七年级英语下册 unit 6 pets单元练习 牛津版

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1、牛津初中英语总复习单元练习十二Unit 6 PetsName_一、选择填空:( )1.They _ buy a present for him. A. ought B. should to C. has to D. ought to( )2. The twins_ the same, but their hobbies are different. A. looks B. look like C. are like D. look( )3. This kind of dish looks_ and sells_. A. nice, well B. nice, good C. well, wel

2、l D. good, well( )4. Why not tell them _? A. how to do B. what to do C. to do what D. what to do it( )5. _ pieces of bread_ there in the fridge? Only two. A. How much, is B. How many, is C. How many are D. How much, are( )6. Dont play football in the street. Its dangerous. _. A. Yes, I will B. No, I

3、 wont C. Thanks, I will D. No, I dont( )7. Help yourselves to some fish, boys!_. A. Thanks a lot B. Thats all right C. No, we wont D. Yes, please.( )8. The quiet girl never talks in class, _? A. is she B. isnt she C. does she D. doesnt she( )9. You dont_ take it for a walk every morning. A. can B. h

4、ave to C. may D. must( )10. Please_ the pets on the table. A. not to feed B. dont feed C. not feed D. not feeding( )11. Must they go to bed at 9:00 p.m? No, they_. A. mustnt B. neednt C. dont have to D. B and C( )12. The baby girl_ 4.5 kg at birth so people call her Jiujin girl. A. weigh B. weight C

5、. weighs D. weights( )13. Miss Green_ home for supper now. A. needs go B. need goes C. need go D. need to go( )14. Its very important for us_. A. to careful B. to careless C. careful D. to be careful( )15. _ the dog. It may bite you. A. Dont frightening B. Dont frighten C. To frighten D. Dont fright

6、ened( )16. She didnt come to school_ the rain yesterday. A. because B. as C. since D. because of( )17. I need to buy_ food for my goldfish. A. some more fish B. more some fishes C. another more fish D. more fishes( )18. You _ play with fire, Jill ? A. ought not to B. ought to not C. not ought to D.

7、ought not ( )19. This book _ Lucys . Look! Her name is on the book cover. A. must be B. may be C. cant be D. mustnt be( )20. If you have a cat as pet. You should play with your pet for _ every day . A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times( )21. _ the bird is singing! A. How beautiful B.

8、How beautifully C. What beautiful D. What beautifully( )22. Hes very _. He often plays tricks _ others. A. fun; to B. fun; on C. funny; with D. funny; on( )23. Mum wont let me play football _ I finish my homework. A. or B. and C. for D. until( )24. Its not good for your eyes to read _the sun. A. und

9、er B. with C. below D. in( )25. I saw some boys _ football when I walked past the hall. A. playing B. play C. to play D. played二、词形变换1. Jim joined a _(music) club last week.2. Peter is _(fat) of the two boys.3. He is fifty at _(little).4. The man _(call) himself Tom is waiting for you.5. The clothes

10、 make him_(look) colourful.6. You _(leave) for America next week, arent you?7. There are many _(mouse) in that old house.8. Who sings and dances _(good) in your class?9. Therere a lot of _(goldfish) in the lake.10. I want to teach my parrot _(speak).11. Cats are friendly and you neednt _(walk) them.

11、12. The cat in mirror is _(it).13. Are you interested in _(keep) pets?14. He _(return) the book to me in 3 days.15. Would you like me _( play) this game with you ?16. What an _(usual) day!17. The little girl doesnt have to be made_(learn). She always works hard.18. Youd better _( keep ) the windows

12、_(open) . Its hot inside the room.19. You _(not ought to keep) all the windows _(close).20. What a _(love) cat you have!21. Tell them _(not make) big noise.22. In some parts of the world, tea _(serve) with milk and sugar.23. Some _(woman) teachers are having a meeting now.24. How _(noise) they are talking!25. He has some difficulty _(eat) so much food.三、完形填空:For several years, Americans have enjoyed teleshopping-watching TV and buying things by phone. Now teleshopping is starting in Europe. In some _


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