高中英语 unit5 period ⅰ warming up & reading同步教学课件 新人教版必修5

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1、Unit 5,First Aid,Period ,Warming Up & Reading,默读文章两次并完成下列任务。,Task 1:快速浏览课文“First Aid for Burns”并回答下列问题。,1How many parts does the passage contain?,_,2What kind of first aid does this text talk about?,_,It contains 5 parts.,It talks about first aid for burns.,Task 2:仔细阅读课文“First Aid for Burns”并填写下表。,s

2、wollen,Mildly,pressed,Rough,Extremely,Blisters,tissue,Little,no,charred,【探究】阅读课文“First Aid for Burns”并将下列句子排序。,_ the three types of burns,_ what to do if someone gets burned _ the functions of the skin _ the symptoms of burns _ how we get burns,3,5,1,4,2,Task 1:快速阅读课文“First Aid for Burns”,以约 30 词概括文

3、 章的大意。,提示:本文介绍了皮肤的功能、引起皮肤烧伤的因素、烧,伤的等级及对应的症状和处理方法。,_ _ _,This passage mainly tells us the functions of the skin, the causes of the burns, three degrees of burns, and what to do if we get burned.,Task 2:仔细阅读课文“First Aid for Burns”,选择正确答案。 1 The functions of your skin are very complex.It can _. Akeep y

4、ou warm or cool Bprevent your body from losing too much water Cgive you feeling and sense of touch Ddo all of the above,must go to hospital,2The victims of _ degree burns at once.,Afirst,Bsecond,Cthird,Dboth B and C,D,D,3Which of the following is the feature of first degree burns?_ ATurn white when

5、pressed. BRough and watery. CSeverely swollen. DCharred.,4 We can treat burns in the following steps EXCEPT,_.,Acooling burns immediately with cool water Btaking off other clothing near the burn,Ccovering the burned area with a dry, clean bandage Drubbing repeatedly,A,D,Task 3:根据课文内容,回答下列问题。 1Why sh

6、ould you put cold water on a burn?,_ _,2Why doesnt a third degree burn pain?,_,3Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should,be removed?,_,4If someone has a third degree burn, why might you see,tissue?,_ _,Because the cool water stops the burning process, prevents the pain becoming unbea

7、rable and reduces swelling.,Because nerves are damaged.,Because bacteria from the clothes and jewellery could infect the burns.,_,Because all the layers of the skin have been burnt showing the tissue underneath.,Task 4:复述课文,根据课文内容完成下面语篇。 There is no need to argue that the skin is essential to (1)_ O

8、ur skin can sometimes be burned due to our (2)_ (care)Therefore, first aid shows its (3)_ in the treatment of burns.(4)_ (general) speaking, burns,which are caused by hot (5)_,,fire, radiation and so on,can (6)_ (divide) into (7)_ typesfirst degree, second degree and third degree depending on the (8

9、) _ (injure) layers of the skin.To minor burns, cool water proves to be,helpful,in,stopping,the,burning,process,and,preventing,(9)_ reducing pains.But as for severe burns, it is (10)_ to get the victim to the doctor or hospital immediately.,us,carelessness,importance,Generally,liquids,be divided,thr

10、ee,injured,or,vital,Task 5:课文佳句背诵。,1.it keeps _.它(皮肤)能保暖或御寒 2 So _ you can imagine, if your skin _ it can be very serious.所以你可以想象到,如果你的皮肤被烧伤了,就 有可能非常严重。,3Remove clothing using scissors _unless it is stuck to the burn.除非衣服粘贴在烧伤面上,否则都要把衣服脱 掉。如果需要的话,可以使用剪刀。,4 _the injuries are second or third degree bu

11、rns, _ get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once.如果 是二级或三级烧伤,立刻把受害者送去医生那儿或者医院是很 重要的。,you warm or cool,as,gets burned,if necessary,If,it is vital to,1aid,First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who,suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.( 教 材 P33)急救是人们在找

12、到医生之前给予突然生病或受伤的人的 一种暂时性帮助。,n帮助;援助;资助,give/offer/do first aid to.对实施急救 with the aid of sb.在某人的帮助下 in aid of 为了帮助,_ classmates, my English improves,rapidly.在同学们的帮助下,我的英语进步很快。,She pulled the drowning man from the water and,_ him.,她拖出了那个溺水的人并对他实施急救。,With the aid of,gave/offered/did first aid to,The coll

13、ection is _ the cancers. 这笔募集的捐款是为了帮助那些癌症患者。,vt.帮助;援助;资助,aid sb.in doing sth.帮助某人做某事,He _ making the plan. 他帮助我制订计划。,in aid of,aided me in,2fall ill 生病 fall asleep 睡着 fall behind 落后 fall over 跌倒,fall into the habit of 沾染/养成的习惯,Working too hard and lack of sleep, he _ at last. 他由于太努力工作并缺少睡眠,最终病倒了。,Study hard, or you will _the other students. 努,力学习,否则你会落后于其他学生。,He _ smoking wh


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