2018版中考英语 七年级下册 第四讲 modules7-12精品复习课件(含11真题) 外研版

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《2018版中考英语 七年级下册 第四讲 modules7-12精品复习课件(含11真题) 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018版中考英语 七年级下册 第四讲 modules7-12精品复习课件(含11真题) 外研版(45页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第四讲 七年级(下) Modules712,复习目标导航,考点完全攻略,同步训练,1She was very friendly.她非常友好。(Module 8) friendly adj. 友好的,常用于短语be friendly with sb.“与某人友好”。 Our English teacher is friendly with us. 我们的英语老师与我们很友好。 【拓展】 常见的以ly结尾的形容词: lovely 可爱的 lonely 孤独的 lively 生动的 ugly 丑的 silly 傻的 2He was born on 18th July,1918. 他出生于1918年7

2、月18日。(Module 8),on与时间连用时,常与具体的一天或具体某一天的上午、下午、晚上连用。 It happened on Monday morning. 这件事发生在星期一上午。 【辨析】 at,on与in 三者都是表示时间的介词。 at多用于具体的钟点时刻前。 I usually get up at 5:30.我通常在5:30起床。 on主要用在星期几,具体的某一天或具体一天的上午、下午、晚上或节日前。,The story happened on a hot afternoon. 这个故事发生在一个炎热的下午。 in表示一段时间,用于年、月、星期、四季或泛指上午、下午、晚上。 in

3、 2008 在2008年 in August 在八月 in the morning 在上午 3At twentyeight he moved to London and joined a theatre company.在二十八岁时,他搬到了伦敦并加入了一个戏剧公司。(Module 10),join 参加,加入 He joined the Party last year.他去年入了党。 【辨析】 join与take part in 两者都有“参加,加入”的意思。 join指参加某一团体或组织,成为其中的一员。 I joined the Art Club yesterday. 我昨天加入了美术俱

4、乐部。 take part in 指参加某种社会活动或者运动,在其中发挥作用。 I took part in the football match yesterday afternoon. 我参加了昨天下午的足球比赛。,4What did you think of the film about Zhan Tianyou on television last night? 你觉得昨晚电视上播放的关于詹天佑的那部电影怎么样?(Module 11) What do you think of.?是一种常用句式,意为“你觉得怎么样?”,可替换为How do you like.?常用于询问别人对某人/某事

5、的看法。 What do you think of your new classmates? 你觉得你的新同学怎样? Theyre really friendly to me.,他们对我很友好。 How do you like the story? 你觉得这个故事怎么样? I like it very much,though its a little scaring. 我很喜欢,尽管它有点恐怖。 【注意】 What do you like about.?意为“你喜欢的哪一方面?” What do you think of Xian? 你觉得西安怎么样? Its really a place o

6、f interest. 那真是个旅游胜地。,So what do you like about it? 你喜欢它的哪些方面? Friendly people and delicious snacks. 友善的人们,可口的小吃。 5How long did you spend there? 你在那里呆了多长时间?(Module 12) spend 花费(时间、金钱) I spent 10 yuan on the book. 这本书花了我十元钱。 【辨析】 spend,take,pay与cost,这四个词都有“花费”之意,但意义和用法不同。,It took me half an hour to d

7、o my homework. 做作业花费了我半个小时。 She spent a lot of money on her new clothes. 她花了大量的钱在新衣服上。 I spend an hour (in) exercising every day. 我每天花1小时锻炼。 I paid 20 yuan for the book. 我买这本书花了二十元钱。 The pen cost me 10 yuan. 这支钢笔花了我十元钱。,七年级(下) Modules 712 (训练时间:60分钟 分值:100分),基础知识过关 一、根据首字母及汉语意思写出下列单词(8分) 1My father

8、is always s_with me. 2The boys were too naughty, they d_the teachers desk and made the teacher very unhappy. 3In 1994, Mary m_Tom and they are very happy.,trict,estroyed,arried,4He r_home at 8:00 last night. 5They b_the house two years ago. 6Whats your favourite TV _(节目)? 7There are many _(乘客) on th

9、e bus. 8The plane landed _(安全地) 二、根据汉语意思完成英语句子(16分) 1要建这样的铁路是很难的。 _ _ _ _ _ such a railroad.,eturned,ought,programme,passengers,safely,It is difficult to build,2当他十岁的时候,他的家人移居去了北京。 His family _ _Beijing_ _ _ _. 3她花了两个小时完成这项工作。 She _two hours _the work. 4当你是个孩子时,你是骑自行车去上学吗? Did you _ _ _to school whe

10、n you were a boy? 5我出生在一个小村庄里。 I _ _in a small village. 6你觉得这本新辞典怎么样? _ _ _ _ _the new dictionary?,moved to,at the age of ten,spent,finishing,ride a bike,was born,What do you think of,7他急忙赶往医院。 He _ _the hospital. 8他们正从超市里走出来。 They are walking _ _the supermarket. 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空(16分) 1_ (Lucy) mother

11、 is an English teacher. 2We all like _(play) computer games. 3There _(be) a pair of trousers and two coats on the bed. 4_(class) finish at five in the afternoon.,hurried to,out of,Lucys,playing,is,Classes,5We _(China) people are kind to others. 6Han Mei, _(have) a seat, please. 7Miss Zhang is our En

12、glish teacher. We all like _(she) very much. 8The students have to do their _(homework) at late night.,Chinese,have,her,homework,综合能力提高 一、单项选择(10分) 1(2011广安)How clean and tidy your bedroom is! Thank you. It_every day. Acleans Bis cleaned Cwas cleaned 【解析】考查被动语态。It 指代上句中的bedroom,it和clean 构成被动关系,故用被动语

13、态,由every day 可知,该句是一般现在时,故用一般现在时的被动语态。 【答案】B,2How was your weekend? Great! We _ a picnic by the lake. Ahave Bare having Chad Dwill have 【解析】考查动词时态。根据问句时态是过去时,而且时间是上周,所以答语应该为一般过去时,故答案为C。 【答案】C,3(2011安顺)The new kind of car is _ dear, I dont have _ money. Atoo much; much too Bmuch too; too much Ctoo mu

14、ch; too much Dmuch too; much too 【解析】词义辨析。too much后面接不可数名词;much too接形容词。dear意为“昂贵的”是形容词,money 是不可数名词。故选B。 【答案】B,4(2011百色)Your computer doesnt work now, is there _ with it? Awrong something Bsomething wrong Cwrong anything Danything wrong 【解析】考查不定代词的用法。anything 用于否定句,修饰不定代词的词要放在不定代词的后面。 【答案】D,5_? He has big eyes and a round face. AWhat is Bob like BWhat does Bob do CWhat does Bob like DWhat does Bob look like 【解析】考查交际用语。根据答语描述的是一个人的外貌特征,所以推测问句应该是问对方长相,所以答案D合适。 【答案】D,6_late for school again, Tim! Sorry, I promise that I _. ADont; wont BDont be; wont CDont be; dont DDont; will 【解析】考查祈使



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