2018届高考英语第一轮复习 unit6 design课件 北师大版必修2

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1、Unit 6 Design,基础知识提要,1._ n. 汗 2. _ n. 青春;年轻人 3. _ n. 昆虫 4. _ n. 画家,油漆匠 5. _ adj. 狭窄的 6. _ n. 细节, 详情 7. _ n. 特征, 特色 8. _ n. 天使 9. _ vt. 毁坏, 毁灭,sweat,youth,insect,painter,detail,feature,核心单词,根据提示写出英语单词或汉语意思,narrow,angel,ruin,10. _ v. 贵重的,有价值的 11. _ 咖啡馆 12. _ n. 朝代, 王朝 13. _ n. 目的, 意图 14. _ n. 字, 字体, 人

2、物, 性格 15. _ n. 想像,想像力 16. _ n. 租金 v. 租 17. _ n. 公寓住宅 18. _ n. 地铁 19. _ n. 窗帘 20. _. 空调,valuable,dynasty,purpose,character,imagination,rent,apartment,subway,curtain,air-conditional,cafe,21. abstract _ 22. exhibition _ 23. creature _ 24. elegantly _ 25. emphasise_ 26. castle _ 27. statue _ 28. archite

3、ct _,抽象的, 深奥的,展览会,动物, 人,优美地,强调,城堡,雕像,建筑师,29. pattern _ 30. jewellery _ 31. cottage _ 32. landlord _ 33. mercy _ 34. garage _ 35. garbage _,珠宝,房东,慈悲, 怜悯, 同情心,车库,村舍, 小屋,垃圾, 废物,式样,词类转换,按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。,1.imagine (v.) _ (n.)想象力 类似:organize _(n.)组织 2. pain (n.) _(adj.)痛苦的 类似:success _(adj.)成功的 3. value (n

4、.) _(adj.) 贵重的 类似:change _(adj.)可改变的 4. happy (adj.) _(n.)幸福,快乐 类似:sad _(n.) 悲哀 5. relate (v.) _(n.)关系 类似:create _(n.)创造,imagination,organization,painful,successful,valuable,changeable,happiness,sadness,relation,creation,6. bath (n.) _(v.) 洗澡 类似:breath _(v.)呼吸 7. conclude (v.) _(n.)结论 类似:include _(n

5、.)包含 8. wave (n.) _(adj.)波状的 类似:snow _(adj.)下雪的 9. young (adj.) _(n.) 青春 类似:wide _(n.) 宽度 10. religion (n.) _(adj.)宗教的 类似:anxiety _(adj.)忧虑的,bathe,breathe,conclusion,inclusion,wavy,snowy,youth,width,religious,anxious,1._与结合 2. _注视,凝视 3._ 对感兴趣 4. _卖(多少钱) 5. _陷入沉思 6. _选择做某事 7. _追溯到 8. _被用来做某事,重要词组,com

6、bine with,fix ones eyes on,show an interest in sth.,sell for,be deep/lost in thought,choose to do sth.,date back to,be used to do/ be used for doing sth.,9. _被用作 10. _和有关联的 11. _与某人分享某物 12. _从改变成 13. _增添,增加 14. _有几分 15. _试用,实验,be used as,relate to,share sth. with sb.,change from sth. to sth.,add to,

7、sort of,try out,16. for the same reason _ 17. bring good luck _ 18. hold ones breath_ 19. leave sb. doing _ 20. dream of _ 21. dream up _ 22. according to _ 23. at high speed_,出于同样的理由,带来好运,屏住呼吸,使某人做某事,梦见,虚构,依照,按照,飞快地,24. draw in black ink_ 25. work with _ 26. be located in /on_ 27. wave goodbye to s

8、b. _ 28. hold ones breath_ 29. a typical example_ 30. Chinese folk art_,用黑色墨水画,与合作,位于,向某人挥手告别,屏住呼吸,一个典型的例子,中国民间艺术,重要考点突破,1. valuable adj. 有价值的,贵重的 Your valuable ideas are welcomed.欢迎多提宝贵意见。 Nothing is more valuable than time, but nothing is less valued.没有比时间更珍贵的东西,但也没有比它更受轻视的东西。 拓展: 写出适当的词。 (1) _ n.

9、 价值,重要性 (2) _ vt. 评价,估价,重视 说出下列句子中画线单词的意思。 (3) Your help has been invaluable to us.,核心单词,value,value,非常宝贵的(=very useful indeed),(4) This jewellery is valueless; it is made of glass and ordinary metals. (5) The portrait of his grandfather was his most valued possession. (6)This ancient gold coin isnt

10、 just valuable; its priceless. 搭配: be of value 相当与be valuable,即“of+名词”的用法相当为形容词,可以作表语、定语和宾语补足语,作定语时放在所修饰的名词后面。如:a watch of value(有价值的手表)。,无价值的(=worthless =of little or no value),珍贵的,指对某人来说是珍贵的,但对别人来说却并非如此。,无价的,根据所给的中文提示,写出与be of value类似的搭配: (1)important = _ (2)helpful = _ (3)有好处的 _ (4)质量好的 _,of impo

11、rtance,of help,of advantage,of good quality,2. ruin v. & n. 毁坏,损坏;废墟,遗迹复数 搭配: be/lies in ruins 严重受损,破败不堪 理解:理解下列各例句的意思。 (1)The rain ruined my painting. (2)The castle now lies in ruins. (3)We visited the ruins of the temple. 运用:用ruin翻译下列句子。 (1)他前途(career)尽毁。_ (2)不要用粗糙的(harsh)肥皂洗脸。那会损坏你的皮肤。 Dont use harsh soap to wash your face. _,这场雨毁坏了我的画。,那城堡现在已成了一片废墟了。,我们参观了那个庙宇的遗迹。,His career is in ruins.,It will ruin your skin.,3. imagination n. 想象,想象力 Poets and



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