2018高考英语一轮复习② unit 12 fact and fantasy 教学课件

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1、Unit 12 Fact and fantasy 记 忆 重 现,考 点 梳 理,重点单词 考纲单词 doubt, remind, companion 新课标单词 belief, apply, collision, hesitate, dislike, aboard, permanent 重点词组 set out, throw light on / upon, cut up, in public, make a living, in ones efforts to do, go on an adventure 重点句型 1. . and it is believed that. 2. Anot

2、her wonderful story is that.,考 点 识 记,一、根据所给汉语及词性,写出英语单词 1. _ vt. 应用 vi. 申请 2. _ n. 基础;建立 3. _ n. 碰撞;冲突 4. _ n. 同伴;同伙 5. _ vi. 踌躇;犹豫 6. _ vt. 不喜欢;讨厌 7. _ adv. 在船(或飞机、车)上;上船;登机 8. _ adj. 永久的;固定的 9. _ n. 信念;信心;信仰 10. _ n. 不确定;怀疑,二、 选用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,使句意完整正确 set out, in public, throw light upon / on, cut

3、 up, make a living, dislike, hesitate, apply, in ones efforts to do, go on an adventure 11. He _ all the cabbage for cooking. 12. It is hard to _ as an artist. 13. Smoking is not permitted _ . 14. Where do you want to _ on summer holiday? 15. Please dont _ to let me know if you need my help. 16. The

4、 government plans to build a new railway _ improve the traffic. 17. She is very unfriendly. I really _ her.,18. I _ immediately for Beijing. 19. The president intends to _ his new foreign policy. 20. If you want to _ for the job, please fill in this form first. 三、根据所给汉语意思,完成下列句子 21. _ (另一件非常重要的事情是)

5、we must finish the project on time. 22. It is dreadful to _ (发现自己处于困境) but have no one to turn to. 23. _ (尽管他很累), he still went on working. 24. This is a sharp knife _ (用它你可以很容易将肉切碎). 25. When I was a child, I _ (不喜欢早起去上课).,Key: 1. apply 2. foundation 3. collision 4. companion 5. hesitate 6. dislike

6、 7. aboard 8. permanent 9. belief 10. doubt 11. cut up 12. make a living 13. in public 14. go on an adventure 15. hesitate 16. in an effort to 17. dislike 18. set out 19. throw light on / upon 20. apply 21. Another very important thing is that 22. find yourself in trouble 23. Although he was very ti

7、red 24. with which you can cut up meats very easily 25. disliked getting up early to have classes,点 睛 讲 练,考点 1. apply vi. 申请,请求; vt. 应用,运用,使用,【典型例句】 1. Ill apply for the job today. 今天我要申请那份工作。 2. We should apply both theories in the language teaching. 我们应把这两种理论都运用到语言教学中去。 3. He applied himself to hi

8、s study. 他集中精力学习。 4. This rule can not be applied to every case. 这条规则并不是在每种情况下都适用的。 【用法提示】 1. apply sth. to 应用到 2. apply to sth. / sb. 适宜于;运用于;向询问;关系到;涉及到 3. apply for (a job) 申请(工作),4. apply oneself to sth. 致力于 5. apply ones mind to sth. 专心于 6. 拓展词语: application n. 申请,请求,申请书,应用,适用,用功,专心; applied ad

9、j. 应用的,适用的 【及时训练】 根据所给汉语意思,完成下列句子。 1. What you said _ (并不适合我). 2. She _ (应聘当英语教师). 3. We had to _ (向政府申请) financial help. 4. He _ (专心学英语). Key: 1. doesnt apply to me 2. applied for a job as an English teacher 3. apply to the government for 4. applied himself to learning English,考点 2. companion n. C

10、伙伴,伴侣,朋友; 成对物之一,【典型例句】 1. Luckily he had a good companion while traveling. 幸运的是他旅行中有个好伴侣。 2. The companion volume will soon be published. 这卷书的姊妹篇即将问世。 3. Babara and her companion were dressed in black. 芭芭拉和她的同伴穿着黑衣服。 【用法提示】 1. a good / bad / lifelong / ones companion 好 / 坏 / 终身的 / 某某人的伙伴 2. a hospit

11、al companion 医:护工 3. the companion to this slipper 拖鞋的另一只 4. companion volume / album 姊妹篇 / 集,5. companions in arms 战友; companions in misfortune 难友 【及时训练】 根据所给汉语,完成下列句子。 1. He stayed indoors the whole winter, so Gathy _ (只有我陪伴) on her walks. 2. Her _ (另一个形影不离的伴侣) was a parrot. Key: 1. only had me as

12、 a companion 2. other constant companion,考点 3. hesitate vi. 犹豫,迟疑,踌躇,【典型例句】 1. She hesitated before picking up the phone. 她在拿起听筒前犹豫了一下。 2. Shes still hesitating about sending her son to college. 她对于要不要送儿子进大学一事仍然犹豫不决。 3. Dont hesitate to tell me if you have any requests. 如果你有什么要求,请告诉我,不要犹豫。 【用法提示】 1.

13、 hesitate to do sth. = hesitate about doing sth. 犹豫着不想做某事 2. hesitate in (doing) sth. 在方面犹豫 3. 拓展词语:,hesitation n. 犹豫, 踌躇; without hesitation 毫不犹豫; hesitant adj . 犹豫的;hesitantly adv. 犹豫地,不情愿地 【及时训练】 用 hesitate, hesitation, hesitant, hesitantly 的适当形式完成下列句子。 1. I _ to ask you, but will you lend me som

14、e money? 2. I had no _ in telling the truth. 3. The boy told his mother the secret a bit _ . 4. To say is easy, but to do is _ . Key: 1. hesitated 2. hesitation 3. hesitantly 4. hesitant,考点 4. dislike vt. 不喜欢;讨厌 n. 不喜欢,【典型例句】 1. He dislikes wearing a tie. 他不喜欢戴领带。 2. She dislikes being laughed at. 她

15、讨厌被别人嘲笑。 3. She dislikes my using her soap. 她讨厌我使用她的肥皂。 4. I dislike it when you whistle. 我不爱听你吹口哨。 【用法提示】 1. dislike doing sth. 不喜欢(讨厌)做某事 2. dislike ones doing sth. 不喜欢(讨厌)某人做某事 3. dislike sb. / sth. 不喜欢某人 / 某事 4. dislike (hate) / like (love) + it + when 从句 不喜欢 / 喜欢 5. have a dislike of 不喜欢 6. take a dislike of 讨厌,7. 拓展词语: unlike prep. 不像,和不同;alike adj.(作表语)相像的,相似的;liking n. 爱好,喜好;likely adj. 可能的,看来要发生的 注: 不用dislike to do 结构。 【及时训练】 根据所给汉语意思,完成下列句子。 1. I _ (不喜欢开小车), but I like riding a bicycle. 2. She _ (不喜欢) your disturbing her. 3. My


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