2018年高考英语一轮复习配套资料 module2 unit6 design课件 北师大版选修8

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1、Module 2 Unit 6 Design,重点单词,1fix vt.安装;集中;确定,修理 精讲拓展 fin ones eyes/attention on/upon注视,凝视,集中注意力于 with ones eyes fixed on(常作状语,注意力集中于) fix a time/day/place for.为确定时间/日期/地点 be fixed on(doing)sth.专注于某事 fix up修补,修理好;安顿,典型例句 The exhibited new machines fixed our attention. 展出的新机器把我们吸引住了。朗文当代 Id like to fi

2、x up a meeting with you next week sometime. 下周我想跟你约个时间见面。剑桥高阶 He stands by the window,with his eyes fixed on a car outside it. 他站在窗户旁,眼睛盯着外面的汽车。朗文当代,Looking up,I saw his eyes_on me in curiosity. Afixing Bfixed Cto fix Dhaving fixed 解析:句意为:我抬头时,看到他正好奇地盯着我看。fix ones eyes on盯着看,ones eyes与fix成动宾关系。 答案:B

3、,即学即用,2date vt.给注明日期;计算的日期 精讲拓展 date back todate from追溯到,始于(无被动态,作谓语时常用一 般现在时) have a date with sb.make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会,与某人确定一个时间 out of date废弃的,过时的 to date迄今,到目前为止 up to date现代的,最新的 典型例句 To date,we have received over 200 replies. 到目前为止,我们已收到二百多封回信。朗文当代 Making a date with somebody on t

4、he net is now becoming more and more popular. 现在和某人在网上约会变得越来越流行。朗文当代 This tradition dates back to medieval times. 这个传统可以追溯到中世纪时期。剑桥高阶,即学即用 The scientist discovered a dinosaur fossil_from 4,000 years ago. Adates Bdate Cdated Ddating 解析:句意为:那个科学家发现了距今四千年前的恐龙化 石。date from“追溯到”,作定语修饰fossil,无被动态。 答案:D 3d

5、esign vt.设计,构思,绘制的图样 n图案,花 样,意图,计划 精讲拓展 be designed forbe meant forbe intended for 打算做 用,为而设计 be designed to do为的目的 by designon purpose故意地,有意地,典型例句 The room was designed for the children. 这房子专为孩子们设计的。朗文当代 She arrived just as we were leaving,but whether this was by accident or by design,Im not sure.

6、她刚好在我们正要离开时到达,但我不能肯定这是出于偶然还是有意安排。朗文当代 These measures are designed to reduce pollution. 采取这些措施旨在降低污染。剑桥高阶,即学即用,_do you think of_of the cloth? AWhat;types BHow;design CWho;color DWhat;design 解析:句意为:你认为那种布料的设计如何?What do you think of.表“认为怎样”,为一固定句型。 答案:D,4leave v听任,让,留 精讲拓展 leave out删掉,漏掉;不理会,忽视,使不受欢迎 l

7、eave aside不考虑(某事物) leave alone不打扰,不理会,不管 leave behind不带走,没带走 leave.for.离开前往 leave off停止 leave over留下,残留,典型例句 We left out an important detail.我们漏掉一个重要细节。朗文当代 This film begins where the other one leaves off. 这部电影从另一部电影结束的地方开始接着演。剑桥高阶 He leaves over a sum of money every month. 他每个月要省下一大笔钱。朗文当代 We left

8、in a hurry and I must have left my keys behind. 我们走得太匆忙,我肯定是忘了拿钥匙。剑桥高阶,即学即用 It was_his mother came back that he_. Auntil;didnt leave Bnot until;left Cnot until;leave Dnot till;leave 解析:句意为:直到母亲回来他才离开。强调“直到才”用强 调句型It is/was not until.that.。 答案:B 5turn n轮次 v变得,变成 精讲拓展 It is ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事

9、 take turns doing sth.take turns to do sth. take turns at doing sth.轮流做某事 wait ones turn等着轮到某人 by turns轮流 in turn依次;反过来 turn out结果是,原来是,被证明是 turn down关小,调低;拒绝,典型例句 Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice. 理论以实践为基础,反过来又为实践服务。朗文当代 His speech turned out(to be)a great disappointment. 他的演

10、讲令人失望。朗文当代 Its your turn to do the washing up! 轮到你洗碗了!剑桥高阶,即学即用,翻译句子 今天轮到谁值日? _,Whose turn is it to be on duty today?,6breath n呼吸 breathe v呼吸 精讲拓展 hold ones breath屏住呼吸 ose ones breath喘不过气来 take breath歇口气,歇会儿 take a breath深吸一口气 save ones breath不白费口舌 out of breath上气不接下气地 典型例句 How long can you hold you

11、r breath for? 你能屏住呼吸多久?朗文当代 I was out of breath when I got to the top of the hill. 我到达山顶的时候上气不接下气。美国传统 It took us a few minutes to get our breath back after the race. 比赛后过了好几分钟我们才喘过气来。朗文当代 The singer took a deep breath. 歌手深深地吸了口气。美国传统,即学即用,It is difficult for you_on the top of a very high mountain.

12、Ato breath Bbreathing Cto breathe Dto be breathing 解析:句意为:在很高的山顶上呼吸是困难的。不定式复 合结构作主语,用it作形式主语,breath为名词。 答案:C,7.relate vi.&vt.涉及,有关 精讲拓展 relate to把联系起来 relate sth.to sb.和某人叙述/讲述 relate sth.to/with sth.将某一事物与另一事物联系起来 relate to sb./sth.与某人或某事有关,涉及某人或某事 relate very well to sb.和某人相处得好 be related to与有关系 i

13、n relation to与有关;涉及,典型例句 His words related to the topic under discussion. 他的发言涉及正在讨论的话题。朗文当代 I related his bad mood to a lack of sleep. 我觉得他的坏情绪与缺乏睡眠有关。美国传统 She doesnt relate very well to her mother. 她与她母亲相处得不是很好。朗文当代,即学即用,Mr.Johnson gave us a report last night which_what he did with what he said. A

14、related Bjoined Cagreed Dsatisfied 解析:句意为:昨晚Johnson给我们做了一个报告,将他所说 的与他所做的结合起来。relate.with.表将与联系 起来。 答案:A,8direction n方向,方位;指令,指示 精讲拓展 follow sb.s direction听从的指示 pl.用法说明 Follow the directions on the medicine bottle. 按药瓶上的说明服药。 in all directions向四面八方 in.directionin the direction of 向的方向 from.directionf

15、rom the direction of 从的方向 under sb.s direction在的指导下,典型例句 He went in the opposite direction. 他朝相反的方向走去。朗文当代 The fire department is under the direction of the chief. 消防局由局长领导。美国传统 We can see the artist taking a different direction in her new paintings. 我们可以从那位画家的新作品中看出她变化了的艺术取向。美国传统,即学即用,The operation was performed_his direction. Ain Bto Cunder Dwith 解析:句意为:手术在他的指导下进行的。under ones direction表“在指导下”。 答案:C,9mercy n慈悲,怜悯,同情心;宽恕 精讲拓展 have/take(no)mercy on



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