山东省高青县第三中学九年级英语全册《unit 3 it must belong to carla section a 2》课件 (新版)鲁教版

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《山东省高青县第三中学九年级英语全册《unit 3 it must belong to carla section a 2》课件 (新版)鲁教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省高青县第三中学九年级英语全册《unit 3 it must belong to carla section a 2》课件 (新版)鲁教版(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 It must belong to Carla.,Section A Period Two,happening noise policeman wolf uneasy,n. 事件;发生的事情(常指不寻常的) n. 声音;噪音 n. (pl. policemen)男警察 n. 狼 adj. 担心的;不安的,Did you hear anything special? What might be happening?,I have no idea. It must be a small dog, a cat.,I think it might be a horse.,It could

2、 also be a bird.,How do you feel when you hear something strange?,nervous,worried,uneasy,scared,curious,Whats happening in the town?,Objectives,To learn to use must, might, could and cant to speak about why you are anxious To learn the new words: drop, final, worried, owner,Before you read,1,Look at

3、 the photo, and the questions in 3a on page 59. Then answer the questions below.,Whats happening in the small town? How did people feel?,1. People in the town could hear strange noises outside their window every night.,2. Everyone in the town is feeling uneasy.,Read the article and decide which migh

4、t be the best title.,3a,A Small and Quiet Town Strange Happenings in My Town Animals in Our Neighborhood,It could be an animal. My friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun. It might be the wind. At first, I thought it was a dog. But now I dont think so. May be it was a bear or a wolf.,1.V

5、ictor 2.A woman in the area 3.Victors wife 4. Helen 5. the policemen,While you read,Read the passage and then match their opinions with their names. Then finish 3c on page 59.,2,3c,Read the article again and find words to match the meanings.,3b,nervous or worried _ young people _ person in the next

6、house _ area where people live _ animal like a very large dog _ person who makes noise _,uneasy,teenagers,neighbor,neighborhood,wolf,noise-maker,We live in a small town and almost everyone knows each other. It _ very quiet. However, these days, something unusual _ in our town. Victors wife thinks th

7、at it _ an animal, but Victor and his friend think it _ teenagers having fun. The policemen think it _ the wind. Helen thinks it _ a dog. One woman in the area thinks its _ big _ be a dog. She thinks that _ it was a bear or wolf. The writer thinks the _ is having too much fun creating fear in the _.

8、,used to be,happened,could be,must be,might be,might be,too,to,maybe,noise-maker,neighborhood,3,After you read,Fill in the blanks and copy the passage on your notebook and then recite it.,Language points 部分供教师根据学生学习理解的实际程度 穿插选择讲解,1. Everyone in our town is feeling uneasy, and everyone has his or her

9、 own ideas.,对不定代词的指代 his or her; 2.he or she/ she or he 3.they,Language points,If anyone finds my glasses, could she/he let me know? If anyone finds my glasses, could they let me know?,2. The noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.,noise-maker 合成词 类似: shopkeeper 店主 bus

10、conductor 公交售票员 taxi driver 出租车司机 gatekeeper 看门人 word finder 词语速查手册、词典 grass/meat-eater 食草、食肉动物,have fun (doing sth.) 玩得高兴;过得愉快 类似: enjoy oneself enjoy doing sth. have a good/ great/ lovely time (doning sth.) 反义: Its no fun/not much fun doing sth. 玩得不高兴;过得不舒坦,Come on, why arent you dancing? Enjoy yo

11、urselves! 来吧,你们为什么不跳舞呢? 尽兴玩吧! We used to have great times talking together. 我们曾经常常交谈,很是开心。 Its no fun doing such boring things on your own. 自己独自干这种无聊的事情很是无聊。,Translate and write them down.,在你玩得开心的时候,时间就会飞逝而过。 2. 起早贪黑的工作可不是件愉快的事情。,Time files when youre having fun.,Its not much fun burning the candle

12、at both ends.,3. 我的妻子它可能是一种动物,但我的朋友和我认为肯定是孩子们在玩耍。 4. 一定有东西闯入我们社区,但那是什么?,My wife thinks that it could be an animal, but my friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun.,There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood, but what it is?,1. Review the new words and expressions youve learned today. 2. Read the articles in Learning English. 3. Preview the new words and expressions. 4. Preview the Grammar Focus.,Homework,


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