高中英语 unit26 emotions-grammar extension课件 北师大版选修9

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1、Usages of perfect verb forms,General(1),Perfect verb forms are used to link two times(时刻). The speaker is looking back from one point to the time before that. I have lived here for years. (from now to the past) When I got back, they had all left. (from the past to the time before that) I will have f

2、inished all my exams. (from a moment in the future to one before that) You can refer to the diagraphs on page 34.,General use (2),Have you been waiting long? We had been driving for six hours when we ran out of petrol.,Present perfect simple and continuous,根据动词是否连续,可以将现在完成分为两种:强调结果(瞬间动词)和强调过程(延续性动词)

3、: Oh, no! The computer has crashed again. (it is not working now.) There has just been a bad accident on the M6. (this is news, affecting people now.) I have been a Manchester United supporter for as long as I can remember. How long have you known each other?,注意:当时间状语不明确时, 仍然用现在完成时. So far this year

4、, there have been a number of exciting new developments. His girlfriend has phoned about six times today. 或者该动作(虽然发生在过去)对现在有一定影响时,也用现在完成时. I have been to Italy several times. (I know about Italy now.) The book has sold over a million copies. (so it is very successful.),Time phrases with the Present

5、Perfect,Present time periods: today, this year, this week Adverbs whose meaning links the past and the present: for and since, already, just, recently, ever, never Times adverbs meaning times: Twice, three times, several times,Sentence patterns with present perfect simple,This is /It is the first ,

6、the second, the third time +从句 This is the first time I have eaten Korean food. It is only the second time I have met Harry, but I feel as if we are already friends.,Present perfect continuous,现在完成进行时强调动作从过去开始,持续到现在,期间动作一直进行,因此多与how long, for, since, a long time, all day, all week等连用. We have been d

7、riving for three hours. I have been rushing around all day. I am sorry, have you been waiting for a long time? Exercise 1, 2 on page 36,Past perfect simple and continuous,过去完成时用来表示一动作发生在另一过去动作之前. When I got home, someone had left a message on the answer phone. It was obvious from the state of the lo

8、ck that someone had tried to break in.,因此,过去完成时常见于间接引语中, 如: Smith told the police he had never met the witness before that evening. I knew at once that something had happened. Miranda wondered where her mother had hidden the money.,Time phrases with the Past Perfect,Time phrases, such as for and sin

9、ce, already, just, recently, ever, never can also be used in past perfect, but they are used in a past context. When he met Christina, Jack had already been married. It was the first time I had ever spent the night by myself in the house. Rosa and Clara had known each other since their childhood.,Pa

10、st perfect continuous,过去完成进行时用来表示一动作发在另一过去动作之前一直在重复或者进行. We had only been driving fro about fifteen minutes when Jill asked me to stop the car. I had been trying to arrange an interview for months before she agreed.,过去完成时或者过去完成进行时都可以用在虚拟语气中.,Remember,If you had been sitting where I was, you could ha

11、ve had a much better view. I wish I had never met you. Finish the exercise 3, 4 and 5 on page 36.,Future perfect,将来完成时用来表示一动作发在另一将来动作之前. When her boyfriend gets her letter, she will have left the country.,perfect ing used as adverbial,Having completed his education, he started looking for a new job.

12、 When he had completed his education, he started looking for a new job. Having studied Latin for many years, I found Italian relatively easy. When I had studied Latin for many years, I found Italian relatively easy.,Remember: 两句的主语必须一致.,perfect infinitive (to have done) following modal verbs for subjunctive mood (虚拟语气),I would like to have met John Lennon. You should have been more careful when you overtook that car. Without your help, we would never have got this far.,



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