2018高考英语 考点突破unit2 考点突破课件 大纲人教版选修8

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1、Unit 2 Cloning,1cast vt. 扔;投;掷 The boy cast a stone into the water. 男孩把一块石头扔进水中。 The high bell tower cast a long shadow on the grass. 高高的钟楼在草地上投下长长的影子。,上一页,cast down 沮丧;不愉快 cast sth. into. 把某物投入某处 cast away 丢掉;浪费 cast light on/upon 弄清楚 cast aside 抛弃,上一页,He was much cast down when he heard of his fai

2、lure at the examination. 他听到他考试不及格时,心情极为沮丧。 He cast aside all his old friends when he became rich. 他发了财就把所有的老朋友都抛弃了。,学以致用(单项填空) If you are always _ by such kind of failures,you will never succeed. (2010湖州模拟) Aturned down Bcast down Cmade down Dput down,上一页,上一页,【解析】 句意:如果你一直因为这种失败而沮丧,你将永远不会成功。cast do

3、wn“使沮丧;使不愉快”,符合句意。turn down“拒绝”;make down“改小”;put down“放下”。 【答案】 B,2. object vi. 反对;不赞成 n. 目标;物体 We objected to leaving in such a hurry. 我们反对这样匆忙地离开。 I saw an object in the sky,but I didnt know what it was. 我看见天空中有个物体,可是我不知道它是什么。,上一页,object to (sb./sth.) 反对(某人/某事) object to doing sth. 反对做某事 object t

4、hat. 反对,上一页,The students objected to being treated like children. 学生们不赞成像对待孩子似地对待他们。,objection n 反对;不赞成 have/take/make an objection to (doing) sth. 对表示反对 raise an objection to sth. 对提出异议,上一页,上一页,object表示“反对”,为不及物动词,接宾语时其后需加介词to;oppose表示“反对”,为及物动词,其后接宾语时不需加介词to。be opposed to.表示“反对;和相反”。,上一页,学以致用(单项填空

5、),The travelling plan,_most of us objected,was in no way practicable. Awhich Bto which Cwith which Djust as,【解析】 句意:我们大部分人都反对的那个旅行计划,它根本不实际。object to“反对”,因此,此处用“介词towhich”来引导非限制性定语从句。 【答案】 B,上一页,3. forbid vt. 禁止;不准 Lack of time forbids any further discussion at the point. 由于时间不够,现在不能深入讨论这个问题。,上一页,fo

6、rbid sb. from doing/to do sth. 禁止某人做某事 forbid doing sth. 禁止做某事 forbid that.禁止(从句中常用should动词原形) forbid sb. sth. 禁止某人某事 Its forbidden to do sth. 做某事是禁止的 the Forbidden City 紫禁城,上一页,The law forbids smoking in public places. 法律禁止在公共场所吸烟。 Its forbidden to marry someone who is not a member of the same fait

7、h. 禁止与宗教信仰不同的人结婚。,上一页,Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself,but her parents did not _ her to do so. Aforbid Ballow Cfollow Dask,学以致用(单项填空),上一页,【解析】句意:玛丽想独自环球旅行,但是她父母不允许她这样做。allow sb. to do sth.“允许某人做某事”,符合句意。forbid sb. to do sth.“禁止某人做某事”;follow sb. to do sth.“跟随某人做某事”;ask sb. to do

8、sth.“要求某人做某事”。 【答案】 B,上一页,4. owe vt. 欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于 You still owe so much debt.你还欠这么多债。 You owe yourself a holiday.你应该给自己放个假。 She told me that she didnt owe him when she left. 她告诉我说,在离开他时,她不欠他的情。,上一页,owe sb. sth./owe sth. to sb. 欠某人某物 owe it to oneself 认为自己有责任 owe.to. 把归功于 owing to 因为;由于,上一页,He owes

9、 his good health to plenty of exercise and a regular life. 他把自己身体健康归功于运动和有规律的生活。 Owing to the big fog,he drives very slowly. 由于大雾,他驾驶得很慢。,上一页,学以致用(单项填空) _the large amount of immigration,Toronto is considered as the most multicultural city in the world. AOwing to BCatering to CLeading to DBound to,【解

10、析】句意:由于数量庞大的移民,多伦多被认为是世界上最多元化的城市。owing to“由于;因为”,符合句意。cater to“迎合;为服务”;lead to“导致”;be bound to“一定;注定”。 【答案】 A,上一页,5. bother vt. 打扰vi.操心n.烦扰;令人烦恼的情况(或事物、人) Dont bother Mary while shes reading. 玛丽读书的时候不要打扰她。 I hate to be a bother,but could I use your phone? 给您添麻烦了,我可以用一下您的电话吗?,上一页,上一页,bother sb. with/

11、about sth. 为某事打扰或麻烦某人 bother about/with sth. 为某事烦恼;为某事费心 bother to do/doing sth. 操心做某事 It bothers sb. that/to do sth. 使某人苦恼的是,I dont want to bother you with my problems. 我不想让你为我的问题而操心。 It bothers me that he hasnt been telling me the truth. 他一直没有对我讲真话,这让我很苦恼。,bother/disturb/trouble/annoy 四者都表示“使人不得安宁

12、”或“心烦意乱”的意思。 (1)bother指干扰别人的正常生活和工作而使之不太安宁,可能是故意的,含有使人讨厌的意味。 (2)disturb指使人失去正常秩序而一时得不到安宁,精力不能集中,语气比bother弱。 (3)trouble常指在心情上失去平静而感到忧虑、苦恼或行动上带来不便,也常用于礼貌的请求。 (4)annoy通常指重复性的行为使(别人)生气。常用被动语态,表示为某事烦恼、生气。,上一页,上一页,学以致用(单项填空) Im sorry to have _ you with so many questions on such an occasion. Ainterrupted B

13、Tired Cimpressed Dbothered,【解析】 句意:很抱歉在这个时候问你这么多问题。interrupt“打断”;tire“使劳累”;impress“给留下印象”;bother“打扰;麻烦”。 【答案】 D,上一页,6strike vt. & vi. 打;撞击;罢工n.罢工 A snowball struck him on the back of the head. 一个雪球打中了他的后脑勺。 The strike soon spread to other parts of that country. 罢工不久就蔓延到那个国家的其他地方。,上一页,strike.with. 用敲

14、打 strike/knock against 撞到 It strikes sb. that. 某人突然意识到 be struck by. 深受感动;被打动,上一页,He was so angry that he struck the table with his fist. 他气得用拳头砸桌子。,strike/beat/hit/tap/knock (1)strike表示用力打或敲,可以是一次或多次,也有“撞击;袭击”之意。 The child ran into the road and was struck by a car. 孩子跑到公路上被车撞了。 (2)beat指连续多次或有节奏地敲打,

15、击打;还有“痛打;跳动;打败”之意。 The rain was beating against the window at the time. 当时雨不停地敲打在窗户上。 (3)hit表示“撞击;袭击”,同strike,但比其稍弱一些,多指一次性的打中或击中。,上一页,His car hit a tree by the road and he was hit by a falling branch. 他的车撞到了路边的树上,他被一段坠落的树枝击中。 (4)tap指轻拍。 I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder. 我感到有人轻轻地拍了拍我的肩膀。 (5)knock指敲打并伴有响声,还有“打倒;撞翻”之意。 Listen!Someone is knocking on the window. 听!有人在敲窗户。,上一页,上一页,学以致用(完成句子) She was angry that she struck him with(用打他) a stick.,7esist vt. 抵抗;对抗 He is in good healthhe is able to resist diseases. 他身体健康,



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