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1、2015届高考英语二轮复习书面表达专项指导训练16一 、书面表达(本大题共3小题,共75分)某健康杂志社想要了解中国学生的午睡情况,为此你在同学中进行了一次问卷调查。请根据下表中的内容(打的选项为大多数人的选择),用英语写一篇短文,简要介绍调查结果,并就此谈谈你的看法。注意:1. 对所给要点不要简单翻译,可以有适当发挥。2. 词数120左右。短文的开头已为你写好(不计入总词数)。3. 参考词汇:午睡take a nap after lunch午睡情况调查表1. 你有午睡习惯吗? A. 有 B. 没有2. 你大约何时开始午睡? A. 12:00 B. 12:30 C. 13:003. 你通常午睡

2、多久? A. 约15分钟 B. 约30分钟 C. 约60分钟4. 你通常在什么地方午睡? A. 教室 B. 家中 C. 宿舍5. 你认为午睡有好处吗? A. 有 B. 没有 C. 不确定Recently I have conducted a survey on taking a nap after lunch among my classmates.【答案解析】【参考范文】Recently I have conducted a survey on taking a nap after lunch among my classmates. Most of them are in the habi

3、t of sleeping for a while at noon as they believe it does good to them. The majority prefer to do so around 12:30 and the nap usually lasts for about 30 minutes. They often choose to sleep at home instead of in their classroom or dormitory.Hopefully, the result of my survey can draw the attention of

4、 our parents and school. Since most students are in need of a nap, proper arrangements should be made so that students can have a good rest after a whole mornings hard work. Students should not be asked to do extra schoolwork during this period of time. After all, with a nap after lunch, one can fee

5、l refreshed and energetic enough to study more efficiently in the afternoon.每年高考后,高考状元被“热炒”。他们被各种采访和社会活动所包围。对此现象,有些人表示支持,有些人表示反对。请你结合下表,围绕“Should we give more attention to toprated college entrance exam takers?”这一话题写一篇英语短文来介绍这一现象并给出自己的看法。 支持者认为1可以促进社会对教育的重视2可以为广大学子树立良好的榜样反对者认为1过度的关注对状元本人有害2高分不一定高能注意

6、:1词数100左右 2可适当发挥,以使行文连贯;【答案解析】 【参考范文】Every year after the college entrance exam, the top-rated exam takers will attract wide attention from all over the country. They accept various interviews, take part in different social activities and receive quite a lot of prize money as well.Some people say ye

7、s to this phenomenon. They think, for one thing, it can make more people care about education; for another, those top students can and do set good examples to the rest of the students.However, others hold opposite opinions about this, they believe that giving too much attention to those top winners

8、can do more harm than good to them. Meanwhile, high marks dont necessarily mean strong ability.In my opinion,its all right to give proper attention to those top winners, but we shouldnt pay too much attention to them. After all, exams and marks arent everything.假如你是某中学学生李华。最近,你班同学正在参加21世纪英文报“大家谈”栏目的

9、一个讨论。本次话题为:“父母有没有必要陪读?”请你根据下表所列情况给报社写一封信,客观地介绍讨论的情况。70%的同学认为:30%的同学认为:1. 父母不应该陪读2. 父母陪读让我们养成依赖的习惯,不利于我们将来自控能力的培养,不利于我们培养良好的学习习惯。3. 父母陪读影响了他们的工作、学习和休息。1. 父母应该陪读2. 父母陪读能使我们腾出更多的专心学习,使我们身体更健康。3. 父母陪读能帮助我们确立学习目标,督促我们完成学习任务,鼓励我们独立解决困难,培养我们养成良好的学习习惯。注意:1. 信的形式已经为你写好。2. 词数100左右。3. 参考词汇:陪读 accompany sb stud

10、ying at school 督促 urgeDear editor,Im writing to tell you about the discussion we recently had about whether our parents should accompany us studying at school.【答案解析】【参考范文】Dear editor,Im writing to tell you about the discussion we recently had about whether our parents should accompany us studying at

11、 school.We do have different opinions on this matter.Most of us (about 70%) think our parents should not accompany us studying at school since it make us fall into the habit of dependence ,so that we wont form the good habit of studying .Whats more ,it is harmful for us to form the habit of cotrolli

12、ng ourselves.At the same time ,it affects our parents work.,studies and rest.While about 30% of my classmates think it necessary for our parents to accompany us studying at school.Accompanying us studying at school can let us have more time to spare for our studies.Besides ,we shall be more healthy for thire cooking .On the other hand our parents can help us set up our aim ,urge us to finish our task,encourage us to overcome difficulties and get us into the good habit of studying.



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