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1、河南省郑州市新世纪学校2012届高三英语专题总复习精选强化练习题(九十一).语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)1At the meeting they made a decision which _ me powerless to act.Astopped BleftCbrought Dcaused2This computer doesnt work properly,because a certain virus has _ the operating system.Abroken up Bbroken downCbroken out Dbroken away3Id lik

2、e to book a room for tonight.Sorry,sir,but we dont have any rooms _ at the moment.Aavailable Bunable Csuitable Dcomfortable4He is not a millionaire,but he _ that he were.Ahopes BwishesCbelieves Dpromises5Some people transmit HIV by receiving infected blood transfusions or,_,through birth.Ain Janes c

3、ase Bas in Janes caseCin case of Jane Dwith Janes case6He had to take the medicine three times a day,so as to be _ pain in the leg.Afar from Baway fromCapart from Dfree from7Many new _ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.Aopportunities BnecessitiesCrealities Dpossib

4、ilities8I tried to persuade her _ on the thin ice,but she wouldnt listen to me.Anot skating Bnot to skateCof not skating Dnot skate9What do you think of the film?The story is amusing,but it _ pace.Alacks of Blacks inCis lacked of Dis lacking in10It might be dangerous,but thats the chance you have to

5、 _,sir.Amake Btake Cfetch Dhold11The question will also calm the person,_ him or her know that help is on the way.Ato let BletsCletting Dto have let12_ you run into John,tell him he owes me a letter?AWould BShouldCCould DMight13If we were to get hurt _ to save someone,we would not be able to help.At

6、o try BtryingCto have tried Dhaving tried14Dont touch the hot pan,or else youll get _.Ato burn Bto be burntCburnt Dburning15What about having a look at the beautiful campus of Wuhan University?_.AGo ahead,please BIts not worth seeingCGood idea DMe,too.完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)Someone said that encoura

7、gement is simply reminding a person of the“shoulders”hes standing on.Thats what happened_16_a young man,the son of a(n)_17_baseball player,was chosen by one of the minor league teams.As hard as he tried,his first season was_18_,and by midseason he expected to be released_19_day.The coaches were_20_b

8、y his failure because he possessed all the characteristics of an excellent athlete,but he seemed to have become_21_from his potential.His_22_seemed darkest one day when he had already struck out his first time at bat.Then he stepped up to the batters box again and quickly ran up two strikes.The catc

9、her_23_a timeout(暂停)and ran to the pitchers(投手)for a conference to discuss strategies.While they were busy,the_24_,standing behind him,spoke casually to the boy.Then play_25_,the next pitch was thrown and the young man knocked it out of the park.That was the turning_26_.From then on,he played the ga

10、me with a new confidence and power that quickly_27_the attention of the parent team,and he was called_28_to the majors.On the day he was leaving for the city,one of his coaches asked him what had caused such a turnaround.The young man replied it was the_29_remark the judge had_30_that day when his b

11、aseball career had seemed_31_.“He told me I reminded him of all the times he had stood_32_my dad in the batters box,”the boy explained.“He said I was holding the bat just the way Dad had held it._33_he told me,I can see his genes in you;you have your fathers_34_.After that,whenever I swung the bat,I

12、 just_35_I was using Dads arms instead of my own.”16A.as Bsince Cwhile Dwhen17A.star Baverage Camateur Dold18A.embarrassing BdisappointingCsatisfying Drewarding19A.some Ba Cone Dany20A.amazed Bimpressed Cpuzzled Dashamed21A.disconnected BdifferentCinconsistent Ddivided22A.hope Bfuture Cdream Dambiti

13、on23A.called Bnamed Cacquired Ddeveloped24A.catcher Bcoach Cbatter Djudge25A.began Blasted Crestarted Dmoved26A.part Bpoint Cplace Dspot27A.drew Bfixed Cfocused Dtook28A.in Bfor Cup Dout29A.encouraging BcasualCdemanding Dwise30A.said Bmade Cgiven Dpointed31A.hopeless Buseless Cendless Dhelpless32A.on the right Bon the leftCbefore Dbehind33A.And BSo CThus DTherefore34A.strength Barms Cbody Dtalent35A.supposed Bpretended Cimagined Dexpected.阅读表达It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstanding between


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