2018届高考英语一轮复习 unit6 design课件 北师大版必修2

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1、,第一部分必修二,抓基础,析考点,提能力,Unit6,第一板块,第二板块,第三板块,第四板块,1 adj. 抽象的,深奥的 2 adj. 直的 adv. 直,直接 3 n. 痛苦,疼,痛 4 n. 阴影,阴暗处 5 adj. 典型的 6 n. 细节,详情,abstract,straight,pain,shade,typical,detail,7 adj. 浅的 8 n. 特征,特色 9 vt. 毁坏,毁灭 10 n. 目的,意图 11 n. 式样;模式 12 n. 字,字体,shallow,feature,ruin,purpose,pattern,character,13 n. (总称)珠宝

2、14 n. 租金 15 adj. 潮湿的 16 vi. 洗澡;沐浴 17 adj. 狭窄的 18 n 想像,想像力 vt.想像,jewellery,rent,damp,bathe,narrow,imagination,imagine,19 n展览会 vt.展览,展出,陈列 20 n诗(总称) n诗 n诗人 21 adj. 贵重的,有价值的 n. & vt.价值, 评价,重视 22 adv.优美地 adj.漂亮的,优美的,exhibition,exhibit,poetry,poem,poet,valuable,value,elegantly,elegant,23 vt.强调 n强调,重点,重要性

3、 24 adj.宗教的,虔诚的 n宗教 25 n. 慈悲,怜悯,同情心 adj.宽大 的,仁慈的 adv.宽大地,仁慈地 26 n结论,结束 v断定,推断出,emphasise,emphasis,religious,religion,mercy,merciful,mercifully,conclusion,conclude,1 注视,凝视 2 陷入沉思 3 增添,增加 4 使和相配 5 有几分地 6 追溯到,fix ones eyes on,be deep/lost in thought,add .to,match .with .,sort of,date back (to),7 到目前为止

4、8 把联系起来 9 试用,试验 10 做用 11 把用作 12 以的形式,so ar,relate to,try out,be used for,be used as,in the shape of,13 屏住呼吸 14 梦想 15 和某人挥手告别 16 比多;不只是,hold ones breath,dream of,wave goodbye to sb.,more than,1Its black eyes, which are fixed on the cabbage, show the creatures interest in the vegetable. 它的黑眼睛正盯着白菜,显示出

5、对白菜的极大兴趣。 解读:which are fixed on the cabbage 为which引导的非限制性定语从句 仿写:父亲给我买了个新的苹果音乐播放器,这使我很高兴。 My father bought me a new iPod, _.,答案:which delighted me,2Qi Baishis style of painting often leaves the audience guessing and makes them use their imagination. 齐白石的绘画风格常常给观赏者留出运用想像力解读其内涵的余地。 解读:leave sb. doing

6、.让某人一直做 仿写:日本地震后引起的海啸让那座海滨城市成为废墟。 The tsunami after the earthquake in Japan _.,答案: left the sea town lying in ruins,3Its finally our turn to do the wallboard in the school hall!最后轮到我们做学校礼堂的墙板了! 解读:Its ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事 仿写:该轮到你陪他散步了。 _ accompany him on a walk.,答案: Its your turn to,1pain n痛苦

7、,疼,痛;劳苦,努力(常用复数),Thankfully, I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end.(摘自2011安徽高考单项填空) 谢天谢地,我终于打完了比赛,所有的辛苦最终都是值得的。 She was after she broke her arm. 她在手臂摔断后觉得疼痛。,in pain,If you want to make great progress, you should . 要想取得巨大进步,你就得全力以赴。 She went through many experiences

8、when young. 年轻时她有过许多痛苦的经历。,spare no pains,painful,2. emphasise vt.强调,教材P36原句 To emphasise the woman even more, Chen adds a lot of detail to the fan and the cloth of her dress, and chooses to paint the background behind the woman black. 为了进一步突出这位女子,陈逸飞在她的扇子和衣服的布料上加入了很多细节,并选择黑色作为女子的背景颜色。,The speaker e

9、mphasised what he was saying by waving his hands. 发言人通过挥动双手来强调他所说的话。 They quality rather than on quantity. 他们重视质量而不重视数量。,put emphasis on,3ruin vt.毁坏,毁灭;使破产n.毁灭,毁坏;废墟,遗 址(常用复数),教材P38原句 The castle was in ruins for 200 years until it was rebuilt in 1932. 这座城堡荒废了近200年,直到1932年才被重新修建。 If youre addicted to

10、 computer games, youll ruin yourself. 玩电脑游戏成瘾,会毁了你自己。 A large number of churches after the revolution. 革命过后,许多教堂都毁了。,fell into ruin,4. purpose n目的,意图,教材P40原句 .paper cuts for decoration, for religious purposes and for design patterns. 起装饰作用的剪纸、用于宗教目的和图案设计的剪纸。 He went to the town for the purpose of bu

11、ying a new computer. 他进城的目的是买一台新电脑。,Jacks been really annoying me and I think hes doing it . 杰克一直让我很烦,我想他是故意那样做的。 Our holiday had served its purpose; we both felt thoroughly relaxed. 我们的假期已起到了它应有的作用, 我们两人都感到十分轻松。,on purpose,5character n(书写或印刷的)字,字体;性格;人物; 特征,教材P40原句 Paper cuts which show the Chinese

12、 character for double happiness are often used to celebrate weddings. 而庆祝婚礼时则通常用有汉字为双喜的剪纸。 Her behaviour last night was completely . 她昨晚的举止与她的性格截然不符。,out of character,The character of the neighbourhood hasnt changed at all. 这片住宅区的风貌依旧。 She spoke with . 她说话带着特有的热情。,characteristic enthusiasm,6mercy n慈

13、悲,怜悯,同情心,教材P42原句 He had no mercy so we had to leave fast. 他一点也不善良,所以我们不得不快点离开。 They were lost at sea, wind and weather. 他们在海上迷失了方向,任凭风和天气的摆布。,at the mercy of,On the contrary, the crisis struck China without mercy and did harm to its developing economy. 相反地,危机无情地打击了中国,对其正在发展中的经济造成了危害。 They asked her to the prisoners. 他们要求她对犯人慈悲为怀。,be merciful to,7conclusion n结论;结束, .the small conversation techniques, like pacing and pausing, lead people to draw conclusions not about conversational style but about personalit



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