2017-2018学年高考英语一轮复习 unit15 learning课件 北师大版

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1、模块5 Unit 15 Learning,.写出下列必考单词,基础再现,识记类词汇 1arrow(n.)_ 2oxygen(n.)_ 3throat(n.)_ 4postage(n.)_ 5atom(n.)_ 6rank(n.)_,箭,氧气,咽喉,邮资,邮费,原子,职衔,基础再现,7religion(n.)_ 8kingdom(n.)_ 9alphabet(n.)_ 10triangle(n.)_ 11flame(n.)_ 12biochemistry(n.)_ 13status(n.)_,宗教,王国,字母表,三角形,火焰,生物化学,现状;社会地位,基础再现,表达运用类词汇 1怀疑(vt.)_

2、 2获得,得到(vt.)_ 3文明(n.)_ 4名誉(n.)_ 5最高级别的,主要的(adj.)_ 6忽视,不顾(vt.)_ 7力劝,强烈要求(vt.)_,suspect,acquire,civilisation,reputation,chief,ignore,urge,基础再现,8埋葬(vt.)_ 9杰出的(adj.)_ 10稳定的;无忧无虑的(adj.)_ 11少量的,轻微的(adj.)_ 12服从,听从(vt.)_ 13极其重要的(adj.)_ 14设施,设备(n.)_ 15保守的,旧式的(adj.)_,bury,outstanding,secure,slight,obey,vital,

3、facility,conservative,.写出下列单词的变化形式,基础再现,1保守的,传统的(adj.)_ 惯例,习俗(n.)_ 2作业,任务,工作(n.)_ 分配,指定;任命(vi.)_ 3简化(vt.)_ 简单的,易懂的(adj.)_ 单单地,仅仅,简单地(adv.)_ 简化(n.)_,conventional,convention,assignment,assign,simplify,simple,simply,simplification,基础再现,4有用的,有益的(adj.)_ 对有益,受惠(vi.)_ 利益(n.)_ 5资格,资历,资格证书(n.)_ 使具有资格,取得执照(vt

4、.)_ 合格的,称职的(adj.)_ 6欣赏,鉴赏(n.)_ 重视,鉴赏,感激(vt.)_,beneficial,benefit,benefit,qualification,qualify,qualified,appreciation,appreciate,基础再现,7假定,假设(n.)_ 假定,假设(vt.)_ 被假定的,假定的,假装的(adj.)_ 8忽视(vt.)_ 无知(n.)_ 无知的,愚昧的(adj.)_ 9教导,指导(vt.)_ 教育,指导(n.)_,assumption,assume,assumed,ignore,ignorance,ignorant,instruct,inst

5、ruction,基础再现,有益的,有教育意义的,指导的(adj.)_ 教师,指导者(n.)_ 10鼓舞,鼓励(vt.)_ 灵感,给予鼓舞(激励)之人或事(n.)_ (人、作品)得到灵感的,有灵感的(adj.)_ 鼓舞的,激烈的(adj.)_,instructive,instructor,inspire,inspiration,inspired,inspiring,基础再现,活学活用,用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。 1The sentence was quite difficult.In order to _ it,the teacher broke it up into several par

6、ts.It became _ and its _ made it better understood._ explanation is _ for better understanding.(simple) 2His training _ him for the job.That is to say,he had _ to do the job and he was well _ for his position.(qualify),simplify,simpler,simplification,Simple,simply,qualified,qualifications,qualified,

7、基础再现,3Our _ Mr.White _ us in English.He often gives good _ to us and some _ books for us to improve our English ability.(instruct) 4He_ me to meet the visitors at the airport and I accomplished my _ successfully.(assign) 5He wrote an article under the _ name of Jones.He _ that the city would be poll

8、uted in the article but many readers didnt approve of his _. (assume),instructor,instructs,instruction,instructive,assigned,assignment,assumed,assumed,assumption,基础再现,6He drew _ from natural scenery and completed an _ article.The article _ us with confidence.And we were _every time we read it.(inspi

9、re) 7He is rather _ in his daily life.He is always doing things according to the _(conventional) 8The book is _ to me.Each time I read it,I always get a lot of _ from it.That is to say,I _ from the book.(benefit),inspiration,inspiring,inspired,inspired,conventional,convention,beneficial,benefit,bene

10、fit,基础再现,9Because he had a deeper _ of literature,he _ the literary works better than others.(appreciate) 10He was _ about English,so I gave him some advice on how to study English.But he _ my advice.His _ resulted in his failure in English.(ignore),appreciation,appreciated,ignorant,ignored,ignoranc

11、e,.短语熟记,基础再现,翻译下列必背短语 1下岗_ 2对极重要_ 3坦率讲_ 4得到晋升_ 5在缺少信心_ 6赞成,赞许_ 7分发,分配_,lay off (sb.)/ (sb.)be laid off,be vital to,frankly speaking,get promoted,lack confidence in,approve of,hand out,基础再现,8把某人送进监狱_ 9参与,参加_ 10从事,占据(时间,空间)_ 11渴望做_ 12如鲠在喉_ 13获取知识_ 14恶作剧,作弄_ 15在某种程度上_,put sb.in prison,participate in,ta

12、ke up,be eager to do,bring a lump to ones throat,acquire/gain knowledge,play tricks on sb.,to a certain extent,活学活用,基础再现,根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子。 1_ (to be honest),I dont agree with what you said at the meeting. 2They were _ (dismiss workers) because of the lack of new orders. 3_ (apart from) the injuries to his face and hands,he broke both legs. 4_ (to some degree) you are correct.,Frankly speaking,laid off,Aside from,To some extent,基础再现,5What time are you planning to _ (


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