高考英语 限时训练16(适合课堂使用) 新人教版

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1、限时训练16I.完形填空 Shortly after my daughter Julia - Ann was born, I started a loving tradition that I know others (with whom I have LATER shared this special plan) have also startedEvery year, on her 1 , I write an Annual Letter to my daughter I 2 it with funny anecdotes (轶事,趣闻)that happened to her that

2、year, hardships or 3 , issues that are 4 in my life or hers, world events , my 5 for the future , various thoughts, etcI 6 the letter photographs, presents, report cards and many 7 types of mementos (纪念品) that would certainly have otherwise 8 as the years passed I keep a 9 in my desk drawer in which

3、, all year long, I place things that I want to 10 in the envelope containing her next Annual LetterEvery week, I make short notes of what I can think 11 from the weeks events that I will want to 12 later in the year to write in her Annual Letter_13_ her birthday approaches, I take out that folder an

4、d find it 14 with ideas, thoughts, poems, cards, treasures , stories, incidents and memories of all sorts - many of which I had already forgotten - and 15 I then 16 _ transcribed (抄写) into that years Annual LetterOnce the letter is written and all the 17 are inserted into the envelope , I seal it It

5、 then becomes that years Annual LetterOn the envelope I always write Annual letter to Julia - Ann from her Daddy on due 18 of her nth Birthday to be opened when she is 21 years old It is a time capsule of love from every different year of her life, to her as an adultIt is a gift of _19_ memories fro

6、m one generation to the nextIt is a 20 record of her life written as she was actually living it 1Aschool big Bbirthday CpartyDrecord2Afill Bopen Cend Dtell3Adisappointment Bsadness Cjoys Dtreatment4Alittle Bimportant Cusual Dpossible5Ahobbies Bgifts Ctime Dpredictions6Aadd to Bcut off Ctake up Dgo t

7、hrough7AallBanotherCotherDany8AlastedBhappenedCmetDdisappeared9AenvelopBfolderCboxDbag10Aseal BpayCwishDinclude 11AoverBaboutCofDfor12ArecallBgiveChelpDmind13AAlthoughBWhat CWhenDWho14ArunningBoverflowingCfillingDquarrelling 15AthemBwhenChowDwhich16AeagerlyBcuriouslyCsadlyDwillingly17 AplansB treasu

8、resCyearsDcards18AmomentBtimeCoccasionDyear19AexcitingBinterestingCenablingDloving20ApermanentBtemporaryCcarefulDpowerful第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)A How would you like to come home after a long day, open the door, and walk into an elephant? Thats what you would do if you lived in Elephant House in Margete

9、, New Jersey. The elephant-shaped house was built in 1881 by James Lafferty. In 1962, Herbert Green built a chicken-shaped house. Sarah Winchester tried to build a ghost-proof house in San Jose California. Workers built fake chimneys, doors that open onto blank walls and stairs that lead nowhere. Ma

10、ny rooms were torn down and then rebuilt in a new way to confuse the ghosts. It took 38 years to complete the house! Some houses are built of strange materials. A house in Pigeon Cove, Massachusetts, is built of more than 100,000 newspapers. In Canada, George Pat built a house entirely out of bottle

11、s. Some homes stand for great wealth and power. The Palace of Alhambra in Spain is one of the most beautiful homes in the world. The man who built it loved water. A stream runs through all 9 acres (英亩) of the palace. In each room there is a small pool of sparkling water. Wealthy Americans design dre

12、am houses, too. In 1895, Cornelius Vanderbilt built and moved into a house named the Breakers. He called it his summer cottage. It cost $10 million to build and has walls decorated with gold. This “summer cottage” could hold 60 guests comfortably. Dream houses dont have to be expensive. A man named

13、Baldasera built a house with 90 rooms for about only $ 200 by digging under the earth. Baldasera worked alone. He spent about 40 years completing his underground house.21. The passage mainly talks about . A. old houses B. building materials C. building history D. unusual houses22. The builder of the

14、 Palace of Alhambra is probably proud of . A. the shining pools in the rooms B. his special personality C. his mother country Spain D. the large area of his house23. The Breakers was built . A. in 1884 by Sarah Winchester B. in 1992 by George Pat C. in 1895 by Cornelius Vanderbilt D. in 1962 by Herbert Green24. Baldasera built his home . A. without any tools B. without spending much money C. with his family D. with much help from othersBA long weekend is a great opportunity to do something a little


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