2015届高考英语二轮复习 unit 3-5 under the sea、sharing、travelling abroad课时规范练 新人教版选修7

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《2015届高考英语二轮复习 unit 3-5 under the sea、sharing、travelling abroad课时规范练 新人教版选修7》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2015届高考英语二轮复习 unit 3-5 under the sea、sharing、travelling abroad课时规范练 新人教版选修7(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、【志鸿优化设计】2015届高考英语二轮复习 Unit 3-5 Under the sea、Sharing、Travelling abroad课时规范练 新人教版选修7.语法和词汇知识1.How could you say that?.I didnt mean to hurt you.A.Excuse meB.Im terribly sorryC.I dont knowD.All right 答案:B解析:说了冒犯别人的话, 理应表示歉意,故选B项。2.Fish will taste better if they without bright sunlight.Put your drying t

2、able under the tree for the best results.A.dry upB.hold upC.dry outD.hold out答案:C解析:句意:避免强烈的阳光直晒, 干鱼的味道更好。将你的干燥台放在树下以取得最佳效果。dry out“(使浸水之物)完全变干, 干透”。dry up “(指河流、井等)干涸”;hold up “举起,阻挡”;hold out “坚持”。3.I am really proud of my team who were honoured though defeated because they gave up the chance for

3、a gold medal to help someone .A.in favour ofB.in loveC.in factD.in need答案:D解析:句意:我真的为我的队员感到自豪, 他们虽败犹荣, 因为他们放弃了赢得金牌的机会去帮助处在危急中的人。in need“在困难中, 在危急中”;in favour (of sb./sth.)“赞同, 支持”。4.Im sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and the daya day of pure magic!A.relieving fromB.reflect

4、ing onC.responding toD.recovering from答案:B解析:reflect on “思考,反省”,符合题意。relieve from“从中解除”;respond to“回答,回复”;recover from“从中恢复”。5.To her disappointment,what she had devoted herself to in nothing but failure.A.resultingB.resultC.has resultedD.resulted答案:D解析:句意:令她失望的是,她倾力所做的一切,给她带来的只是失败。句中“what she had d

5、evoted herself to”为主语从句,what作介词to的宾语,且devote这一动作发生在result in这一动作之前,故用resulted。6.The performer was waving his stick in the street,and it missed the child standing nearby.A.narrowlyB.nearlyC.hardlyD.closely答案:A解析:句意:表演者在街道上挥舞着棍子,并且它勉强地错过了站在旁边的小孩儿。 narrowly “仅仅,勉强地”;nearly“几乎”;hardly “几乎不”;closely “密切地

6、”。7.Various activities in the summer camp can teach kids much knowledge which they should never have learned.A.thereforeB.thusC.otherwiseD.instead答案:C解析:句意:夏令营提供的各种各样的活动能教给孩子们很多他们不参加就可能学不到的知识。otherwise “否则, 要不然”。8.The girl was left alone in the room and couldnt help crying .A.perfectlyB.narrowlyC.bi

7、tterlyD.simply答案:C解析:句意:这个女孩被单独留在房间里,不禁伤心地哭了起来。bitterly“伤心地”。9.The city is ancient and this very tower has many changes.A.metB.seenC.discoveredD.reacted答案:B解析:句意:这是一座古老的城市,正是这座塔见证了很多变迁。本句用无生命的名词作主语,用see表示“见证”。10. in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your email acc

8、ount.A.What is requiredB.What requiresC.It is requiredD.It requires答案:C解析:本题考查句型:It is required that. (should) do .。A、B两项形式上为主语从句, 其后的that前应加is, 且B项应用被动语态。11.How successful they were would depend on the speed their product could be distributed to shops.A.on whichB.with whichC.from whichD.for which答案

9、:B解析:句意:他们成功的程度取决于他们的产品推销到各商店的速度。 “以的速度” 用英语表达为with the speed。12. lie in the sun for too long; you will get sunburnt.A.Not;andB.Dont;otherwiseC.Shouldnt;forD.Lets not;and答案:B解析:句意:不要在太阳下躺太长时间,否则你会晒伤的。第一空为祈使句的否定句;otherwise表示 “否则”。13.I invite Mr Green to the party that day,but he forgot it completely.

10、A.do B.doesC.didD.doing答案:C解析:本题考查“do/does/did+动词原形”构成的强调句。通读全句可知应该用一般过去时。14. it rains when we cant find a place to escape from the rain?A.What ifB.How comeC.What aboutD.How about答案:A解析:句意:如果下雨了我们还找不到地方避雨怎么办?what if “如果怎么办”;how come “为什么”;what about=how about“怎么样”。15.I have just been in Australia fo

11、r a week and Im trying to the new climate here.A.agree withB.adjust toC.fit inD.rely on答案:B解析:句意:我刚来澳大利亚一周,正设法适应这儿的新气候。adjust to “适合,适应”,符合句意;agree with “同意,赞成,与一致,适合”,作 “适合” 讲时其宾语往往是人;fit in “相处融洽”;rely on “依靠”,不符合句意。16.Where do you plan to work?Ive made up my mind to go Im most needed.A.in whichB.

12、to whichC.thereD.where答案:D解析:考查地点状语从句。此处应用从属连词where引导状语从句,放在动词不定式to go之后,作状语,表示地点。故D项正确。17.Please pay the bill over there and then come back to get your .Please keep the receipt in case you want to replace it.A.processB.procedureC.purchaseD.privilege答案:C解析:考查名词辨析。句意:请到那边付款,然后回来拿你购买的东西。请留好小票以防换货。proc

13、ess“过程”;procedure“程序,步骤”;purchase“采购,购买的东西”;privilege“特权”。18.The boy was terrified of by his mother once more,so he followed her wherever she went.A.abandonedB.having abandonedC.abandoningD.being abandoned答案:D解析:介词of后接动词-ing形式作宾语,可排除A项;再根据主语the boy与abandon构成的逻辑上的被动关系,故用被动形式being done。故D项正确。19.What S

14、usan said wasntto our topic,so I couldnt help but stop her with a gesture.A.sensitiveB.relevantC.oppositeD.accessible答案:B解析:句意:苏珊说的话与我们的主题无关,我不得不用一个手势阻止了她。sensitive“敏感的”;relevant“相关的,切题的”;opposite“相对的,相反的”;accessible“可接近的,可使用的”。20.The smile on her face no doubt her happy life,though she married an o

15、rdinary worker.A.reflectedB.recommendedC.achievedD.realized答案:A解析:句意:毫无疑问她脸上的微笑反映了她的幸福生活,虽然她嫁给了一个普通工人。reflect“反映,反射”;recommend“推荐,建议”;achieve“取得,达到”;realize“认识到,实现”。.主题匹配A.Be present.B.Focus on people.C.Appreciate nature.D.Take a deep breath.E.Find pleasure in anything.F.Leave new technology behind.The 5 Essential Rules For SlowingDown And Enjoying Life MoreThe continually invented technologies sa


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