2013高考英语提分必备 小题快得分第3周课件9

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1、英语天天练 (九),21Has he any suggestion? Not yet. He thought the plan was so perfect. Agone through Bdealt with Ccome across Dput forward,D 考查动词短语辨析。go through“经历”;deal with “对付;处理”;come across“偶然碰见”;put forward“提出”。句意:“他提出什么建议了吗?”“还没有。他认为这个计划太完美了。”,22The scientists have studied out a new method the agric

2、ultural production could be raised on a large scale. Awhich Bfor which Cby which Dwhose,C 考查定语从句。句中不能用that代替which,因which在这里作介词宾语。句意:科学家研究出一种能使农业大规模增产的新方法。,23Combining exercise with the diet may be most effective way to lose weight. Aa; the Bthe; 不填C不填; 不填 Dthe; the,B 考查冠词。第一空形容词最高级修饰名词,前面定冠词the不能省去;

3、第二空是固定短语,不加冠词。句意:运动与节食结合也许是减肥最有效的途径。,24So clever that Jack felt that he could never live up to her. Ahis wife was Bis his wife Chis wife is Dwas his wife,D 考查时态和倒装。So修饰形容词或副词,放到句首时,常引起部分倒装;又根据后面语境可知发生在过去,故选D。句意:杰克的妻子太聪明了,让杰客觉得自己从来都不如她。,25At the 2012 Cincinnati Open, Li Na defeated several world-famo

4、us players, before the final with the fifth seed Angelique Kerber. Abeing won Bwon Cwinning Dhaving won,C 考查非谓语动词。此处现在分词作状语,表示时间的先后,相当于状语从句before she won the final。句意:在2012年辛辛那提网球赛中,李娜在赢得和世界第五号种子选手安立奎科贝尔的决赛前,击败了好几位世界著名的运动员。,26All students must hand in your exercises right now. We dont have enough ti

5、me to finish them. AIt doesnt make sense. BYou said it. CForget it. DIts up to you.,A 考查交际用语。A项“这是没有道理的”;B项“你说得对”;C项“别提了”;D项“你说了算”。根据语境可知,A项符合。句意:“所有学生必须马上交作业。”“没道理啊。我们都没有足够的时间完成。”,27When she was sent to boarding school, she felt as if her parents her. Ahad rejected Bwere rejecting Crejected Dwould

6、reject,A 考查虚拟语气。as if 引导的从句经常用虚拟语气。主句如果是过去时态,as if从句都是过去完成时态,这说明as if 从句表示的意思与过去的事实不符或者相反。,28Please take a look and see if everything is . OK. I will. Ain charge Bat ease Cin advance Din place,D 考查介词短语辨析。in charge“负责”;at ease“舒适”;in advance“提前”;in place“在恰当的地方”。句意:“请看看是否一切都安排妥当了。”“好的。我会的。”,29The kid

7、s often wear scary clothes to knock on their neighbors doors and shout, “trick or ?” Atreat Bguide Csuspect Ddefeat,A 考查名词辨析。treat“请客;乐事”;guide“指导;向导”;suspect“怀疑”;defeat“打败”。句意:孩子们经常穿恐怖的衣服去敲邻居家的门,并叫道,“是请客还是要我们捣乱? ”,30Helen sat up late watching TV. No wonder she looks so tired. Awhat Bthat Cwhether D

8、when,B 考查名词性从句。no wonder意思是“难怪,怪不得”,后面直接接主语从句,或者用于Its no wonder that.中。句意:“海伦整夜看电视连续剧。”“难怪她看上去这么疲惫。”,31If you eat and drink too much, you are to give yourself stomach trouble. Apossible Bprobable Clikely Dsurely,C 考查形容词辨析。possible和probable一般用于句型It is possible/probable that中,不能用于sb./sth. be possible/

9、probable to do sth.句型;likely可以用于sb./sth. be likely to do sth.句型中;surely是副词,无此用法。句意:如果你暴食暴饮,就可能得胃病。,32The Diaoyu Island, as well as its nearby islands, Chinas inherent(固有的)territory since ancient times. Ahave been Bhas been Care Dwas,B 考查时态。根据后面的时间状语since ancient times,可知谓语要用现在完成时。句意:钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿自古以来就是中

10、国的固有领土。,33The lazy girl is dreaming of marrying a millionaire and wont do any work. Aanyhow Bsomehow Ctherefore Dotherwise,C 考查副词辨析。anyhow“无论如何”;somehow“以某种方式”;therefore“因此”;otherwise“除此之外”。句意:这个懒惰的女孩正梦想着嫁给一个有钱人,从此不再工作。,34If I had seen the new book Steve Jobs:A Biography, I you about it. Ahad told B

11、would have told Cmust have told Dtold,B 考查虚拟语气。从句表示和过去相反的情况,故主句用虚拟语气would have done。句意:我没有看过那部新书乔布斯传,否则我就把内容告诉你了。,35The film Iron Man 3, a film by Marvel, will be released in the summer next year. Aproduced Bto produce Cproducing Dhaving been produced,C 考查非谓语动词。考生容易误选A项,忽视了表示将来的时间状语in the summer nex

12、t year,这里用动词不定式的被动形式表示将来被做。句意:电影钢铁侠3,由神奇公司制作,将在明年暑假发布。,完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Years ago, my dad taught elementary school all day and then went to his second job of teaching adolescents(青少年)in another school. One evening, a student 36 a penny at him. Dad pick

13、ed it up and put it into the 37 . The teens saw that and 38 , and another one another penny. Then 39 . When my father had 12 cents in his pocket, he said, “Guys, I want to 40 you. All I need is 38 more of these and Im going over to the Fairfield and have a draft beer 41 you.” No more penny was flyin

14、g. He could see the 42 in their faces: Man, Im not going to buy the TEACHER a 43 ! As you can see, I come by my coin fascination honestly. But I also learned 44 he would call a “useful life skill”: Sometimes you need to use 45 to solve a problem. Fathers are 46 the ones who earn money and take the 4

15、7 in our culture. Check the Fathers Day greeting 48 section and youll see plenty of references to cash not growing trees and the need to check ones oil regularly. Youll also read a lot about golf, TV remotes and 49 . My dad had zero interest in sports and 50 had the time to watch television. However

16、, he may have 51 the idea of the efficient nap, which he called “ 52 20.” Hed lean back in the armchair, 53 “Wake me in 20 minutes,” and fall instantly to sleep. These brief parts of shut-eye were a(n) 54 of survival. My father was and is the hardest-working man I have ever met, 55 maybe for his own dad


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