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1、11,中考英语听力应试技巧资料汇编,中考英语听力与口语考试突破训练,新目标英语7年级上册同步听力训练,新目标英语9年级全册同步试题(word),新目标英语8年级上册同步听力训练,新目标英语9年级全册同步听力训练,新目标英语7年级下册同步听力训练,新目标英语8年级下册同步听力训练,最新中考英语听力训练(模拟篇),新目标英语8年级上同步听说训练,最新中考英语听力训练(实战演练),最新中考英语听力训练(冲刺篇),最新中考英语听力模拟训练,最新中考英语听力模拟训练,最新中考英语听力模拟训练,最新中考英语听力模拟训练,最新中考英语听力模拟训练,最新中考英语听力模拟训练,最新高考英语听力适应训练 ,最新高

2、考英语听力模拟训练 ,2013 中考英语听力系列训练(A篇),新目标英语9年级同步听说训练,2013中考英语听说训练(基础篇),2013 中考英语听力模拟训练(B篇),一、听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选出最符合对话内容的图片。,参考答案,录音原文,1. Where is David now?,2. Whats Lizs favorite animal?,参考答案,录音原文,3. How does Jack usually go to his hometown?,4. Which strawberry (strawberries) is (are) Johns?,6. What does

3、the man mean? A. Ann is a teacher. B. Ann takes a dictionary with her all the time. C. Ann is quite knowledgeable. 7. What do they mean? A. Tom likes his father . B. Tom is like his father. C. Toms father likes him.,二、听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项。,参考答案,录音原文,5. What did Sandy get for her birthday?,参考答案,录

4、音原文,8. What does the man mean? A. He can help her. B. Nothing can be done with the computer. C. Mr Wang can mend it. 9. Whats the matter with the granny? A. She isnt thankful. B. She doesnt say anything. C. She says a lot. 10. Who will the woman look after? A. Bill B. Bills mother C. The boss,三、听长对话

5、,回答问题。 听第一段对话,回答11-12小题。,参考答案,录音原文,11. Why did the boy look tired? A. Because he played computer games and forgot the time B. Because he was doing his homework and forgot the time C. Because he watched TV very late and forgot the time 12. What does the woman ask him to do? A. To walk around the scho

6、ol slowly B. To do his homework earlier C. To go to bed earlier tonight.,听第二段对话,回答13-15小题。,参考答案,录音原文,13. Who does Mary want to see? A. Mrs Brown. B. Mr Brown. C. Miss Brown 14. What is Mr Brown doing? A. He is telephoning someone. B. He is having a talk with some guests. C. He went out on business.

7、15. What time will Mr Brown be free? A. 5:10 B. 5:15 C. 5:20,16. Where does Mr Smith want to go? A. Harbin. B. Guangzhou. C. Suzhou 17. Why does he want to go there? A. For his business B. To spend holiday. C. For study 18. What is the flight number? A. 4377 B. 4773 C. 4317 19. On what day does the

8、flight leave? A. Saturdays B. Sundays C. Weekdays 20. When will the plane arrive? A. At 11:30 B. At 11:05 C. At 5:11,四、听独白。完成下面信息记录表中16-20小题。,参考答案,录音原文,1-5BCCAB 6-10CBCBB 11-15BCBBB 16-20CBACB,返回,1. W: Hello, David! Are you on business in Canada? M: Oh, Im not in Canada now. I was there yesterday, a

9、nd Im in England now. Ill go to America in five days. 2. M: Which animal do you like best, Liz? W: I like pandas but my sister likes rabbits. What about you? M: Oh, monkeys are my favorite.,返回,3. W: How do you usually go to your hometown, Jack? M: Usually by train but sometimes by plane. 4. W: Do yo

10、u have more strawberries than I, John? M: Yes. But you have more than Jim.,返回,5. M: Sandy, what did you get for your birthday? W: My mother was going to buy me a sweater. But I told her I wanted a new watch, because my watch is broken. M: Did you get one? W: Yes, it is very nice. I like it very much

11、. II. 6. M: Could you tell me what the meaning of the word is? W: I dont know. Why dont you ask Ann? Shes a walking dictionary. 7. W: Tom takes after his father. M: Yes. They both are tall and a bit quiet.,返回,8. W: Oh, my God. My computer doesnt work. What can I do? M: Why not go and find Mr Wang, t

12、he computer engineer? 9. M: Whats wrong with granny? W: She is too thankful to say anything. 10. M: The boss told me to go to Paris on business, but I cant leave my mother lying in bed. W: Dont worry, Bill. I can look after her for you.,返回,W: You look tired today. M: Yes. I went to bed too late last

13、 night. I was doing my homework and forgot the time. W: Youd better go to bed earlier tonight if you can. M: Yes, youre right.,M: Come in, please. W: Good morning, my name is Mary. Mr Brown said he would wait for me at this time and accept my interview. M: Mr Brown is talking with guests. Please wai

14、t for a while. He will be back in five minutes. W: Excuse me, what time is it by your watch now? M: 5:10. W: I want to take a walk by the garden. M: Couldnt be better. W: When he comes back, please call me. M: OK.,返回,W: Welcome to our air company. Are you going away on holiday, Mr Smith? M: Yes. W:

15、Then book the ticket first, please. Where are you planning to go for your holiday? Harbin? M: No, Suzhou. Can I go there today? W: Sorry, Sir. Not today. M: Tomorrow then? W: No, sir. Tomorrow is Sunday. Flight 4377 to Suzhou is on weekdays. We havent got any flights on Saturdays or Sundays. Is next week all right? Next Monday? M: Yes. Thats all right. But when does the flight leave? W: It leaves at 9:30. It arrives at 11:05. M: I see. Thank you very much.,返回,


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