2013高考英语总复习 1-2unit 2 growing pains课件(江苏专用)

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1、Unit 2 Growing pains,.单词默写 1frightened n受惊的;害怕的 2starve vi.挨饿;饿死 vt.使挨饿 3tolerate vt.容忍;允许 4deserve vt.值得;应得;应受 5hardworking adj.工作努力的;辛勤的 6handle vt.处理;应付 7insist vi.坚持;坚持认为 8argument n争吵;辩论;论点;论据,9forbid vt.禁止 10balance vt. & vi. & n平衡;抵消 11upset vt.to make someone feel unhappy or worried 12rude a

2、dj.socially incorrect in behavior 13guidance nsth that provides direction and refuse to budge 14annoyed adj.aroused to impatience or anger 15misunderstand vinterpret in the wrong way,.词汇拓展 1act n(戏剧的)一幕 vi.表现;行动action n行为,动作;行动active adj.主动的;积极的;活跃的actively adv.积极地actor n演员;男演员actress n女演员react vi.做

3、出反应,回应activity n活动interact vi.交往;互动;相互作用 2behavior n. 行为,举止behave v行为;表现 3scene n(戏剧的)一场;场面;景色scenery n风景;景色 4explain vt. & vi.解释,说明explanation n说明,解释;辩解unexplained adj.无法解释的;神秘的 5selfish adj.自私的self n自己,自我unselfish adj.无私的,语境助记词不离句,句不离段 We were truly annoyed and surprised at silly selfish and rude

4、behavior and he even didnt give us a reasonable explanation.We insisted he be punished for his fault.,.短语落实 1cant wait to do sth迫不及待地做某事 2be supposed to 应该;应当 3be hard on 对苛刻;对严厉 4as if 好像;似乎 5mix up 混淆,弄乱;搅匀 6 at present 现在 7along with 与一起 8not.any more 不再 9after all 毕竟,终究 10mix up sth with sth 把与混

5、合起来,.句子翻译 1Many teenagers feel lonely,as if no one understands them and the changes they are going through.(Page 38) 很多青少年感到孤独,好像没有人理解他们以及他们正在经历的变化。 2突然,门开了,一个足球飞了进来。(Page 22) Suddenly the door opens and a soccer ball flies through the room.,3之后他们就不会再生气了。(Page 23) Then they wont be mad any more. 4男孩

6、和女孩在这方面往往有所不同。(Page 38 ) Boys and girls tend to be different in this regard. 5好在这些成长的烦恼并不会持久。(Page 38) The good news is that these kinds of growing pains do not last.,.教材设题 句型转换(每空不超过3个单词) 1The room is in a mess,with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.(教材P22) The room is in a mess

7、,on whose floor are pizza boxes and the sink in which is filled with dirty dishes. 2Danial,we thought you were an adult,a person who would make good decisions.(教材P22) Danial,we thought you were an adult who would have the ability to make (不能用of making) good decisions.,3And that we spent all of yeste

8、rday waiting there for him,and that is why we had no time to clean the house.(教材P23) And that we spent all of yesterday waiting there for him,for which/because of which/so (that)/and thats why we had no time to clean the house. 4Recently,he has been refusing to do his homework,and instead insists on

9、 wasting his time watching DVDs and listening to foreign music.(教材P35) Recently,instead of doing/refusing to do his homework,he insists on wasting his time watching DVDs and listening to foreign music.,5Since teenagers have difficulty balancing these needs,they often question who they are and how th

10、ey fit in society.(教材P38) Finding it difficult (hard) to balance these needs,teenagers often question who they are and how they fit in society.,【课本原句】 Listen to me,young manwe left you in charge!(P22)听我说,小子我们让你掌管家务! leave表示“使处于某种状态”时,常用于“leave宾语宾补”结构,其中宾补这一成分可以由过去分词、现在分词、形容词、介词短语等来充当。 leave宾语done 常用

11、来表示宾语所处的状态或表示动作已经完成。 leave宾语doing 常用来表示使某人或某物一直做某事。,leave vt.使处于某种状态,看看高考怎么考 What we have actually come up with is a new technology where you buy what you want and then just leave it on the shelf (将它放在架子上)(2011北京卷听力原文) He left the widows open(他让窗子开着) A good story does not necessarily have to have a

12、happy ending,but the readers must not be left _.(2012邵东创新实验学校第1次月考) Aunsatisfied Bunsatisfying Cto be unsatisfying Dbeing unsatisfied 答案 A,【课本原句】 I cant wait to surprise the boys!(P22) 我等不及要让孩子大吃一惊了! be surprised at 对感到意外 be surprised to do sth很惊奇地做某事 give sb a surprise给某人一个惊奇 to ones surprise使某人惊奇的

13、是 in surprise 惊奇地 take.by surprise对进行突然袭击 surprisingly adv.出奇地,surprise vt.使惊奇;使意外 n惊奇;令人惊奇的事,看看高考怎么考 To my great surprise(令我非常吃惊的是),I ran 4.9 km in 31 minutes.When I got back,I had tears in my eyes.(2011湖南卷阅读表达) Then I saw he suddenly became _;he had discovered something he really liked: a large ti

14、n dram.(2011辽宁卷完形填空44) Asurprised Bhopeful Cpatient Dexcited 答案 D,_ and happy,Tom stood up and accepted the prize.(2011徐州模拟) ASurprising BSurprised CBeing surprised DTo be surprising 答案 B,【课本原句】 Recently he has been refusing to do his homework,and instead insists on wasting his time watching DVDs an

15、d listening to foreign music.(P35) 近来他一直拒绝做他的家庭作业,固执地把时间浪费在看DVD和听外国音乐上。 insist on (doing) sth坚持(做)某事 insist作“坚持说、坚持认为”时,宾语从句中的谓语用陈述语气。 insist作“坚决要求”解时,其后的宾语从句中要用虚拟语气,即用“(should)动词原形”。,insist v坚决要求;一定要;坚持;坚决主张;坚持说,看看高考怎么考 Frank insisted that (坚持认为)he was not asleep although I had great difficulty in waking him up.(2011四川卷单项填空4) She insisted that I read(坚持要求我读)the definition(定义)of a word in a monolingual dictionary. (2010辽宁卷完形填空) Mother insisted on working(坚持工作) as usual though she was ill.(2010浙江温州中学),Sam insisted that he _ the law and _.(2012浙江省温州中学高三月考) Adidnt break;mustnt be pun


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