八年级英语下学期期末测试冲刺复习专题 翻译 人教新目标版

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《八年级英语下学期期末测试冲刺复习专题 翻译 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下学期期末测试冲刺复习专题 翻译 人教新目标版(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、【全国通用版】八年级下学期期末测试冲刺复习专题之翻译根据所给的中文意思,完成句子(每空一词)。1. 从这本书中,我知道这个地方有许多的改变。From the book, I learnt that great _ have _ _.2. 我自从上个月就没有看见过你。I havent seen you _ _ _.3. 你可以在电视上做广告。 You can _ _ TV.4. 我们经常在街上看到人们发传单。 We often see people _ _ leaflets in the street.5. 我们相信我们会从当地的企业获得很多的支持。 We _ that we will get

2、a lot of _ from _ _.6. 舞台已经搭建好了。 The stage _ _ _ _ already. 7. 因为太多来自歌迷们的噪音,我不得不大声说话。 I had to _ _ because of too much noise from the _.8. 他们将作为主持人出现在表演中。 Iu They will _ _ _ at the show.9. 我们两个月前就开始着手于这场表演。 We _ _ _ the show two months ago.10.我们想要感谢这些人的帮忙。 We would like to _ these people _ their hel

3、p.11.这架飞机是被用来作为教学中心的。The plane _ _ _a _centre.12.上次访问你们做了多少例手术?_ _ _ did you _ during last visit?13.大多数眼科疾病可以被治愈。_ _ _ can _ _.14.向ORBIS 医生学习后,当地医生可以帮助更多的人。After _ _ORBIS doctors, the local doctors can help more people.15.大约80% 的失明病例或者可以治愈,或者可以被防御。About 80% of the _ of blindness can be cured or _ _.

4、16.帮助需要的人是很有意义的。It is _ _ _ people in need17.我认为你不能在半小时内完成作业。I _ _ you _ finish the work _ half an hour.18.这个组织常向无家可归的人提供食宿。The _ often _food and shelter _ the _.19.我希望有机会在北京看奥运。I hope I can _ _ _ _ _ the Olympic Games in Beijing.20.不接受训练,我们很难走完100公里路。Its difficult for us _ _ _ a _ trail without _.2

5、1.我们希望你不要轻视这种工作We hope you wont _ _ _ this kind of work.22.他看起来很伤心。发生什么事了? He _ very _.What _ _ _ him?23.你同意晚饭后出去散步吗? Do you _ _ _ _ _ _ after supper?24.我一收到你的信就会给你发邮件的。 I will_ _ _to you _ _ _ I _ _you.25.这飞机场如此之大,以致于我迷路了。 The airport is _ big _ I _ _26.我有许多其他任务,因此我没有时间与你聊天。I have many _ _, so I ha

6、ve no time _ _ with you.27.电影已经结束二十分钟了,但我还是不能平静下来。The film has _ _ for twenty minutes, but I still cant_ _.28.这些光盘一问世就销售一空。These CD-ROMs _ _ _ as soon as they _ _.29.在老师的帮助下,我们的表演一定会成功。_ the _ our teachers, our show must _ a _ . 30.我多么希望我能像鸟儿一样飞翔。How I that I a bird.【答案】1.changes, taken place 2. sin

7、ce last month 3. advertise on 4. give out 5. believe, supports, local businesses 6.has been set up 7. speak loudly, fans 8. appear as hosts 9. got ready for 10. thank , for 11. is used as 12. How many operations, perform 13. Most of blindness, be cured 14. learning from 15. cases, be prevented 16. m

8、eaningful to help 17. dont think ,can, in 18. organization provides, for ,homeless 19. have a chance to watch 20.to finish walking , 100-kilometre,training 21. look down on 22. looks sad, has happened to 23. agree that we have a walk(agree to go for a walk) 24. send an e-mail, as soon as hear from 25. so ,that ,got lost 26. other duties, to chat 27. been over , calm down 28. were sold out, came out 29. With help of , be, success 30. wish, could fly like


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