮辱;凌辱_(adj.)侮辱的;无礼的 16_(vt.)责骂;斥责 17_(adj.)醉的;常醉的_(v.)喝;喝酒_(n.)喝酒_(n.)醉汉 18_(n.)抓;挠;刮 19_(vt.& n)要求;需要_(adj.)过分要求的;苛求的 20_(n.)行李,insult,insulting,scold,drunken,drink,drinking,drunk,scratch,demand,demanding,baggage,.重点短语 1_出名 2_抱怨 3_ 在某人身边 4_化装成 5_ 应该的,预计的,由于 6_ 摆脱掉,make a name compl

4、ain about. by ones side be disguised as due to get rid of,.重点句型 1_with two children,Shakespeare left StratfordonAvon at the age of about 30 and went to London alone. 2_and collect my baggage. 3_how to behave.,Although married,Get my horses ready,I suggest you teach them,课内研析探究,storage nU 贮藏;C 贮藏所,仓库

5、,in storage 储存 store vi.& vt.贮藏;储备 n贮藏;备用品,They placed the goods in storage. 他们把货物贮藏起来。 Dont forget to keep the fish and meat in cold storage.别忘了把鱼、肉冷藏起来。 They are beginning to store food for the coming winter.他们正为来冬储备食物。 He has a rich store of teaching experience. 他有着丰富的教学经验。,sacrifice (1)n.牺牲(品);亏

6、本出售;祭品;供奉 Parents often make sacrifices for their children. 父母常常为子女作出种种牺牲。 The store is selling its goods at a sacrifice. 商店里在亏本出售货物。,at a sacrifice 亏本出售 at/by the sacrifice of 以为代价 make sacrifices 做出牺牲,sacrifice (sth.) to sb.供奉;献祭 sacrifice to do sth.牺牲(放弃)去做某事,(2)v.牺牲;奉献;把作祭品 The student sacrifice

7、d his life to save a boy. 这个学生为了救一个男孩牺牲了自己的生命。 They sacrificed a lamb to God. 他们把羔羊献祭给上帝。,confirm (1)vt.确定;进一步证实;支持 Please confirm your telephone message by writing to me.请给我来封信,好进一步证实你在电话中传达的消息。 My employer will confirm that I was there on time. 我的雇主将会证实,我是准时到达的。 (2)confirmation n证实,证明;确定 We are wa

8、iting for confirmation of the news. 我们正在等待证实那个消息。,cash n现金;现款;vt.把兑现 I have no cash with me.我身上没带现金。 He is cashing a cheque in the bank. 他正在银行里兑支票。,be in cash 有现款 out of cash 无现款 cash in 兑现;收到的贷款 cash down 即期付款 May I pay in cash?我可以付现金吗?,vacant (1)adj.(职务、工作)空的,空缺的,空闲的;(神情等)茫然的,(心灵)空虚的 Are there any

9、 rooms vacant in this hotel? 这家旅馆有空房吗? He wants to apply for a vacant position in an office. 他想申请一个办公室空缺的职务。 It was a vacant film for vacant minds. 这是一部给没有头脑的人看的无聊影片。,(2)vacancy n空缺,空额 Im sorry,we have no vacancies. 对不起,我们客满了。,辨析:blank,hollow,empty与vacant (1)blank“空白的”,常指没有字迹的(without print,writing

10、or other marks)。 (2)hollow“中空的;空虚的”(having an empty space inside,not solid;not real,empty of real meaning) 。 (3)empty指没有物或人在其中。 (4)vacant指位置无人占用。,make a name出名 He made a name by writing. 他因为写作而出名。 She had a sweet voice,and with the help of her friends,she made a name for herself as a singer in the e

11、nd. 她有着甜美的嗓音,在她的朋友的帮助下,最终作为一名歌手扬名。,by/under the name of以的名字 call ones names谩骂某人 in the name of以的名义;凭的名义 name after/for 以某人之名命名,He named his daughter after/for his grandmother. 他以祖母的名字为他女儿取名。,respond (1)vt.回应,应答;对回答 The doctor responded that he couldnt tell the name of her disease. 医生回答说他无法说出她的病名。 (2

12、)vi.反应,对回应(以动作),显示良好的反应(与to连用) He failed to respond to the medicine. 他服了这药未见起色。 The boy responded to the care with a thankful smile. 那男孩对那关心报以感激的微笑。,response n反应;回响;答复 in response to 对的反应,回应 make response to 对做出反应,回应,Millions of people gave freely in response to the famine appeal.千百万人响应救灾呼吁而慷慨解囊。 Sh

13、e made no response to my letter. 她没有回复我的信。,staff nC 职员,员工;全体职员;vt.为配备(人员) The staff of our school are off today. 我校的全体工作人员今天休假。 He is on the editorial staff of the newspaper. 他是这家报社的编辑部人员。 Most of our offices are staffed by volunteers. 我们大多数办公室里都配有志愿人员。 温馨提示:staff作主语时,若看作整体,谓语动词用单数;若看作个体,谓语动词用复数。,be

14、 on the staff在工作人员中,集合名词集锦 class 班 team 队 audience 观众 jury 陪审团 cast 演员班底 group 组 family 家庭 committee 委员会 government 政府 organization 组织,suspect vt.怀疑;猜想;n.C 嫌疑犯,犯罪嫌疑人,suspect作动词时的常用搭配: suspectn.怀疑 suspectthat从句 怀疑 suspect sb.of (doing) sth.怀疑某人做某事 suspect.to be 怀疑是 suspicious adj.怀疑的,可疑的 suspicion n怀疑,We suspect the truth of his story. 我们怀疑他故事的真实性。 He was suspected of having stolen the money. 他被怀疑偷了这笔钱。 We suspected that he was lost,even before we were told.在别人告诉我们这件事之前,我们已认为他有可能失踪了。 What she said sounded convincing,but I suspect it to be a lie.她的话听起来像那么回事,但我认为那是谎话。



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