七年级英语第一学期竞赛 冀教版

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1、2009-2010学年度七年级英语第一学期竞赛考试试卷(冀教版) 温馨提示:你现在拿到的这份试卷满分为100分。你将有90分钟的答题时间。这份试卷共有试题卷6页,答题卷2页。请你用钢笔或中性笔将答案填写在答题卷上。请独立思考,诚信答题,你一定能考出好成绩!一、单项选择。(共20分)1. - _.Whats this in English? - Its a pencil sharpener. A. Excuse me B. Sorry C. Hello D. OK2. -Do you _ TV every day? No, _ on the weekend.(周末) A. look, but B

2、. watch, only C. see, and D. play, only3.- Lets play volleyball. That sounds _. I dont like volleyball. A. great B. fun C. relaxing D. boring4. -_ OK, but I dont have a baseball. A. Do you like baseball? B. Lets play baseball. C. Do you have a baseball? D.Lets watch TV.5. _ are in the room. We can s

3、ee some_ on the dresser. A. Jenney and I , keys B. I and Jenney, key C. Jenney and I, key D. I and Jenney, keys 6.I like fish and carrots _ dinner. A on B. in C. with D for7. -Is this your _? - I dont know. _ is it? - It is green. A. a bike, what color B. a bike, whats color C. bike, what color D. b

4、ike, whats color8.-Do you have _ soccer ball? -Yes, Lets play _ soccer after school. A. a, the B. the , / C. the , a D. a , /9. This is _ brother. _ fourteen years old. A. her, Shes B. his , Shes C. her, Hes D. your, His10. -_your telephone number? -_.A.How much is B.How many are C.What is D.How man

5、y is 11.-Your pencil case is nice. -_. A.OK B. No, it isnt C. Thank you. D. Thats all right12. Whats this in English? -_.A.This is an orange B.Thats an orange CIts orange D. Its an orange13. - _you Jim Green? - No, My name _ Sam Green. A. Are , is B. is , is C. Do, is D. Does , is14. This is my moth

6、er, Mr Green . Mum, Jim. A. this is B. that is C. he is D. it is 15. -Where are my rulers? - _ A. No, they arent on the bed. B. Yes, they are on the bed.C. Its under the bed D. I dont know. Are they on the bed?16. -Where is my coat, Alan? - _ coat is over there. A. My B. Her C. Your D. His17-Hello,

7、Eric! _is that woman under the tree? -My English teacher. A. How B. What C. Where D. Who 18. -Lets play soccer together. - _. Lets go . A. No, its boring B. That sounds nice C. That sounds boring. D. Yes, its great19. -Nice to meet you! -_. AIm fine. BOK. CThank you. D. Me, too.20. His sister _ have

8、 a volleyball. She _ a basketball.A. dont, have B. dont, has C. doesnt, have D. doesnt, has二、完形填空。(共20分,每小题1分)(A)This is a picture 21 mine. This is my father. 22_ is 45 years 23 . This is _24_ mother. She is not old. She is 25 teacher of English. This is my good friend. His 26_ is Jim.He is 27 . He

9、is fourteen. He is in 28 One, Grade Three. He is 29 good student. We are in _30 class.( ) 21. A. of B. in C. at D.with( ) 22. A. She B. It C. He D.His( ) 23. A. young B. new C. old D.little( ) 24. A. her B. my C. his D.mine( ) 25. A. the B. a C. an D./( ) 26. A. names B. family name C. name D.number

10、( )27 A. an English B. English boy C. English D. England( ) 28. A. class B. Class C. school D.School( ) 29. A. a B. an C. the D./( ) 30. A. the B. same(相同的) C. the same D.different(不同的) (B)Our school is very beautiful(美丽的),_31 it is not very big.There are _32 trees around it. Im in Class One.The wal

11、ls of our classroom are white.Theres a blackboard and six pictures on them. _33 is very clean.There are 40 students in our class.Wu Ming is our monitor(班长).We_34 friends. _35 class, we 36_ the teacher carefully(认真地).We often _37 _38 class.We study hard.I like English very much .My parents _39_ teach

12、ers.Sometimes they help me study English.“Learning English”(学英语) is our good friend.We all like it.We learn a lot _40 it.We like our class.We like“ Learning English” ,too. ( )31A. and B.so C. but D.because( )32. A. a lot B.lot of C.a lots of D.a lot of( )33. A.It B.They C.He D.She( )34. A. are B. am C.be D.is( )35A. After B. At C. In D.Before( )36A .listen to B.listen C.listens D.listens to( )37.A. plays soccer B. plays the soccer C.play the soccer D.play soccer( )38.A. in B. af


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