高中英语 book2 uint one warming up and reading 1课件 新人教版必修2

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1、What are cultural relics? How can they be called cultural relics ? A cultural relic is something that can stand for cultures, which has survived for a long time to tell the history, and maybe it is very rare and valuable. It may be not .Cultural relics can be craftworks, buildings, books, paintings,

2、 music, and so on.,the Great Wall,Taj Mahal (In India),Terra Cotta Warriors,Mogao Caves (In China),The Pyramids in Egypt,The Sydney Opera (in Australia),Amber,In Search of the Amber Room (Prussia),How did the Amber Room become one of the wonders of the world?,How was a new Amber Room built?,How did

3、the Amber Room get lost?,How was the Amber Room made?,Why did the King of Prussia give the Amber Room to the Czar of Russia as a gift?,Para 3,Para 5,Para 4,Para 1,Para 2,Match the main ideas and the paragraphs.,Outline of the amber room,1.Firstly, the amber room _ (为设计)the palace of Frederick1,which

4、 was given this name because several tons of amber_ (被用来制造它). The amber_ (被精选的)had a beautiful _ ( 美丽像蜂蜜一样的棕黄色),was designed for,were used to make it,which was selected,yellow-brown colour like honey,The design was_ _ (在当时很流行的奇特设计). It was a treasure_ (用黄金和珠宝装饰的), which _ _ (花费了整个国家最好艺术家十年去制造),and i

5、t was_ (四米长),in the fancy style popular,decorated with gold and jewels,took the countrys best artists about ten years to make,four meters long.,in those days,2. However, the next king of Prussia, Frederick William, _ (琥珀屋所属的主人),decided not to keep It. In 1716 he gave it to Peter the Great. _ (作为回报)T

6、he Czar sent him _(一队他最好的 士兵). The room _ (用作小会客厅)for important visitors.,to whom the amber room belonged,In return,a troop of his best soldiers,served as a small reception hall,3.Catherine had it moved and told her artists to _(增添更多细节) In 1770 ,the room was completed_ _ (以她希望的方式被完工) About six hundr

7、ed candles _ (点亮房间)and its mirrors and pictures _(像黄金闪烁) Although the amber room _ _(被认为世界奇迹之一),it is now_. (丢了),add more details to it,that(in which) she wanted,lit the house,one of world wonders of the world,shone like gold,missing,the way,was considered,4. In 1941,Germany and Russia_ (在交战时). Befo

8、re the Nazis got there .The Russian were able to_,were at war,remove furniture and small,art objects,(搬走家具和小艺术品),_,_ (在不到两天里),100,000 pieces were put inside 27_(木头盒子). _(毫无疑问)it was sent for Konigsberg, _ _ (那时是德国的城市) on the Baltic sea, after that, _ _ (琥珀屋发生什么仍旧是谜).,In less than two days,wooden box

9、es,There is no doubt that,which was at that time,to the amber room,a city of German,remains a mystery,what happened,5. Recently, the Russians together with _ (德国人)built a new one, _ _(它看起来像先前的) _ (为了庆祝他们城市三百年生日),Germans,which looked like,to celebrate the 300th birthday of their city,the former one,F

10、ill in the blanks according to the text. Frederick William I could never have _ that he amber Room would have such an _ history. The amber which was _ had a beautiful yellow-brown color like _. The _ of the room was _ popular in those days.,imagined,amazing,selected,honey,design,in the fancy style,T

11、he Amber Room was a _ that Frederick William I, the King of Prussia gave to Peter the Great. In _, the Czar sent him a _ of his best soldiers. The Amber Room which took the countrys best _ about ten yeas to make was a treasure _with gold and jewels. So it served as a small _ hall for important visit

12、ors. Later it was _ to a palace outside St Petersbrug _ she spent her summers. Catherine ii told her artists to _ more details_ it.,gift,return,troop,artists,decorated,reception,moved,where,add,to,It was completed in 1770 and was considered one of the _ of the world. But after September 1941, this w

13、as a time _ the two countries were _. In_ two days a great number of pieces were put inside some boxes. There is no _ the boxes were sent to Germany. After that, it was missing. Where the Amber Room remain a _.,wonders,when,at war,less than,doubt that,mystery,What should you do to protect cultural relics?,Thinking,Read the passage and fill in the blanks.,1.罕见而且珍贵 2 经过多年保留下来 3一件琥珀 4 预计与什么有关 5寻找 6绝不可能想象 7 令人惊讶的历史,rare and valuable,survive for a long time,A


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