2018高中英语 u1 breaking records课件 新人教版选修9

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1、Unit 1 Breaking records,教材课文读写,一、课文概要 请以约30个词概括本单元第一篇课文的主要内容。,The passage is about Ashrita Furman, an American man, who enjoys the challenge of breaking Guinness records in some very unusual sporting activities. Its his perseverance and great determination that made him a famous sportsman.,二、任务写作 阅读

2、本单元第一篇课文,然后以约120个词就“我最喜欢的运动”的主题发表看法,并包括如下要点: 1. 你最喜欢哪项体育运动? 2. 该运动有什么特点? 3. 你为什么喜欢它?,写作要求 可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照课文的内容,但不得直接引用课文中的句子。 评分标准 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。,My favorite Sports Ashrita Furmans spirit inspires me greatly. I am also a sports lover and take part in sports regularly. Of all the spor

3、ts, I like playing badminton best.,Playing badminton is fun. With a shuttlecock, you dont need to have great skills to play it. Catching the shuttlecock and hitting it back hard is the key rule of playing badminton.,It simply requires a small number of participants and it is convenient to find badmi

4、nton courts. The shuttlecock is small but flies at high speed and in diverse ways. Playing badminton is very entertaining, in which the young can play fast to display their vigor while the old can play at ease to keep fit.,I like playing badminton. Playing badminton frequently not only keeps us heal

5、thy and helps improve the coordinating abilities of the body, but also benefits our eyesight and trains our brains. In addition, we can learn cooperation and make good friends with others. Most important of all, sports such as badminton will teach us good qualities such as courage, determination and

6、 perseverance.,语言知识讲练,1. fascinate vt. 使着迷;vi. 强烈地吸引,运用:完成下列句子。 (1)昨天我们都被她甜美的嗓音迷住了。 We _ her sweet voice yesterday.,be fascinated by 被吸引;对着迷,were all fascinated by,(2)在我小时候,穿越时间之旅的主意使我非常着迷。 When I was a child, the idea of traveling through time_ .,fascinated me,2. urge vt.力劝;敦促;n.迫切的要求,拓展:urgent adj

7、.急迫的;紧急的;紧要的 urgency n. 紧迫;迫切,urge sb.to do sth.=urge sb.into doing sth.催促/ 力劝某人做某事 have an urge to do / for sth.有做某事的强烈愿望 urge that sb.(should) do sth.强烈要求某人做某事,运用:用所给词的适当形式填空或完成句子。 (1) Whats the most _ (urge) problem of all? (2) 玛丽的父母力劝她重新考虑她的决定。 Marys parents _ her decision. = Marys parents urged

8、 that _ _ her decision.,urgent,urged her to reconsider,she (should) reconsider,3. come to 达到某种状态;总计;谈到;涉及 运用:完成下列句子。 (1)我注意到我的新钢笔不见了。 It has _ that my new pen is missing. (2)说到弹钢琴,我一窍不通。 When it comes to _ (play) the piano, I know nothing.,come to my attention,playing,4. be doomed to sth./ to do sth

9、.注定(失败,死亡,毁灭等) 运用:完成下列句子。 (1)这桩婚姻似乎注定会以失败告终。 The marriage seems_. (2)那个杀人犯注定会死。 The murderer_.,doomed to failure/fail,is doomed to die,5. to the point of. 达到程度/地步;近乎 运用: 请将下列句子译成英文。 (1) 那个中年妇女粗鲁到蛮不讲理的地步。 The middle-aged woman was rude _ aggressive (好斗的).,to the point of being,(2)她讨厌他到不和他讲话的程度。 She h

10、ates him_ _.,to the point of not talking to him,基础知识检测,1. image n.图像;映像 (1)_vt.想象;设想;料想 (2)_ n.想象力 (3)_ adj.富有想象力的 (4)_ adj.可想象的;想象得出的 (5)_adj.想象中的;虚构的,imagine,imagination,imaginative,imaginable,imaginary,2. fascinate vt. 使着迷;使入迷 (1)_ adj. (人)着迷的 (2)_ adj.(物)吸引人的 (3)_ n. 魅力;迷惑力,fascination,fascinate

11、d,fascinating,3. urge vt.力劝;催促;敦促 (1)_adj.急迫的 (2)_n. 敦促;催促,urgency,urgent,4. accomplish vt. 完成;实现 (1)_n.完成,成就 (2)_adj.可完成的,可达成的,accomplishment,accomplishable,5. participate v.参加,参与 (1) _n.参加者 (2) _n.参加,participation,participant,6. challenge n. & v.挑战 _ adj.具有挑战性的,challenging,7. concentrate v. 全神贯注;集

12、中 (1) _n.专注,专心;集中 (2)_adj.专心致志的,concentrated,concentration,8. meditate v.沉思,冥想 (1) _n.沉思;冥想 (2) _adj.沉思的,深思的,meditative,meditation,9. motivate v.激励,激发 (1) _n.动机 (2) _adj.出于的动机,motivated,motivation,1.I found it hard to keep my _ with such a noise going on.(concentrate) 2.The book is_, despite its uni

13、nspiring title. (fascinate),concentration,fascinating,3.I have _ a great deal in the last few months. (accomplish) 4.The plan is very _in conception. (imagine) 5.He was buried in _. (meditate),accomplished,imaginative,meditation,6.We win the game because of his _. (participate) 7.Her suicide was _ b

14、y desperation. (motivate),participation,motivated,8.The matter can wait until the next meeting; its not _. (urge) 9.What _ accomplishments have you had?(challenge),challenging,urgent,1.实际上 _ 2.在之前 _ 3.试图做某事 _ 4.热爱;有热情 _ 5.集中精神于 _,in reality,ahead of,attempt to do sth.,have a passion for .,concentrate on.,6.rather than _ 7.keep ones balance _ e to _


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