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1、阅读训练 36AI was in a strange city I didnt know at all, and whats more, I could not speak a word of the language. On my second day I got on the first bus that passed, rode on it for several stops, then got off and walked on. The first two hours passed pleasantly enough, then I decided to turn back to m

2、y hotel for lunch. After walking about for some time, I decided I had better ask the way. The trouble was that the only word I knew of the language was the name of the street in which I lived, and even that I pronounced badly. I stopped to ask a newspaper-seller. He handed me a paper. I shook my hea

3、d and repeated the name of the street and he put the paper into my hands. I had to give him some money and went on my way. The next person I asked was a policeman. He listened to me carefully, nodded and gently took me by the arm. There was a strange look in his eyes as he pointed left and right and

4、 left again. I nodded politely and began walking in the direction he pointed.About an hour passed and I noticed that the houses were getting fewer and fewer and green fields were appearing on either side of me. I had come all the way into the countryside. The only thing left for me to do was find th

5、e nearest railway station.1. The writer preferred to walk back to his hotel because.A. he had no money to buy a ticketB. he wanted to lose himself in the cityC. he tried to know the city in this wayD. it was late and there were no buses passing by2. The newspaper-seller_.A. didnt know where the hote

6、l wasB. didnt understand what the writer saidC. could understand what the writer saidD. didnt want to take the money from the writer3. From the story we know that the policeman_.A. was kind but didnt understand the writerB. told the writer where to take a trainC. knew what the writer really meantD.

7、was cold-hearted and didnt help the writer4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. The writer got close to the hotel where he stayed.B. The writer got to the hotel with the policemans help.C. The writer found he was much farther away from the hotel.D. The writer found the hotel in the directi

8、on the policeman pointed.5.In your opinion, what was the writers real trouble?A. He didnt know the city at all. B. He couldnt speak the language.C. He went too far in the wrong bus. D. He followed the policemans direction.BThe Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings i

9、n the world and the finest example of the late style of Indian architecture. It is at Agra in northern India. It lies beside the River Jumna in the middle of gardens with quiet pools. The Taj Mahal was built by the Mogul emperor Shah Jehan, who ruled India in the seventeenth century. It is in memory

10、 of his favorite wife, Arjumand Banu Bagam, known as Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631. The building, which was completed between 1632 and 1638, was designed by a local Muslim architect Ustad Ahmad Lahori. The whole building, with gardens and gateway structures, was completed in 1643. The Taj Mahal sta

11、nds at one end of the garden tomb with marble (大理石) path. The room is softly lighted by the light that passes through double screens of carved marble set high in the walls. The building now is kept in good condition. The Taj Mahal took 22 years to build. Shah Jehan planned a similar building, but in

12、 black instead of white, to lie on the other side of the river. But before it could be built, Shah Jehan was imprisoned (监禁) by his son and buried next to his wife in the Taj Mahal.1. The Taj Mahal was built for_ . A. Mumtaz B. Shah C. Either Mumtaz or Shah D. Both Mumtaz and Shah2. Why do you think

13、 Shah Jehan was buried next to his wife? A. His own tomb hadnt been built. B. He hoped to be buried there. C. King and Queen should be buried together. D. He liked Mumtaz all his life.3. The passage mainly tells us_ . A. why the Taj Mahal was built B. the love story between Shah and Mumtaz C. some i

14、nformation about the Taj Mahal D. the Taj Mahalthe pride of Indians 4. Form the passage we can learn that_ . A. the Taj Mahal looks more beautiful than before. B. the Taj Mahal doesnt exist now. C. the Taj Mahal has completely changed. D. the Taj Mahal has become a place of interest. 36CBACB B篇AACD


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