高中英语 word study reading m10 u4课件 牛津版选修10

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1、高三年级 英语 Word study & reading, M10U4,Word Reading (P78-79),Word Study,He looked at me with hatred in his eyes. 他以憎恨的眼光望着我。 Never identify wealth with happiness. 千万不要把财富和幸福等同起来。,They celebrate their wedding anniversary annually. 他们每年庆祝一番结婚纪念日。,I wrote a letter regarding/as regards my daughters school

2、examinations. 我写了一封关于我女儿学校考试的信。 We spied a stranger hanging around / wandering around the corner. 我们发现一位陌生人在拐角处闲荡。 adj. similar“相像的,相仿的,类似的(+to)” 如:,His problem is similar to yours. 他的问题和你的相似。 All passengers aboard fell into the river. 船上所有乘客皆落入河中。 They were the last two to go aboard the ship. 他们是最后

3、两位上船的。,He apologized to her for not going to her party. 他因没有出席她举行的宴会而向她表示歉意。 Tom was caught posing as a lawyer. 汤姆冒充律师被当场抓住。 I applied to four universities and was accepted by all of them. 我申请了四所大学都被他们接受了。,You would pass your exams if you applied yourself to your lessons. 努力学习就会通过考试。 The research ha

4、s many practical applications 这项研究有许多实际的用途。 (3) Do the policemen here enforce traffic rules strictly? 这里的警察严格执行交通规则吗?,Welcome to the unit: Law and order Page49,Unit 4 Law and order,Welcome to the unit,Who plays the leading role in law and order? And why? The police play an important role in protecti

5、ng our society from_. Without them, our society would be lawless.,What things are usually involved in law and order?,治安,crime and disorder,Unit 4 Law and order,What things are usually involved in law and order?,types of crimes people involved terms involved,theft, murder, robbery, burglary, violence

6、, kidnapping, terrorism, cybercrime, piracy etc.,criminals, police, detectives, witnesses, judges, lawyers, victims, etc.,trial, in prison, arrest, evidence, etc.,Discussion,Why do you think people break the law? What do you think of people who break the law? As a student, what do you think you can

7、do to make our society safer?,Discussion,Why do you think people break the law? What do you think of people who break the law? People break the law for various reasons. Some do so to express hatred, or in the hope of getting more money or power. Some people are professional criminals. They do not kn

8、ow any other way of making money. And many simply have no sense of law, so when they break the law, they even do not know this. People who break the law are sometimes worth our sympathy or care, but more often than not they cant be forgiven and should be seriously punished.,Discussion,As a student,

9、what do you think you can do to make our society safer? First, we ourselves should know about the law and keep the law. Second, we should educate other people to obey the law and try our best to fight against bad acts in our society and even stop crimes when necessary. Whats more, with the developme

10、nt of society, cybercrime has been on the rise. Criminal activities using computers may occur anywhere at any time. So we should have the fight against cybercrime.,Reading: P50 A conference has been organized to discuss the problem of cybercrime. An IT expert from the Council of Europe is addressing

11、 a group of business people and politicians on the subject. Read the transcript of his speech.,Reading: The fight against cybercrime 网络犯罪,Listen and answer: Part A Read the speech transcript quickly and answer the following questions 1.According to the council of Europe, how many types of cybercrime

12、 are there? There are four types of cyber crime. 2.How many companies and government departments were surveyed by the Computer Security Institute? 503 companies and government departments were surveyed. 3.What is the solution to cybercrime? The only solution is international cooperation.,Listen and

13、answer: 1.What is e-mail fraud欺诈?(not more than 20 words) 3.Why is most cybercrime against companies not reported? ( not more than 6 words) 4.Why are cybercriminals almost impossibly caught? (Not more than 24 words),1.What is e-mail fraud? (not more than 20 words) Cybercriminals send emails promisin

14、g money or cheques, and the receivers money is stolen by supplying their bank details.,3.Why is most cybercrime against companies not reported? ( not more than 6 words) To avoid the loss of customers. / Not to lose their customers.,4.Why are cybercriminals almost impossibly caught? (Not more than 24

15、 words) Because of no laws passed against cybercrime in many countries, many holes in their legal systems and no arrangements for handling foreign cybercriminals.,Reading: C1. Read the passage carefully, trying to find the answers to the following questions. (1). What is the definition of cybercrime

16、? (2). Can you name two examples of cybercrime?,It is a relatively new term that refers to any computer-related criminal offence.,Hacking, spreading computer viruses, fraud, websites with offensive content or websites that encourage hatred and violence, and breaking intellectual property and copyright laws.,(3). What is fraud? (4). According to the Council of Europe, who is affected by cybercrime?,Fraud is a crime where money is s


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