1.5 Unit4 Work for Peace 课件(冀教版九年级下册).ppt

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1、New words,Bradshaw 布莱特肖 Peppermint n. 薄荷糖;薄荷 Trouble n. 麻烦;困难 Tradition n.传统,What didnt Mr Bradshaw like on the table ? 来源:学科网ZXXK A Dumplings. B Noodles. C Ducks feet .,C,Whats the main idea of this passage ?,Bruce and his father sometimes had trouble with Chinese customs and culture.,1 Bruce and h

2、is father are at the airport now . ( ) 2Where did they have supper last night ? 3 What did Mr Bradshaw give Li Mings family as a gift ? 4 Its great to meet Bruce face to face . Its polite to try every food on the plate . (英译汉),F,In the restaurant .,A big box of peppermints.,Whats the difference betw

3、een Chinese customs and Western customs?,1 从机场回家 2 愉快的参观 3 面对面 4 给写信 5 在.有麻烦 6 犯错误 7 邀请他们 去饭店吃晚饭 8 向解释 9 在末端 10在中国的优良传统 11 处理、处置,1 come home from the airport 2 have a wonderful visit 3 face to face 4 write to 5 have trouble with 6 make mistakes 7 invite them to the restaurant for supper 8 explain to 9 at the end of 10 in good Chinese tradition 11 do with 来源:学科网ZXXK,Write an-email to me about the dinner.,You are a guest at a dinner but you feel very uncomfortable. Whats wrong? Is it the food or drinks? Is it table manners of the people eating with you?,


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