浙江省杭州市塘栖中学高中英语 unit2 poems测试 新人教版选修6

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1、12-13学年新课标高二上学期6册Unit 2测试Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Have you bought the books you need? No, , but Tom said he would lend his to me. A. I didnt expect so B. I was planning toC. I didnt like themD. I have read them before2. Instead of staying th

2、e same every day, Mrs. Lees working hours are .A. limited B. regular C. valuable D. flexible3. Kate has been for her ridiculous new hairstyle. A. praisedB. tricked C. teased D. defeated4. I lost the game again. If only I your advice! A. listen to B. listened to C. had listened toD. have listened to5

3、. After taking part in several rounds of competition, the player won the first place.A. eventually B. occasionally C. frequently D. usually6. Had it not been for the polices help, Peter his bicycle yesterday afternoon. A. could not find B. could not have found C. didnt find D. hadnt found 7. Tom, I

4、am afraid I cant finish so much work in a day. . Ill do it with you together. A. No way B. Take it easy C. Thats right D. Dont mention it8. The fishermen have their newly-made boat before setting off to make sure of its safety.A. tried outB. depended onC. found out D. taken away9. Henry and Bob thei

5、r ideas regularly and came to understand each other better. A. rejected B. formed C. heldD. exchanged10. Mum, why not add some pepper to the soup? Honey, weve it. Ill buy some tomorrow.A. broken away fromB. run out of C. taken charge of D. got close to11. The girl a scream of pain when the doctor pr

6、essed her stomach. A. took out B. made out C. carried out D. let out 12. The Coca-Cola company is one of the of the match. No wonder there are many Coca-Cola pictures around the sports field.A. players B. visitorsC. sponsorsD. judges13. I didnt visit the TV station. But I do wish I there. A. was B.

7、had been C. were D. went14. I just had some general ideas about the activity and need to make the plans what I should do in each step. A. abstract B. concreteC. unique D. long-term15. The dress is not for the formal party. Youd better find another one. A. appropriate B. convenient C. available D. ap

8、proachable 二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I was born and raised in New York and I know how much money beggars make a day. I 16 give money to beggars. But last night around 3 am, I 17 at a McDonalds in Harlem to use the restroom. I saw a beggar waiting for m

9、e to go over so that he could 18 the door for me and ask for change. I was 19 already. “Why cant I go to the restroom without him asking me for money?” I thought. I have no problem saying “ 20 ” to beggars. I guess being New Yorkers we are 21 to it. But as I 22 him and he held open the door, I looke

10、d into his eyes and something 23 me. When he asked for change, I 24 my pocket, but only a cent was there. I gave it to him. Sitting in the restroom, I 25 some more change in my wallet about 3 quarters and some pennies. I was going to just give him the pennies. It was 26 for me to part with quarters.

11、 A(n) 27 began in my mind. The dialogue in my 28 went like this. You didnt know what he would do with the 29 . But I really thought he was cold and wanted something to keep him 30 . I was not sure why quarters were so hard for me to 31 .The 32 he opened the door for me I dropped all the change in hi

12、s hands. As I drove my car away I watched the man 33 the change and smiling. I might not know 34 he was really hungry but I knew I won the battle over the change. Helping others always makes you the 35 . 16. A. sometimesB. neverC. frequentlyD. also17. A. pointedB. ate C. lookedD. stopped18. A. repai

13、rB. checkC. openD. answer19. A. madB. selfishC. strictD. patient20. A. pardonB. noC. goodbyeD. thanks21. A. similarB. openC. usedD. devoted22. A. recognizedB. invitedC. blamedD. approached23. A. touchedB. frightenedC. exposedD. excited24. A. reached inB. pulled outC. thought ofD. depended on25. A. r

14、eferred toB. watched outC. looked forD. left out26. A. commonB. specificC. dangerousD. hard27. A. attemptB. struggleC. enquiryD. impression28. A. headB. mouthC. dreamD. note29. A. foodB. chanceC. moneyD. job30. A. patientB. calmC. fullD. warm31. A. hand inB. give upC. put awayD. pass on32. A. moment B. wayC. placeD. condition33. A. comparingB. spendingC. countingD. sparing34. A. howB. whyC. whenD. if35. A. instructorB. winnerC. supporterD. friend三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A Every other wee


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