江苏省徐州市王杰中学高中英语 unit 2 language project练习 牛津译林版必修4

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1、江苏省徐州市王杰中学高中英语 Unit 2 Language project练习 牛津译林版必修4 一单项选择1.The _ of this word is unknown, but it is so widely used nowadays. A. origin B. original C. originally D. originate2. To make members of a team perform better, the trainer had to teach them _ of football and keep them practicing every day. A. s

2、trengths B. benefits C. techniques D. technology3. Lets start out right now, _ well not be able to buy tickets for the concert tonight. A. therefore B. likewise C. however D. otherwise4.The only _for this job is that you should have acquired a college diploma. A. improvement B. requirement C. manage

3、ment D. experiment 5. The doctor had me _ my trousers and examined my wound carefully. A. to remove B. removed C. remove D. removing6. People all stepped backwards to_ the police to enter the hall. A. make way for B. push their way to C. make their way to D. mend their way 7. In his garden _ all kin

4、ds of flowers! A. growsB. growC. is grownD. growing8. Please give this letter to _ is in the office immediately. A. whomB. no matter whoC. whoeverD. whomever9. I _ to the cinema last night. The film was boring, and two hours were wasted! A. mustnt have gone B. shouldnt have gone C. neednt have gone

5、D. couldnt have gone10. Is Jack on duty today? It_be him. Its his turn tomorrow. A. mustntB. wontC. cantD. neednt11.When you are in trouble, you should get your parents and friends _ you. A. helping B. to help C. helped D. help12.The mother as well as her two children _shopping in the supermarket ne

6、ar their house every week. A. is going B. go C. goes D. are going13. Helen _ go on the trip with us, but she isnt quite sure yet.A. shall B. must C. may D. can14. - Has John arrived yet? - No, she _ an hour ago.A. was supposed to come B. must have comeC. should come D. ought to have come15.This book

7、 is said to be a special one , which _ many events not found in other history books. A. writes B. covers C. prints D. reads2 单词拼写1. E_ a new sport into the Olympics can be a long process.2. The doctor told me to_(脱去) my trousers so that he could examine my injured leg.3.Many Americans are African by

8、 o_.许多美国人是非洲血统。4.Lets form an a_ to help people in trouble.5.M_, the Kangaroos went home and trained harder than before.6.He will always treasure the p_ memories.7.A sport practiced by men on at least 4 c_ is considered popular.8.Last week all the teaching staff received a r_ medical examination.9.I

9、m familiar with John,for hes a f_ visitor to our house.10.It was not u_ to feel angry in a situation like that.三完成句子1.一项体育运动要成为奥运项目可能是一个漫长的过程。 _ a sport into the Olympics _ be a long _.2.这有助于奥委会控制奥运会的预算。 This helps the IOC _ the Olympics budget _ _.3. 这些运动必须为一些更受欢迎的、新的运动项目让路。 These sports had to _ _

10、 _new sports _ are more _.4.国际奥委会还没有同意, 因为他们要注意不同类运动之间的平衡。 The IOC has still not _ the sport _ _ the _ about the balance of sports.5.在奥运会上已经有很多项目与搏击相关。 There are many other sports in the Olympics that _ _ _fighting.6. 当然,那个进球本该不算数的,但是现在一切都太晚了。 Of course , the goal _ _ _ _.However , now it was too late.7.离比赛结束还有几分钟的时间,还是平局。 The match was_ with minutes to go.8. 鹰队回家了,既恼火又愤愤不平。 The Eagles went home angry and _.9. 裁判现在紧盯鹰队,鹰队全力以赴比拼却输了接下来的一场比赛。


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