2014年秋八年级英语上册 unit 1 lessons 4-6课文重点整理(无答案) (新版)冀教版

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1、Unit 1 Lessons 4-6课文重点整理Lesson 4:Best Friends1、be like _look like _would like _What is he like?What does he like?What doe he look like?What would he like?2、stop doing sth. _stop to do sth. _stop sb. (from) doing sth. _你能阻止他去那条河里游泳吗?_3、spend some time (in) doing sth. _spend some money on sth. _4、to o

2、nes surprise _surprise n. surprise v.surprised adj. surprising adj.5、I wont lend you my homework. 我不会借给你我的作业的。区分borrowlendkeep6、best friends _No way! _feel awful _help each other _in the following days _a few days later _at the end of the game _hold out his hand _feel embarrased _make a deal _their

3、own homework _What a friend! _7、(2013 宁波中考) Can I _ your bike?With pleasure. But you mustnt _ it to others.A. lend; borrowB. borrow; lendC. lend; lendD. borrow; borrow8、(2013 雅安中考) I spent $5 _ for this book.A. inB. to buyC. buyingD. buy9、(2012 上海中考) Stop _ about the traffic. Just think about what w

4、e can do to improve it.A. complainB. to complainC. complainingD. complained10、(2014 邯郸一模) _ great fun it is to ride a bike to Nanhu Park with some best friends!A. HowB. WhatC. What a D. How a11、All of us were _ (惊奇的) that such a little girl spoke English so well.12、“You are late again?” the teacher

5、said _ (angry).13、You _ (没必要) finish your homework now.14、Tom wanted Joe to do the homework for him. (向划线部分提问)_ _ Tom _ Joe _ _ for him?15、It took Jerry two and a half hours to watch TV last night. (改为同义句)Jerry _ two hours and a half _ _ last night.Lesson 5: Meet Ms. Liu1、I talked to someone very sp

6、ecialour English teacher, Ms. Liu. 我和_,我们的英语老师,刘老师,谈话了。someone作主语,谓语动词用单数。如:有人来了。_someone一般用在肯定句,在否定句或疑问句中要变为_。形容词修饰someone要放于someone之后,有相同用法的还有_。2、encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事n. encouragement 鼓励如:谢谢你的鼓励。_3、discuss v. _ n. _knowledge n. _ adj. _patient adj. _ n. _interest n. _ v. _4、(2010 河北省中考第

7、27题) Sally is very happy. There is a big smile _ her face.A. onB. toC. inD. at5、(2014 济南一模) The man _ Mary was so tall that she couldnt see the show.A. in front ofB. in the front ofC. at the back ofD. at the beginning of6、他喜欢通过跑步来锻炼。He likes _ _ for _.7、老师鼓励他不要紧张。The teacher encourages him _ _ _ ner

8、vous.8、有他做我的朋友我感觉很幸运。I feel very _ _ have him as my friend.9、我们的英语老师对我们很有耐心。Our English teacher is very _ _ us.10、give, us, the, in, to, classroom, report, now, his, he (连词成句)_?11、(2014 南京模拟)Who helped you do the homework last night?_. I did it all by myself.A. SomeoneB. AnyoneC. NobodyD. Everybody1

9、2、短文改错(2013 雅安中考试题改编)I am a Grade 8 student. I just moved to Beijing with me parents two months before. Now Imstudy at a new secondary school in Sunshine Town. It is big than my old school. I do not knowthe new school very good and I have no friends there. I do not know how to talk to my newclassmat

10、e. Sometime, I am very nervous and I cant answer them questions. I feel reallycomfortable when they talk to me. During lunchtime, I always sit alone over the playground andread books. I hope they will not come over so I feel so shy when they try to talk to me.Lesson 6: Jennys Week1、一场公平的比赛_四比三_上周六_一

11、条牛仔裤_一个来自于香港的女孩_邀请某人做某事_一家当地的餐馆_接下来的两年_2、“输赢”有别winbeatlose3、pleasure n. 愉快;快乐;满足have the pleasure of doing sth. 很高兴/荣幸地做某事Its a / my pleasure.With pleasure.4、go to the movies 看电影,还可表达为_5、Most girls like to shop for clothes in their spare time. (改为同义句)Most girls like to _ clothes when they are _.6、Why are you so happy today?Because I am the _ (win) of the badminton match.7、Thanks for listening to me, Amy._. We are friends.A. My pleasureB. With pleasureC. It doesnt matterD. Its nice of you8、He said we had to help each other because we were _ one team.A. onB. byC. forD. at9、Ive won a hol


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