高中英语 4-2 warming up & reading language points同步备课课件 新人教版必修4

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1、Section Warming Up & ReadingLanguage Points,.重点单词 一、将下列单词与所对应的英文解释连线 1misunderstand Ato say hello to sb.or to welcome sb. 2crossroads Bto be an example or symbol of sth. 3greet Ccome near or nearer to someone or sth. 4likely Dunderstand sth.incorrectly,5represent Eprobable or expected 6approach Fa p

2、lace where two roads meet and cross each other 答案:1.D 2.F 3.A 4.E 5.B 6.C,二、根据所给词性和汉语意义写出英语单词 1 n幽默;滑稽 adj.幽默的;滑稽的 2 n表演者;演出者 vt.表演;演出 n演出;表演 3 vt.使惊诧 adj.令人感到惊讶的 adj.吃惊的 n惊讶,humour,humourous,performer,perform,performance,astonish,astonishing,astonished,astonishment,4 adj.幸运的;吉利的 adv.幸运地;吉利地 adv.不幸地

3、 5 vt.使信服 adj.令人信服的 adj.深信的 6 vt.& vi.导演;指示;指挥 adj.直的;直接的;直率的 n指挥 n方向,fortunate,fortunately,unfortunately,convince,convincing,convinced,direct,director,direction,.重点短语 根据汉语意思补全短语 1put 举起,抬起 2 defence保卫,防御 3 the contrary相反地 4be to很可能;有希望 5 general总的来说;通常 6defend 保卫以免受 7in place 代替 8 ease舒适;快活;自由自在,up

4、,in,on,likely,in,against,of,at,statement nC,U陈述,说明,措辞,表达(P25) The detail of the agreement needs more exact statements. 这项协议在细节上需要更加准确的措辞。 Before we begin,Id like to make a statement about my involvement. 在我们开始之前,我想就我的参与稍作说明。,归纳拓展 (1)state v陈述,说明 n状态,国家 (2)make / issue a statement发表声明 get /take a sta

5、tement正式记录;陈述,She is in a poor state of health. 她的健康状况很差。 We gave him half an hour to state his views. 我们给他半个小时让他陈述他的观点。,即境活用 1完成句子 _ _ _ _(按照上述规定),the worker who breaks the rule will be fired. The president is to _ _ _(发表声明)tomorrow. 答案:As is stated above make a statement,represent vt.代表,象征;描绘,展示(P

6、26) He was picked out from the whole class to represent them to have the meeting. 他被挑选出来作为全班同学的代表去开会。 The picture represents a hunting scene. 这是一幅行猎图。 Our party represents the interests of the people. 我们党代表着人民的利益。 He represents himself to be an expert on biology. 他自称是生物学专家。,归纳拓展 represent.as把描绘成 rep

7、resent oneself to be.自称是,即境活用 2完成句子 王先生被选中代表公司出席会议。 Mr Wang was chosen to _ _ _ at the meeting. 玫瑰花是英格兰的象征。 The rose _ _. 她自称是英语专家。 She _ _ _ an expert in English. 答案:represent the company represents England represents herself as,association n(P26) (1)协会,社团,联盟(作主语时,谓语动词可用单数形式,也可用复数形式) We formed an a

8、ssociation to help people in trouble. 我们组成了一个社团来帮助那些有困难的人。 (2)(与某人、社团或组织的)联系,关联;交往,归纳拓展 association with sb./sth.与某人/ 某事的关联(联系) in association with 与联合/合作 have(no)association with 与有(没有)联系,She became famous through her association with the group of poets. 她通过与这些诗人交往而变得出名。 The book was published in a

9、ssociation with British Heritage. 这本书是与英国传统出版社联合出版的。 He has no association with foreigners. 他和外国人没有联系。,(3)关系,联系;联想 Smoking has a close association with lung cancer. 吸烟与肺癌紧密相关。 The town has many happy childhood associations for me. 这个镇带给我许多有关快乐童年的联想。,归纳拓展 associate vt.使发生联系,使联合 associate oneself with

10、加入;参与;与发生联系,We associate China with the Great Wall. 我们想起中国,就联想到长城。,即境活用 3完成句子 What he did _ _ _ _ _(与他的家庭有关) I _ _ _ _ _ _ _(从未把你和这个地方联系起来) 答案:was associated with his family have never associated you with the place,curiously adv.好奇地(P26) I saw the boy curiously stare at the aircraft. 我看见那个男孩好奇地盯着飞机。

11、 Curiously,I had met Johns new friend before. 真怪,约翰的新朋友我以前见过。 A few curious neighbours came out to see what was going on. 一些好奇的邻居出来看发生了什么事。,As a girl,she was curious about the origin of human beings. 她还是个小女孩时,就对人类的起源产生了兴趣。 A student should always be curious to learn. 学生应该始终具有强烈的求知欲。,归纳拓展 (1)curious

12、adj.好奇的;感到好奇的 be curious about对好奇 be curious to do急于做某事 (2)curiosity n好奇心,求知欲,即境活用 4用curious的适当形式填空 The little boy opened the box _. Something _ has been happening in the housing market. As human beings,we have great _ about how nature works. 答案:curiously curious curiosity,approach v& n(P26) (1)v.接近

13、,靠近(可以指距离,也可以指时间) Spring is fast approaching. 春天很快就要来了。 She heard footsteps approaching from behind. 她听见有人从后面走近的脚步声。,(2)n.C(待人接物或思考问题的)方法,方式;态度 an approach to sth.做某事的方法/方式 We have found a new approach to the study of English. 我们发现了一种学英语的新方法。 He has a relaxed approach to life. 他以一种轻松的态度面对生活。,(3)n.U(

14、距离和时间上的)靠近;接近 The approach of the examination is making her nervous. 考试(日期)逼近使她不安。 Our approach frightened the birds away. 我们一靠近,鸟全都被吓得飞走了。 (4)n.C路径,道路,通道 All the approaches to the airport were blocked by the police. 通往机场的所有道路都被警察封锁了。,归纳拓展 make approaches to sb. 设法接近某人,想博得某人的好感 at the approach of.在快到的时候 an approach to(doing)sth.(做)某事的方法/ 途径 the approach of sth.某事的临近,即境活用 5完成句子 我走近那幢房子的时候注意到楼上有灯光。 _ _ _ _ _,I noticed a light on upstairs. 冬天临近,天气转冷。 _ _



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