广西桂林市宝贤中学七年级英语《the weekend 》课件

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《广西桂林市宝贤中学七年级英语《the weekend 》课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广西桂林市宝贤中学七年级英语《the weekend 》课件(29页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Dictation 听写,Group discussion,用4分钟时间讨论导学案的学习情况: 1.请同学们把自己在自学时不懂的看看在小组里能否解决. 2.请小组长批改组员的导学案预习情况,并做好工作记录,课后向老师汇报记录情况。 3.老师将在期考前评选出优秀小组长和优秀组员和优秀小组。,友情提示:别忘了熟读单词和课文,67 The weekend 周末 68 Whats the time? 几点钟? Where were on? When were you at?,Lesson 67 Lesson 68,看谁反应快,Round 1 (第一轮),1.What did you do last

2、weekend? 上周末你做了什么?,2.How many English names do you know? 你知道多少关于超市或菜市商品的英语名称?,3.Books open P134&136. New words and expressions.,4.Page 135. Look at the pictures. Where are they?,Listen In,1.What are the Johnsons going to do at the weekend? They are going to the country and stay at his mothers for th

3、e weekend. 2.Listen again and fill in the blanks. Jimmy _ today, but he _last week. He _ on _, _,_ and _.,is very well,was absent from school,was absent,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,看谁反应快,Round 2 (第二轮),Listen and read it again and Say It Right,1.at the butchers/greengrocers at the hairdressers/

4、bakers 2.be absent 3.on Tuesday/Wednesday 4.spend three days in the country 5.stay at my mothers for the weekend 1.在肉店/在蔬菜水果零售店 在理发店/在面包店 2.缺席,没来 3.在星期二/星期三 4.在乡下过三天 5.在母亲家度周末,Say It Right,1.Were you at the butchers? Yes, I was. No, I wasnt. 2.I was at the greengrocers. 3. Was he absent from school

5、last week? 4.How are you all keeping? Very well, thank you. 5.Arent you lucky! 1.刚才你在肉店里吗?是的,我在。 不,我不在。 2.我在水果蔬菜店里。 3.上星期他没上学吧? 4.你们身体都好吗?很好,谢谢你。 5.你们真幸运啊。,6.Where were you on Sunday, January 1st? I was at the church. 7.When were you at the hairdressers? I was at the hairdressers at ten. 6.一月一日星期天你在

6、哪里? 我在教堂。 7.你什么时间在理发店的? 我十点在理发店的。,完成新概念P136看图问答 Picture 1 A: When was he at church? B: He was at church on Sunday, January 1t. Picture 2: A: When were they at school? B: They were at school on Monday, February 2nd.,看谁表达好,Round 3 (第三轮),Key words,1. 观察下列句子,总结spend有什么意思以及观察spend后应该接什么词? I hope that you

7、 wouldnt spend so much time on TV. They spent three month (in ) touring Europe. Im going to spend all my money this weekend! My cousin(表兄) will spend this weekend with us. a.意思:花时间或钱,花费,度过; b.考点:spendon sth spend (in) doing sth,2.你已经学习过country,你还记得它是什么意思吗?看看下面句子,学习它的一些新的意思,并写在下面。(温馨提示:写完country的意思后,

8、可以试着将整句话翻译下来写在后面) 1)China is a country with large population(人口) 2)We have lived in the country for many years. 3)Emily is a country music fan. 国家,国土,故乡 2)乡下,乡村 3)乡下的,乡村风味的 注意:the country = the countryside 乡下 country表示“农村”时,前面一定要加定冠词the.,3.at the butchers = at the butchers shop , 你能写出下面的短语并给出汉语吗? at

9、 the greengrocers =_ at the hairdressers = _ at the stationers =_ at doctors=_ at mothers =_ at St.Pauls = _,.shop 在蔬菜水果店,shop 在理发店,shop 在文具店,office 在诊所,house 在我妈妈家,Church 在圣保罗教堂,本课语法知识。 1.我们已经学习过一般现在时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。 总结:1.什么时候用一般过去时:_ 2.如何区别用was还是were: _ 3.还有哪些是你在写的过程中认为应该注意的:_,过去发生的而现在已经结束的动作要用一般过去时。

10、,I / He/She/It / Tom was You/We / They / were,本课语法知识,1.观察下面的这段话,用了 _ He usually shaves at 7 oclock every day, but today he is shaving at 8:00. In the evening ,the students usually do their homework, but this evening they are not doing their homework. At the moment, they are playing in the garden.,一般

11、现在时和现在进行时,看谁会运用,Round 4 (第四轮),Checking Time,Are you right?,翻译下列句子: 1.Were you in the butchers? 2.Was he absent last week? 3.You are going to stay in the countryside for three days. Arent you lucky! 4.Where were you last weekend? I was in the hairdressers last weekend. 5.How are you all keeping? 6.I

12、spent two hours (in) finishing the maths homework yesterday evening.,根据首字母或中文意思填空。 1.Keeping 2.absent 3.stay , country 4.did 5.was 句型转换. 1.My brother was in the zoo just now. 改成否定句:My brother wasnt in the zoo just now. 改成一般疑问句,并分别做肯定和否定回答: Was your brother in the zoo just now? Yes, he was. No, he wa

13、snt.,对画线部分提问:Where was your brother just now? 2.Whats Jims favourite food? 3.He always reads books . 4. His favourite thing is magazines. 5.I dont often get T-shirt on my birthday.,看谁问题多(2分钟),Round 5 (第5轮),看谁秀得好,Round 6 (第5轮),Choose one topic to talk about,1.你能用英文描述你一般周末都做 些什么吗? 2.以这次乐满地秋游为主题,写一 篇文章,60词左右。,Show your ideas 看谁最有思想,Round 7 (第7轮),Do you think it is important for students to have a good rest at weekends? Why? 你认为周末休息对学生来说很重要吗?为什么?,Share the ideas,Homework,1.复习Lesson57和Lesson58的重点知识 2.背Lesson57和Lesson58的单词,明天听写 3.完成导学案Lesson59Lesson60,


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