2018届高考英语总复习 module1 british and american english课件 外研版必修5

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1、Module 1 British and American English,Section 1,高考话题诵读 常考话题语言学习() 话题词汇 1. vocabulary n. 词汇 2. phrase n. 短语 3. opportunity n. 机会 4. strategy n. 策略 5. burden n. 负担 6. habit n. 习惯 7. dialogue n. 对话,8. pronunciation n. 发音 9. communication n. 沟通 10. conversation n. 会话 11. express v. 表达 12. master v. 掌握 1

2、3. recite v. 背诵 14. translate v. 翻译,15. practice v. 练习 16. fluent adj. 流利的 17. practical adj. 实用的 18. keep a diary 记日记 19. broaden v. 扩大 20. obtain v. 获得 21. consolidate v. 巩固 22. benefit v. 使受益,23. exposed adj. 接触到的 24. complicated adj. 复杂的;难懂的 25. turn to sb.(for help) 求助于某人 26. develop ones inter

3、est 培养兴趣 27. have a good knowledge of 通晓 28. attach importance to 重视,29. frequent adj. 频繁的 30. cultural differences 文化差异 31. adapt to 适应 32. form a habit 养成习惯,厚积薄发 .完成句子 (1)养成经常说英语的习惯非常重要。 It is important to _ _ _ of speaking English _. (2)你会逐渐适应文化差异。 You will gradually _ _ some _ _.,答案 (1)form a ha

4、bit; frequently (2)adapt to; cultural differences,.变换句式 毫无疑问,写英语日记非常有助于你书面语的提高。 Keeping an English diary helps you a lot with written English without doubt.(使用固定句式;doubt) _ _ _ _ _ keeping an English diary helps you a lot with written English.,答案 There is no doubt that,.改写句子 人们非常重视英语学习。 People pay m

5、uch attention to English learning. People _ _ _ _ English learning.,答案 attach great importance to,Section 2,基础知识自测 词汇拓展 1. _ vt. 比较 2. _ vt. 陈述;提出(观点、计划等) 3. _ n. 努力;尝试 4. _ adj. 令人困惑的;难懂的_ v. 使困惑;使迷惑不解_ adj. 困惑的;不解的,5. _ vi. 不同;有区别_ n. 区别;差异_ adj. 不同的 6. _ vt. 加;增加_ n. 增加 7. _ adj. 与众不同的 8. _ vt. 批

6、评 9. _ adj. 标准的 10. _ adj. 显然的,显而易见的_ adv. 显然地,11. _ n. 种类_ adj. 各种各样的_ v.改变;变化 12. _ n. 评论;讲话_ adj. 显著的;非凡的 13. _ adv. 不断地;持续地_ adj. 持续的;逐渐的;稳定的;牢固的 14. _ n. 声明;宣告_ v. 声明;宣告 15. _ vt. 简化_ adj. 简单的 16. _ n. 参考;查阅_ v. 查阅;提到;涉及,自我校对 1. compare 2. present 3. attempt 4. confusing; confuse; confused 5. d

7、iffer; difference; different 6. add; addition 7. distinctive 8. criticise 9. standard 10. obvious; obviously 11. variety; various; vary 12. remark; remarkable 13. steadily; steady 14. announcement; announce 15. simplify; simple 16. reference; refer,语境填词 1. Its _ from what he said that something was

8、wrong. _, he needed help. (obvious) 2. It is often useful to make a _. If you _ her work with his, you may know the difference. _ with his work, as she often said, she had a long way to go. (compare) 3. In order to resist against the earthquake, the s_ of the building has been redesigned in common.,

9、4. As we all know, Mao Zedong has a strong Hunan a_. 5. The male birds have _(与众不同的) black and white marks on their heads. 6. Each person will _(阐述) their idea and then we will vote to choose the one we like best. 7. This paper does not reach an acceptable _(标准). 8. I went to the bookstore yesterday

10、 and bought a _(参考) book.,自我校对 1. obvious; Obviously 2. comparison; compare; Compared 3. structure 4. accent 5. distinctive 6. present 7. standard 8. reference,短语互译 1. be similar to _ 2. have difficulty(in) doing sth. _ 3. have . in common _ 4. make a difference _ 5. queue up _,6. compare . with . _

11、 7. refer to . as . _ 8. 用填补;装满 _ 9. 轻轻一按开关 _ 10. 在广播中 _ 11.小题大做 _ 12. 这个看法(观点)很不错 _,自我校对 1. 与相似 2. 做某事有困难 3. 有共同之处 4. 有影响;使不相同 5. 排队等候 6. 把与比较 7. 称为 8. fill up with 9. at the flick of a switch 10.on the air 11. make a fuss 12. thats a good point,句型透视 1. 特殊疑问词+do you think+其他? _ _ _ _(你认为哪一些) are fu

12、nny? 仿写:你认为我们应选哪一个? 译:_,2. while “而,然而”。 Americans use a flashilght, _ _ _ _(然而对于英国人来说), its a torch. 仿写:有些人浪费粮食,而有些人却吃不饱。 Some people waste food _ _ _ _ _.,3. make it+adj. +for sb. to do sth.句型。 This non-stop communication, the experts think, has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(使英国人和美国人相互理解起来更加容易). 仿写:王亚平的授课使得我们理解这些物理定律更容易了。 Wang Yapings lecture _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the laws of physics.,4. 动词-ing形式作结果状语。 By the 1850s it was selling one million copies a year, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(使得它成为有史以来最受欢迎的学习用书之一). 仿写:公共汽车被暴风雪阻碍,因而耽误了。 The bus was stopped by the snowstorm,


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