江苏省高中英语 unit 1 the world of our senses project针对性训练 新人教版必修3

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1、江苏省启东中学高中英语 Unit 1 The world of our senses Project针对性训练 新人教版必修31.根据本单元所学的知识点,进一步综合应用到一些拓展练习中去。2.通过完形填空,阅读理解,短文改错和书面表达等题型,培养学生综合运用英语的能力以及提高各类题型的解题技巧。一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1. I prefer coffee _ milk. But they prefer _ juice _ soup.A. to; to drink; drinkingB. to; drinking; to drinkingC. at; drinking; to dri

2、nkingD. at; to drink; to drink2. You must do _ I tell you.A. thatB. asC. likeD. which3. I _ back tomorrow unless it _ .A. will; rainsB. will be; rainsC. am; rainsD. will be; is going to rain4. We _ visiting the Great Wall next week.A. thoughtB. wantedC. consideredD. expected5. The army will go on a

3、_ cross the ocean.A. voyageB. tourC. travelD. journey6. He preferred _ rather than. _ .A. to die, liveB. dying, livingC. to die, livingD. dying, to live7. Would you like _ some coffee?A. drinkB. drinkingC. to drinkD. to drinking8. They went on a travel on foot _ by bus.A. insteadB. take the place of

4、C. in the place ofD. instead of9. He _ a week in finishing the experiment.A. tookB. costC. spentD. paid10. I know that gentleman like you _ only large notes.A. takeB. fetchC. bringD. carry11. Jane _ have kept her word. I wonder why she changed her mind.A. mustB. shouldC. needD. would12. I hope there

5、 are enough glasses for each guest to have _ .A. itB. thoseC. themD. one13. I did wrong to him. Please _ sorry to him _ me.A. say; toB. say; forC. tell; forD. tell; to14. Have a nice weekend. _ .A. The same to youB. You do too C. The same as youD. You have it too15.I _ he will visit the United State

6、s with me.A. am hopingB. hopeC. have hopedD. hoped二、完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)Most birds live in places where it is 1 during the day. They can use their 2 to see where they are 3. The oilbirds of South America live in 4 caves. They use their ears to help them find their 5.The oilbird is a brown bird 6 owl-lik

7、e eyes. It nests on a high ledge in an ink black cave. It 7 leaves the cave at 8 to hunt for food and returns before 9 .The oilbird flies 10 circles in its dark cave. There is not enough 11 for it to see clearly with its large eyes. As the oilbird 12 , it uses its 13 to make sharp, clicking sounds.

8、These clicks bounce(反弹) off the cave walls and 14 echoes(回音).The oilbird listens to the 15 it has made. If the echoes 16 a long time to come back, the bird knows it is 17 the wall. If they return 18, the bird is close to it.19 this way, the oilbird hears how far it is from the wall.Oilbirds 20 their

9、 lives in the dark, yet they never bump(碰) into the walls of their cave homes. We say that oilbirds “see” with their ears.1. A.lightB. darkC. wetD. dry2. A.earsB. eyesC. feetD. hands3. A.walkingB. goingC. sleepingD. staying4. A.brightB. shiningC. oldD. dark5. A.bedB. foodC. wayD. babies6. A. inB. by

10、C. onD. with7. A.alsoB. seldomC. neverD. only8. A.noonB. eveningC. nightD. day9. A.sunsetB. darkC. dawnD. afternoon10. A.atB. byC. toD. in11. A.roomB. foodC. lightD. stars12. A.fliesB. walksC. travelsD. swims13. A.noseB. mouthC. wingsD. ears14. A.becomeB. changeC. turnD. grow15. A.songsB. echoesC. s

11、ingingD. dances16. A.spendB. takeC. costD. pay17. A.nearB. farC. far awayD. far from18. A.longerB. fartherC. quicklyD. slowly19. A.ByB. InC. WithD. For20. A.stayB. spendC. workD. live三、短文改错(每小题1分,共10分)Green plants all have one thing in the commontheir1._needs for water. Their cells cannot alive with

12、out it.2._In fact, water makes up of about three fourths of the3._weigh of these plants. A plant receives some water4._from rain and snow, but most of it falls the ground.5._How does a leaf cell the top of a tree get water?6._The plant takes water through the walls of its root7._cells. Some of the w

13、ater travel to the stem cells.8._The walls of the stem cells allow water to pass9._through and on to the flower or another cells.10._四、书面表达假如你是李华,昨天,学校为你们举办了十八岁成人宣仪式。请根据下列要点给你在美国的笔友发一封电子邮件,描述宣誓仪式过程并简述你的感受。要点:1.宣誓仪式; 2.感谢家长和老师的培养、教育; 3.老师送贺卡; 4.表演节目。注意:1. 邮件必须包括以上要点,可适当发挥2. 字 数:100左右3. 参考词汇:宣誓make an

14、 oath仪式ceremonyKeys一、1.英语中动词prefer常见的用法是prefer A to B(更喜欢A不喜欢B)或prefer doing A to doing B(更愿意做A事不原意做B事)。换句话说prefer后面如跟名词作宾语,则介词to后面也跟名词作宾语;prefer后面如跟动名词作宾语,则介词to后面也跟动名词作宾语。C项prefe后面搭配的介词不符。A、D项prefer后面的非谓语动词形式与to后面的不一致。2.as用作连词这里是“按照,正如”的意思,引导方式状语从句,符合句意“你必须照我吩咐的去做”。C项like是介词,不能引导从句;A、D项不能引导方式状语从句,故均为错误选项。3.unless引导条件状语从句,从句中应用一般现在时代替一般将来时。C、D项不符合上述要求,A项主句缺谓语动词,故B项为正



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