(教师用书)2013-2014学年高中英语 unit 1 great scientists同步备课参考

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1、Unit 1Great scientists【美文阅读】US volunteer travels across country to help people in need狄更斯曾说“世界上能为别人减轻负担的都不是庸庸碌碌之徒”。Drew Johnson用自己的行动向我们展现了一个普通的网页设计者助人为乐的伟大人格。Drew Johnson,a web designer,considers helping others his passion.He says it occurred to him one day that he should make a road trip to help t

2、he needy.“As you travel,you can help people,and then use your knowledge and ability with technology to connect people,to motivate them to go out and serve their communities,”he said.He began his journey last October and is documenting his experiences on a blog.“I wanted to invite people along with m

3、e,and I think some of the best ways to do that is through pictures,video and writing.”When Nashville,Tennessee,was destroyed by flooding this year,he helped people remove ruins from their homes.He also lent a hand to refugees,including people from Burundi in East Africa.Today he is delivering free m

4、eals to the elderly in Maryland through a program called Meals on Wheels.Peggy Toole of Meals on Wheels says Johnson is a wonderful surprise.“Johnson does the dirty jobs some volunteers dont want to do.I wish there are more people like him putting a spotlight on how important it is to volunteer,to j

5、ust help someone and to put yourself in somebody elses position.”“You can use your talents,your abilities in so many different areas out there to actually help people and make this world a better place,” Johnson said.【诱思导学】1What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 1 refer to ? 2Why does Drew

6、Johnson document his experiences on a blog? 【答案】1.Johnsons intention to make a road trip to help people in need.2.He wants to use this method to encourage more people to become volunteers.Period Previewing(教师用书独具)教学目标初步掌握本课文中的词汇,浅层次理解课文,了解相关的背景知识。本课时主要是通过学生对学案所给出的内容的学习,了解本课文中所出现的词汇,初步了解课文以及相关的背景知识,对

7、下一堂课对课文的全面理解起到一个铺垫作用。教学地位本单元是新高二的第一课,上好这一课至关重要,会给学生留下非常深刻的印象。高二是学生高中时期的重要阶段,而且此时的高中生正是富有理想和朝气的年龄,引导他们向伟人学习,树立远大理想,为报效祖国而努力学习。通过本节的教学,让学生了解伟人的生活和事迹,帮助学生培养探索、钻研、无畏的科学精神。俗话说“万事开头难”。那么就通过老师的智慧,开个好头吧。(教师用书独具)新课导入建议通过介绍科学家钱学森的事迹导入新课。让学生了解科学家的生活和工作 。大家可能都知道一些钱学森的业绩和故事,让同学们自由发言,讲述最令他们感动和最值得他们学习的地方。最后老师做出总结。


9、学案第2页)。老师布置作业,让学生看课本第13页并完成课本第3页1、2、3、4题,预习学案Period (见学案第38页), 写一篇介绍名人或伟人的作文。(见学生用书第1页).篇章结构阅读P2的Reading部分,完成下列表格(每空不超过3个单词)ParagraphStagesGeneral ideas3Think of a method.3. data on where people were dead and ill and where they got their water.44. .Plot information on a map to find out where people

10、5. or didnt die.5Analyse the results.6. the water to see if that is the cause of the illness.67. .Find other evidence to confirm his 8. .7Make a conclusion.The 9. water was to 10. for the cause of the London cholera.【答案】1.cause2.Make a decision3.Collect4.Collect results5.died6.Analyse7.Find supporti

11、ng evidence8.conclusion9.polluted10.blame.语篇理解阅读P2的Reading部分,从每题所给的3个选项中选择最佳答案1What does the passage mainly talk about?AJohn Snow was a famous doctor in London.BThe reason that caused the deadly disease cholera.CJohn Snow solved the problem of cholera.2Which of the following theories did John Snow b

12、elieve in?AA cloud of dangerous gas would float around until it found its victims.BPeople absorbed cholera into their bodies with their meals.CPeople got infected with cholera because of cold and hunger.3Before 1854,when cholera broke out, .Amany thousands of people diedBpeople with cholera could be

13、 curedCJohn Snow began to know its cause4How did he find out the cause of the disease?ABy living in the area where cholera broke out.BBy marking a map where all the dead people had lived.CBy telling the terrified people how to prevent it.5What do you think the Londoners would do with the unused pump

14、s after defeating “King Cholera”?AThey would destroy them.BThey would reuse them after cleaning.CThey would desert them for good.【答案】15CBABB.课文缩写阅读P2的Reading部分,完成下面课文缩写pollute,announce,defeat,believe in,spread,mark,gather,cure,outbreak,blameJohn Snow was a wellknown doctor in London.Cholera was the most deadly disease of its day.Neither its cause nor its 1. was understood.So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an 2. .At that


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