2018高三英语一轮复习 great people and great inventions of china 课件 外研版必修3

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1、1 n秩序 2 n原则;准则 3 n职位 4 vt.强调 5 vi.辞职 6 adj.有影响的 7 n公正 8 n燃料 9 n状况;条件;环境 10 adj.平等的equality n平等,order,principle,position,stress,resign,influential,justice,fuel,condition,equal,11 n哲学家philosophy n哲学 12 n顾问advise v建议advice n建议 13 n诚实honest adj.诚实的 14 n贡献contribute v贡献;捐献;投稿 15 vt.发明invention n发明invento

2、r n发明家 16 n争论;辩论;议论argue v争论,辩论,philosopher,adviser,honesty,contribution,invent,argument,equal vt.等于,比得上;adj.相等的,胜任的;n.同等的人或物 (1)equaln.(inn.)(在方面)比得上,与匹敌;与相等 (2)be equal to sth./doing sth.等于;能胜任 be equal with与平等 (3)without (an) equal无人可比的 (4)equally adv.同样地;相等地 equality n相等;平等,None of us equal him

3、in strength. 在力气方面,我们谁也比不上他。 Women demand equal pay for equal work. 妇女要求同工同酬。 It is equal to me whether he comes or not. 他来还是不来对我都一样。 Im not equal to the position.我胜任不了那个职位。 His paintings are without equal in the Western world. 他的画在西方世界首屈一指。,order n次序,顺序;秩序;整齐;命令;订购;订单;点饭(菜);vt.命令;订购;安排 (1)in order

4、of以的顺序 in order to do./that.为了 out of order紊乱的;出故障的 keep order维持秩序 give/place an order for sth.with (sb.)和(某人)订购某物 give/take orders下达/接受命令 (2)order sb.to do sth.命令某人做某事 order that.(should)动词原形 命令 order sb.sth.order sth.for sb.为某人订购,Please arrange the thing in order of the size. 请按照尺寸的大小排序。 Some teac

5、hers find it difficult to keep order in classes. 许多老师发现课堂秩序很难维持。 He gave orders for the work to be started immediately. 他发出指示要立即开始工作。 The phone is out of order.电话坏了。,The doctor ordered me to take a rest for a month. The doctor ordered that I (should) take a rest for a month. 医生指示我要休息一个月。,stress n压力,

6、重压;强调;重音;vt.着重;强调;重读 (1)lay/place/put stress on把重点放在上;在上用力 under the stress of为所迫 cause/reduce stress造成/减少压力 (2)stress the importance of强调的重要性 (3)stressed adj.焦虑的,紧张的(不位于名词前,且常修饰人) (4)stressful adj.产生压力的,使紧迫的,He is under great stress because of his new job. 新工作使他感受到沉重的压力。 The teacher laid particular

7、 stress on the need for discipline. 老师特别强调纪律的必要性。 I must stress that what I say must be kept as a secret. 我强调我说的话必须保密。 She finds her new teaching job very stressful. 她觉得新的教学工作非常紧张。,honest adj.诚实的,正直的 (1)an honest man一位诚实的人 It is honest of sb.to do sth.(某人)做是正直的 to be honest (with you)坦白说,老实告诉你(通常置于句

8、首) (2)honestly speaking诚实的说 (3)honesty n诚实,真诚,All my life Ive tried to be an honest man. 我的一生中,我一直尽量做个诚实的人。 Give me an honest answer.给我一个坦率的答案。 To be quite honest,I dont think we have a chance of winning. 老实说(说实话),我认为我们没有获胜的可能。 Honestly speaking,thats exactly what she said. 坦白说,那正是她所说的。 Honesty is t

9、he best policy.诚实为上策。,contribution n贡献;稿件 (1)make contributions to (doing) sth. 对(做)某事做出贡献 (2)contribute vt.& vi.捐赠,贡献,有助于 contribute (sth.) to/towards sth. 向捐赠,向投稿 contribute to sth.促成某事物,People remember him for his contributions to the country. 人们因为他对这个国家的贡献而记住他。 He has made great contributions to

10、 the development of our company.他对我们公司的发展做出了巨大贡献。 He contributed a lot of money to the Hope Project. 他捐很多钱给希望工程。 A proper amount of exercise contributes to good health. 适度的运动有益健康。,condition n条件;情形;社会地位 (1)living/working conditions居住/工作环境 (2)on condition (that)在条件下;倘若 on no condition一点也不,绝不 (3)be in

11、good condition身体很好;完好无误 be out of condition身体不适,One of the conditions of the job is that you should be able to use a computer.那个工作的条件之一是你要会用电脑。 The condition of my health prevents me from working hard. 我的身体条件使我不能努力工作。 He cant still go for an outing,since he is in poor condition. 既然他身体不好,还不能出去。,You m

12、ay borrow the book,on condition that you do not lend it to anyone else.你可以借这本书,条件是你不能再借给别人。 On no condition should you give up.你决不应该放弃。,1He is not_to the position and wed better get somebody else to do it. Afit Bgood Cequal Dinterested 【解析】 be equal to胜任的。该句意为“他胜任不了那个职位, 我们最好另找他人做这件事”。 【答案】 C,2His h

13、ouse is well designed and everything inside it is put in_. Aline Border Csight Dway 【解析】 他的房子设计得很好,里面的每一件东西都放得井井有条。 【答案】 B,3Would you please lend me ten pounds? _,Ive got no money with me today.Im so sorry. ATo be fair BTo be sure CTo be careful DTo be honest 【解析】 在对方向“我”借钱时,“我”坦率地说出身上没钱,并表示歉意,应选D,意

14、为“说实话,老实说”。 【答案】 D,4Ron lent me the money on_that I pay it back next month. Acondition Bconditions Cstate Dsituation 【解析】 on condition that在条件下。句意为:罗恩把钱借给我,条件是下个月我还给他。 【答案】 A,1 与交战 2 为自豪 3 责任感 4 首次;第一次 5 与不同 6 养育;抚养;呕吐 7 总之 8 与相似 9 照顾 10 叫醒,be_at_war_with,be_proud_of/take_pride_in,a_sense_of_respons

15、ibility,for_the_first_time,be_different_from,bring_up,in_conclusion,be_similar_to,look_after,wake_up,be at war with与交战 (1)a civil/cold war内战/冷战 make/declare war on.对宣战 (2)be at peace (with)与保持友好,和平,和皆,The country has been at war with its neighbor for three years. 该国与其邻国已交战三年。 During the Second World War,Germany was at war with almost all the countries in the world.第二次世界大战期间,德国几乎同世界上所有的国家处于交战状态。 To declare war on the small island state looks like the action of a cowardly nation. 向一个小岛国宣战,看来像是一个怯懦国家的行为。,Germany has been at peace with France f


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