高中英语 m6 u1 grammar课件 牛津版选修6

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1、Module 6 Unit 1,Grammar and usage Overview of tenses 1,This_(be) our school. It_(lie) in Taoyuan County, Hunan Province. It_(build) since seven years ago.We_ (study) in this school for about one and a half years. We _(have) an English class now.,is,lies,has been built,have been studying,are having,s

2、imple present,present perfect,present perfect continuous,present continuous,present,present,present,present,- Tenses related to present,1.simple present 一般现在时 2.present continuous 现在进行时 3.present perfect 现在完成时 4.present perfect continuous 现在完成进行时,Overview of tenses 1:,present tenses,1.The Simple Pre

3、sent Tense,1) Form构成:,do;does (am/is/are),2) Usage用法:We use it to talk about,things that are true now.(现在情况),things that are always true.(客观真理),things that occur regularly.(经常发生),Future actions that are in an adverbial clause (在时间,条件,让步状语从句中表示将来的动作),Future actions that are scheduled ( 按时刻表,日程表 ),3)与

4、一般现在时连用的时间状语:,often, usually, always, seldom, sometimes,every day, once a week, twice a week,J,J,J,J,一般现在时表不受时间限制的动作或状态.主要指自然规律,客观真理,格言或警句等。,eg. The teacher told us that light _(travel) faster than sound.,例如: Columbus proved that the earth _(be)round.,is,travels,eg. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 Prid

5、e goes before a fall. 骄者必败,注意:此用法如果出现在宾语从句中,即使主句是过去时 ,从句谓语也要用一般现在时。,1. My mother loves classical music. 2. My father visits his parents once a week. 3. When I was very young, my granny told me the earth is round and most rivers flow into seas and oceans.,a.现在情况 b.客观真理 c.经常发生,Please match:,Focus on:,

6、The exhibition _on May 1st and _ at the end of June. (open; close) The plane _at 11:30 and _ in Shanghai at 1:20. (take off; arrive) _there a film on tonight? (be),在口语中,一般现在时常可表示按规定、时间表、日程表计划或安排要发生的事情,常有一个表示未来的时间状语.多用于表示起始或移动意义的动词。begin, come, leave, start, arrive, go,open,close,take off, etc.,opens

7、,closes,takes off,arrives,Is,no matter what happens,in case you get into difficulty,Translation : Ill give her the notebook_. Tell me_. He will keep the work _ _.,当她来时,when she comes,在时间状语从句中、条件状语从句中、 让步状语从句中,用一般现在时表示 将来发生的动作或状态。,万一你有麻烦,不管发生什么,2.The Present Continuous Tense,Form构成:,am/is/are doing,2

8、) Usage用法:We use it to talk about,actions that are happening or in progress now.(此刻/现阶段),future actions that are already planned. (按说话人计划或安排),repeated actions ,used with“always, constantly ,forever”usu.with a negative connotation.(与always等连用表感情色彩),now, at present ,this week,J,J,注意,She is leaving Sha

9、nghai for Guangzhou next week,They are going abroad for holidays.,leave, go, come, arrive, start, move,stop ,spend,stay etc.,表示按说话人计划安排打算将要发生的动作。多用于一些表示起始和移动等意义的动词。例如:,Translation: 下周她将离开上海去广州,他们将出国度假,表示满意,称赞,关切,抱怨,不满等情感。常与always, forever, constantly 等词连用。,厌烦 赞扬 抱怨/不满,She is constantly changing her

10、mind He is forever complaining about his salary He is always helping people.,Please match:,3.The Present Perfect Tense,1) Form构成,has/have done,2) Usage用法:We use it to talk about,experiences that are repeated. (主语的经历), things that happened in the past, but have an effect on the present.(过去发生影响现在 ), t

11、hings that started in the past and are still happening now (过去发生延续至今),ever,never,twice,already, notyet, just,lately, recently, in recent years, since, for two years, during/in the past/last few years, from then on, so far, up to/till now,3)现在完成时常与下列时间状语连用:,J,J,J,注意,表示动作在过去完成,构成主语的经历。,eg.I have been

12、to the Great Wall three times.,eg.This is the fourth time that I have seen the film. I like it very much.,It/That/this is thetime that S+have/has+done,Thats the third time he has phoned her this morning.,那是今天早上他第三次给她打电话. Its the first gold medal Ive had for ages.,这是多年来我获得的第一块金牌.,表示动作发生在过去,但对现在的情况产生影

13、响。,eg.Thank you. I have had my supper.,eg.I have seen the film.,Have they found the missing child yet ?,表示发生在过去的动作一直延续到现在。,eg.The conference has lasted for five days.,eg.We have known each other since we were children.,*瞬间动作的肯定式一般不可与表示一段时间的状语一起用于现在完成时。瞬间动词的否定式可以与表示一段时间状语一起用于现在完成时。,He has come here f

14、or two days.,He has been here for two days. ,He has not come here for two days. ,翻译:你的车好漂亮.买多久了?,Your new car is very smart. How long have you had it?, He has been a soldier for two years. ,He has joined the army for two years.,4.The Present Perfect Continuous Tense,1) Form构成:,has/have been doing,2)

15、 Usage用法:We use it to talk about,actions that started in the past, have lasted up to now and will probably continue to happen.(过去发生,延续至今,还将继续),all day, the whole morning, for two weeks,3) 常与下列时间状语连用:,Practice:,All these years we _(设法) to get in touch with you. All along we _ (考虑) coming to see you.,have been trying,have been thinking of,She is very tired. She_(工作) all morning.,has been working,3.现在完成进行时比较生动,有时含有明显的感情色彩,而现在完成时往往只说明一个事实,结果或影响,平铺直叙,没有什么感情色彩可言,(a) I have been wanting to meet you for long. (b) I have long wanted to mee



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