2015届高考英语一轮复习 unit 2 sporting events巩固讲练篇 牛津译林版必修4

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1、2015届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Sporting events巩固讲练篇 牛津译林版必修4重点词汇考点-1. delighted【教材原句】I am delighted to have been invited to your school to talk to you about the history and significance of the Olympic Games.(P22)我很高兴应邀前来贵校,跟大家讲述有关奥运会的历史及其意义。【例句研读】译出下列句中划线部分的意思Im delighted that Deng Chao will come here to prom

2、ote his new film Mural. Chris delights in teasing his sister. The crosstalk comedian delighted the audience. Much to our delight, everything goes well. 【自主归纳】delighted adj.高兴的,快乐的,愉快的be delighted at/with/by sth.对感到高兴 be delighted to do sth. 很高兴做某事be delighted that . 高兴的是delight vt.& vi. 使高兴 nU欣喜,高兴;

3、C赏心乐事delight in (doing) sth. 以(做)某事为乐(尤指不该做的事)delight sb 使某人高兴 to ones delight 令某人高兴的是take/find/have delight in 以为乐 with/in delight 高兴地【即时巩固】单项选择题 Ashehasbeenwelltrained,thisyoungmanis_tobeateacher.A.delighted B.possible C.qualified D.unable _, the bookseller gave him something else as a present. A.

4、 To the boys surprising B. To the boys delightC. To the boy joy D. To make the boys happyJudging by her expression, she must have spent a_ summer holiday. A. delighted, delight B. delightful, delightedC. delightful, delightfulD. delighted, delightful【答案】CBD考点-2. compete【教材原句】At the ancient Olympics,

5、 by tradition the athletes were all men and they had to compete wearing no clothes.(P22)在古代奥运会中,依照传统所有的运动员都是男性,而且他们必须裸体竞技。【例句研读】译出下列句中划线部分的意思Several advertising agencies are competing to get the contract. The two teams will compete for the championship. The students are competing with each other to

6、answer the teachers question. Cars of this brand can compete with Japan in quality. 【自主归纳】compete vi. 比赛;竞争compete to do sth 竞争做某事 compete against/with . 与竞争compete for sth. 为得到某物竞争 compete with sb. in sth. 在某方面与某人竞争【即时巩固】单项选择题 We cant _ other countries in trade if we dont develop our national econo

7、my.A. compete forB. compete against C. catch upD. catch withEverybody believes that he will be the winner of the 100-meter _. A contest B. competition C. race D. matchHe feels nervous as it seems his is stronger. A contest B. competition C. competitiveD. competitor【答案】BCD考点-3. separate【教材原句】Single w

8、omen were allowed to take part in their own competition, at a separate festival in honour of Hera, the wife of the Greek god Zeus. (P 22)单身女性可以参加她们自己的竞技比赛,比赛在一个专门纪念赫拉(希腊神话中众神之神宙斯的妻子)的节日举行。【例句研读】译出下列句中划线部分的意思They have gone to separate places. The child was separated from his mother during the war. We

9、d better separate the good ones from the bad ones. They walked a mile together and then separated. 【自主归纳】separate adj.单独的,分开的,不同的 v.分开,分离;分手 separate 和divide的区别divide 划分;把整体分成若干部分,常和介词into连用separate 分隔;把原来连在一起或靠近的分隔开来,常和from连用请将蛋糕分成两份。Please divide the cake into two pieces.台湾海峡把台湾和福建隔开了。The Taiwan S

10、traits separates Taiwan from Fujian.【即时巩固】单项选择题 As we joined the big crowd, I got from my friends. A. separated B. lost C. divided D. missedHospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20 hour operation to have _ one-year-old twins at the head.A. isolated B. separatedC. divided D. remo

11、vedAfter World War Two, Germany was _ into two _ countries.A. divided; separated B. separated; divided C. divided; separate D. divide; separated【教材原句】Single women were allowed to take part in their own competition, at a separate festival in honour of Hera, the wife of the Greek god Zeus. (P 22)单身女性可

12、以参加她们自己的竞技比赛,比赛在一个专门纪念赫拉(希腊神话中众神之神宙斯的妻子)的节日举行。【例句研读】译出下列句中划线部分的意思It is our traditional virtue (美德) to show honour to our parents. All the athletes tried their best to win honor for their motherland. The local people set up the monument in honour of the heroes. I feel honoured/feel it an honour to ha

13、ve been invited here to talk about the history of the Olympic Games. He was honored for his courage in battle. 【自主归纳】honour n.荣誉,光荣;尊重;vt.尊敬;以为荣;为向表示敬意,为了纪念 in honour of 感到做是荣幸的事feel it an honour to do sth./feel honoured to do sth对某人来说做是件荣幸的事It is an honour for sb. to do sth.【即时巩固】单项选择题 题Washington, a state in the United States, was named one of the greatest American presidents. A. in honor of B. instead of C. in favour of D. by means ofI feel highly _ the kind things you say about me.A


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