山东省青岛市2018届中考英语复习 随堂演练 九全 第15课时试题

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山东省青岛市2018届中考英语复习 随堂演练 九全 第15课时试题_第1页
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山东省青岛市2018届中考英语复习 随堂演练 九全 第15课时试题_第2页
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《山东省青岛市2018届中考英语复习 随堂演练 九全 第15课时试题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省青岛市2018届中考英语复习 随堂演练 九全 第15课时试题(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第15课时随堂演练. 单项选择1Do you often clean your room at home? Yes, it everyday. Aclean Bcleans Cis cleaning Dis cleaned2Why did you stay up late last night? Because I had to my work last night. Aadmire Bcomplete Cpunish Dsuggest3Bob is a young man. He always takes an active part in all kinds of activities.

2、Adangerous BpoliteClonely Dlively4The international kite festival in Weifang once a year. Aheld Bholds Cis holding Dis held5Its a pity that only a few hundreds of these animals today. Astay Bkeep Cremain Dprotect6I dont like these oranges because they are too Acrispy Bsweet Csalty Dsour7Your dress l

3、ooks nice. Whats it made ?Silk, and its made Hangzhou. Afrom; in Bof; inCfrom; on Dof; on8The sports meeting will in September. Many students want to be volunteers. Atake part Btake placeCtake action Dtake care9Luckily, the old lady to hospital at once after she fell down to the ground. Asent Bis se

4、nt Cwas sent Dsends10Sorry, but are these your cookies? Oh, sorry. I just took them . Mine are under the newspaper. Aby mistake Bby accidentCby the way Dby hand. 根据句意和所给汉语,完成句子。每词一空。1Wheres the (棉花) blouse I bought you? 2In China, people are used to eating with (筷子)3In many foreign countries, you ca

5、n find many (产品) made in China. 4Qingdao is one of the (生气勃勃的) cities in China. 5Its my (荣幸) to help you. If you have any trouble, I like to help you. 6This kind of shoes are out of (款式) but it still looks beautiful. 7There are many kinds of traditional musical (乐器)8Liu Hulan is one of our nation (英

6、雄)9English is (广泛地) used these days all over the world. 10The (表面) of the desk is very smooth. 11Now people pay more attention to the (安全) of the food. 12Water and air are the most important things in our (日常的) life. 13If you practice speaking English more, you will speak as the (当地的) people. 14You

7、can get more information about this product on our (网站). 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1Shoes with lights are used for (see) in the dark2This kind of computer is (wise) used these days. 3Do you know when the telephone (invent)? 4This bridge (build) two years ago. 5This kind of machine (use) to make shoes for chil

8、dren. 6Jay Zhou has a special (music) gift. 7The soup was too (salt) to drink. 8When playing basketball, the boys (divide) into two groups. 9The international kite festival (hold) in Weifang every year. 10Many traffic accidents (cause) by careless driving. 参考答案 . 15 DBDDC610 DBBCA. 1. cotton2. chopsticks3. products4. liveliest5pleasure6. style7. instruments8. heroes9widely10. surface11. safety12. daily13local14. website. 1. seeing2. wisely3. was invented4. was built5is used6. musical7. salty8. are divided9is held10. are caused


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