2018届高考英语 考前冲刺考纲词汇强化 unit 5《music》课件 新人教版必修2

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1、请根据下面的介绍写一篇英语短文。 李斯特(Liszt)1811年出生于匈牙利。小时候,他随全家一起搬到了维也纳(Vienna),在那里他学习了钢琴和作曲课程。他被认为是有史以来最伟大的钢琴家,他是一个音乐天才,而且对音乐很痴迷。当他第一次站在舞台上时,观众就被这个瘦高个的年轻人深深地打动了。他一生中谱写了大量的乐曲。1824年,他在巴黎举行了第一次音乐会。随后他在法国和英国进行了巡回演出,极大地影响了音乐界。 1886年,他在一次成功的巡回演出之后,去世了。整个世界都为失去这样一位伟大的音乐天才而难过。 注意:词数120150。 参考词汇:匈牙利Hungary;天才genius;巡回演出tou

2、r; 音乐界musical field。,范文背诵 Liszt was born in 1811 in Hungary. When he was a child, he moved with his family to Vienna, where he took piano lessons and composition lessons. Regarded as the greatest pianist of all time, Liszt was a genius and was crazy about music. When he stood on the stage for the fi

3、rst time, the audience was deeply impressed by the tall, slim young man. Liszt wrote and played many pieces of music in his life. In 1824, he held his first concert in Paris which followed by various tours in France and England. His tours influenced the musical field greatly. In 1886, Liszt died aft

4、er a successful tour. The whole world was sad for losing the great musical talent. 句型背诵 When he was a child, he moved with his family to Vienna, where he took piano lessons and composition lessons. Regarded as the greatest pianist of all time, Liszt was a genius and was crazy about music. The whole

5、world was sad for losing the great musical talent.,1. _ vt.& vi. 滚动;(使)摇摆;n.摇晃;卷;卷形物;面包圈 2. _ n. 音乐家 _ n.音乐 _ adj.音乐的 3. _ vt.& vi.系上;缚上;附加;连接 _ adj.附属的 _ n.附着;附属;附带 4. _ vt.(使)组成;形成;构成 _ n.构成;组成;形成 5. _ vt. 赚;挣得;获得 6. _ vt.& vi. 表演;履行;执行 _ n.履行;表现;表演 _ n. 履行者;表演者 7. _ vi. 依赖;依靠 _ adj.可信赖的;可靠的 8. _

6、adj. 幽默的;诙谐的 _ n.幽默;滑稽;可笑 _ adj.不幽默的;拘谨的 9. _ adj. 熟悉的;常见的;亲近的 _ adj.不熟悉的 10. _ adj. 吸引人的;有吸引力的 _ vt. 吸引 _ n. 吸引力;魅力,11. _ adj. 自信的;确信的 _ n. 信心;自信 _ adv.确信地;有信心地 12. _ adj. 简短的;简要的;n. 摘要;大纲 _ adv. 简短地;简洁地 13. _ n. 投入;热爱 _ vt. 献身;专心于 _ adj. 献身的;专心的 14. _ n. 邀请;招待 _ vt. 招待;邀请 _ adj. 诱人的;有魅力的 答案:1. rol

7、l 2. musician; music; musical 3. attach; attached; attachment 4. form; formation 5. earn 6. perform; performance; performer 7. rely; reliable 8. humorous; humor; humorless 9. familiar; unfamiliar 10. attractive; attract; attraction 11. confident; confidence; confidently 12. brief; briefly 13. devoti

8、on; devote; devoted 14. invitation; invite; inviting,1. dream _ 梦见;梦想;设想 2. to be _ 说实在地;实话说 3. attach. _ 认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接 4. in _ 用现金;有现钱 5. play _ on 戏弄 6. rely _ 依赖;依靠 7. be/get _ with 熟悉;与熟悉起来 8. or _ 大约 9. break _ 打碎;分裂;解体 10. in _ 另外;也 11. sort _ 分类 12. above _ 最重要;首先 答案:1. of 2. honest 3. to

9、 4. cash 5. jokes 6. on 7. familiar 8. so 9. up 10. addition 11. out 12. all,1. The TV organizers _ _ _ find four musicians who could act as well as sing. 这些电视台的主办者本打算找四位既会表演又能唱歌的音乐人。 2. Their personal life was regularly discussed by people who did not know them but talked _ _ they were close friend

10、s. 一些不认识他们的人也在不断地讨论他们的私生活,而且就像是在谈论他们的密友一样。 答案:1. had planned to 2. as if,1. attach vt.附属于,【即学即练】 完成句子 我在收音机上接了一根金属线。 I _ a wire _ the radio. 他会把标签贴在你的行李上。 Hell _ the label _ your luggage. 那孩子老是缠着我,让我给他讲故事。 The boy _ _ _ me and asked me to tell stories. 答案:attached; to attach;to attached himself to 单

11、项填空 It would be unwise to _ too much significance _these opinion differences. (2010永州模拟) A. attach; to B. refer; to C. apply; to D.attend; to 解析:选A。attach.to 把附加到或认为怎么样; refer.to 提及;查阅;apply.to 把应用于; attend.to 照看。句意为:过于重视这些观点的不同是不明智的。 用法点拨: attach一般用作及物动词,因此我们常见的是它的系表结构,即be attached,此时没有我们汉语中“被”的意思。

12、,2. form vt. 形成;构成; (使)组成;养成(习惯) n. 形式, 表格;良好的状态 His research formed the basis of his new book. 他的研究成果是他这本新书的基础。 The team were on excellent form throughout the whole competition. 这个队在整个比赛过程中一直处于极好的竞技状态。 常用结构: form the habit of doing sth. = get into/fall into the habit of doing sth. 养成做的习惯 fill out/i

13、n a form 填表格 take the form of. 采取的形式 in the form of. 以的形式 be in/out of form 处于良好/不良的状态,【即学即练】 完成句子 他养成了每天早起的习惯。 He _ _ _ _ getting up early everyday. 答案:takes the form of 单项填空 This band is _ of eight boys and girls, including two Japanese. A. made B. consist C. attended D. formed 解析:选D。句意为:这支乐队由8个男孩

14、和女孩组成,其中有2个是日本人。“由组成”可用be made up of; be formed of或consist of来表示。 用法点拨: form作为名词时的搭配最多,我们应该熟记。另外,作动词时,form常用作及物动词, 我们常用它的系表结构。,3. hit n. (演出等)成功;打击,打 vt. 无意中发现某事物 hit out 猛烈抨击或打击 【易混辨析】 hit/strike/beat hit用于表示命中,击败。 strike指有意识的动作,也可以指无意识的动作,可能用力地打一下,也可能是多下。敲钟必须用strike。 beat指有目的地在某物上连续不断地击打、轻打、重打等。如心脏的跳动。,【即学即练】 完成句子 她在接受电视采访时, 反驳了那些批评者的观点。 In a TV interview she _ _ at her critics. 她突然灵机一动, 为自己的新小说想出了一个很好的书名。 She _ _ a good title for her new novel. 主席在一次讲话中对工会进行了严厉的批评。 In a speech the President _ _ against the trade union. 答案: hit back hit upon hit out 单项填空 The song was a _ at once and


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