2016高考英语新一轮总复习 unit6 design 3沙场点兵,能力自评练习 北师大版必修2

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1、Section 沙场点兵,能力自评(时间:45分钟满分100分).完形填空When I began teaching in a university, I was invited to a workshop for new professors. I had_1_a long time learning what to teach, but not learning how to_2_it. Somehow, my university seemed to hope a weekend spent with experienced professors would_3_for that. My

2、 colleagues presented wellcrafted lectures about the tools they used. I enjoyed their_4_, but do not remember a thing they said.At a coffee break during the lectures, finding myself_5_, I turned to a mathematics professor standing nearby. I asked him what his favorite teaching_6_was. “A cup of coffe

3、e,” he said, “I talk too much and too fast in the classroom. Students sometimes have trouble_7_me. So when Ive said_8_that I want my students to think about, I would_9_and take a sip of coffee. It lets what Ive just said sink in.”When we were called to the next talk, he put down his cup and I_10_the

4、re was not a trace of coffee in it.“My doctor_11_me to stop drinking coffee,” he explained. “So I have always used a(n)_12_cup.” I decided to try his_13_in my class.I took a cup of coffee with me to my next class. It helped. My pauses, as I_14_the coffee, not only gave my students_15_to think about

5、what I had said, but gave me time to think about what I was going to say next. I began to use my_16_to look around the room to see how my students were reacting to what I had just said. When I saw their_17_wander, I tried to bring them back. When I saw them puzzled over some concept that I thought I

6、 had_18_, I gave another example. My_19_became less organized and less brilliant, but my students seemed to_20_me better.1. A. wastedB. costC. killed D. spent2. A. manage B. copy C. teach D. consider3. A. put up B. build upC. take up D. make up4. A. experiences B. plansC. presentations D. designs5.

7、A. alone B. absentC. lonely D. awkward6. A. method B. materialC. tool D. skill7. A. following B. graspingC. seizing D. imitating8. A. everything B. somethingC. nothing D. anything9. A. pretend B. stopC. prevent D. delay10. A. observed B. noticedC. glared D. proved11. A. suggested B. protectedC. allo

8、wed D. advised12. A. empty B. clearC. large D. false13. A. discovery B. inventionC. magic D. idea14. A. dropped B. madeC. drank D. changed15. A. space B. timeC. room D. schedule16. A. chances B. pausesC. situations D. conditions17. A. attention B. focus C. energy D. devotion18. A. translated B. expe

9、ctedC. explained D. solved19. A. speeches B. memoriesC. documents D. lectures20. A. realize B. understandC. admit D. admire答案:文章是一篇记叙文。作者踏上大学的讲台前向老教授学习教学方法,其中一位数学教授的教具是一杯咖啡,这给作者留下了深刻的印象,在以后的教学生涯中,一杯咖啡回味无穷。1. D我已经花费了很长时间学习教什么。cost的主语是物,故排除,kill ones time消磨时间。2. C根据learning what to teach,可知此处是说没有学怎样教(

10、teach)。3. Dmake up for补偿。根据前文所述可知,此处是说学校想利用一个周末来弥补(从有经验的教授身上学习怎么教)。4. C同事们介绍了他们精心准备的教具,我很欣赏他们的介绍,但一样教具也没记住。前一句中的presented有暗示。5. A分析语境可知,在休息期间我发现自己孤单一人,然后就和一位数学教授聊起天儿来。alone强调一个人而未必孤独;lonely强调孤独、寂寞。6. C根据第一段中My colleagues presented wellcrafted lectures about the tools they used. 以及后文中回答的a cup of coff

11、ee可知答案为C。7. A根据I talk too much and too fast in the classroom. 可知,由于讲得快、讲得多,有些学生可能跟不上(following)。8. B当我说到某些(something)想让学生思考的东西时。9. B根据后文take a sip of coffee以及最后一段可知是要停下来喝一口咖啡。10. B我看到他的杯子里并没有咖啡。notice指无意中注意到,符合语意。observe长期观察;glare怒视;prove“证明”。11. D医生建议我停止喝咖啡。并没有suggest sb. to do sth. 这种结构。故用advised。

12、12. A医生建议他别再喝咖啡了,故这位数学教授只能拿着一个空( empty)杯子去上课。13. D根据最后一段内容可知作者也想效仿一下这位数学教授的做法。discovery发现;invention发明;magic魔法;idea主意、想法。14. C根据I took a cup of coffee with me to my next class.可知,此处是说作者也在上课的时候喝(drank)咖啡。15. B根据后文but gave me time to think about what I was going to say next可知作者喝咖啡的时候不仅给了学生思考的时间,也给自己思考接

13、下来说什么留足了时间。16. B根据My pauses, as I drank the coffee可知作者利用暂停的空当看学生的反应。pause中止,暂停。17. A根据I tried to bring them back.可知此处应表示“当我看见他们的注意力(attention)不集中时”。18. C根据后文I gave another example.可知,此处应表示“当我看见他们对我刚才解释的(explained)某个概念仍迷惑不解时”。19. D根据全文可知作者是在大学授课,故应选lecture讲座。20. B尽管我的课不再那么紧凑、精彩,但我的学生理解得(understand)更好

14、了。.阅读理解It might seem hard to imagine that a bad tooth could be deadly. But doctors in the Washington area say a twelveyearold boy died last month of a tooth infection that spread to his brain. They say it might have been prevented if the boy had received the dental care he needed.Experts at the Nati

15、onal Institutes of Health say good dental care should start at birth. They say breast milk is the best food for the healthy development of teeth. Breast milk can help slow bacterial growth and acid production in the mouth.When babys teeth begin to appear, you can clean them with a wet toothbrush. Dentists say it is important to find soft toothbrushes made especially for babies, and use them very gently.The use of fluoride(氟化物)to protect teeth is common in many parts of the world.



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